
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 45. The Banquet

We passed through a few corridors, arriving at a large stained glass window, in this designed the early days of the city of Caer yr, right in the middle a double door gave access to an inner courtyard, this magnificently built, strange flowers, white and blue tones, adorning the landscape, giving it a beauty and intoxicating aroma.

 In the courtyard, dozens of servants could be observed, moving tables, chairs, preparing decorations and some food.

 The lights were formed by iridescent stones, giving it a unique glow, it was a truly enchanting place, taken from the purest fantasies.

 Following Gwen closely, I could see a sirenoid giving orders to the others.

 - Lord Hel, let me introduce you to Lidia, she is the head maid - The maid looked me up and down.

 She was a truly beautiful sirenoid, you could see how sailors would fall prey to the beauty of this race in tales and legends.

 - Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you, allow me to apologize for my stupid husband's attitude and assure you that I won't bother him anymore - Her voice intoned a strong security, she seemed serious, for sure even meticulous, you could understand how she got to such an important role as the head of the royal maidservants.

 - Lord Hel, in case you didn't know, she apologizes for Leva, Lidia and he are married - My mind short-circuited for a few seconds and this was one of those moments when I was grateful to have a mask.

 How the hell did Leva end up with a woman like that?

 When I was able to regain my consciousness and secretly curse the impulsive general, I nodded.

 - Relax Miss Lidia, there is no enmity between me and your husband - She also nodded, giving a slight bow to Gwen, she left us to continue directing the servants.

 She seemed like an industrious woman.

 We followed a central path that opened giving to a wall of the castle, there a square of good dimensions, this is where the tables and chairs were placed, this area was wrapped by flowers, the perfume was really intoxicating in this place, at the end closest to the wall there was a large table, on it a wooden throne, it was obvious that it was the most privileged table, the queen's table.

 Gwen did not hesitate and walked towards it, she sat on her throne and offered me to sit on her left, the right was the guest's place, a very important position in etiquette.

 The left also, here would have to sit the closest to the king, although in this case I was sitting.

 From this position we could observe all the hustle and bustle, some servants soon served us some fruit and a soft alcohol, similar to wine, but much softer and with a sweet touch.

 Some people began to approach the throne and bowed, they were of different races, I could distinguish Olivia's race, also a couple of sirenoids, as a couple of humans, the diversity of this city was really amazing.

 After a while I could see some servants carrying instruments and taking them to a corner and then I understood, they were the musicians.

 While we waited for the preparations to be completed, we had a small private concert, as a preamble to what we would hear at dinner.

 The voice and harp of the sirenoids were magical, the young girl resembling Olivia, used a strange wind instrument, similar to a traversed flute but with a strange design and several outlets for the wind, finally, the humans, one played a kind of drum, while the other a very rustic violin, but with an excellent result when listening to it.

 It seemed that their nation focused on art and skill, though one need never trust humans as their requirements to become one were by no means a pure path.

 Again a couple of hours passed and the preparations were ready, it was time for the guests to arrive and they were not made to delay.

 Little by little the tables began to fill, first they would come and give a very formal greeting to the queen, while their eyes ended on me, there was fear, doubt and surprise, all kinds of looks and expressions.

 At the entrance to the square, a servant called out the names of the guests and their position, many of them arrived with their partners or lovers, really what you would expect from a high-born banquet.

 Soon after Olivia arrived, she greeted the music and after the greeting to the queen she sat at our table, in one of the corners, next was the crab man, who surprisingly was next to what I would swear was his partner, they sat next to Olivia, after that the last general also sat with his wife next to him, it seemed that the left side was represented by the military. Everyone present wore a certain style of dress clothes, but without being too showy.

 Little by little, more men and women sat at our table, most of them on the right, they were the ones in charge of running the commerce, public administration and equals.

 None of them caught my attention, although most of their looks showed fear towards me, unlike the military, either the generals or their sub-generals and command staff, who used to look at me with surprise and some with a certain pride, as if my presence filled them with security.


 The banquet was starting peacefully, but it didn't last long, Marcus' bird men entered skipping the queue of guests and he slipped in ahead of everyone, he wore his pompous clothes and his livid look, I could feel my blood heating up, luckily I found some kind of butterfly on the floor, I stepped on it until it shattered, although it was fast and subtle, I could not quite control the force, giving a resounding blow, lucky that the music was playing and only Gwen, along with the military track noticed my action, when my foot released the ground, only a few crumbs of the butterfly was intact and the floor slab was broken.

 The tension had risen with the presence of Marcus and they could tell my dislike for this person.

 The generals looked at me, as did their subordinates and their partners, many had a touch of fear, but most wished I would do something, their contempt for this ally was palpable.

 Gwen, subtly grabbed my arm, it was clear she did not want me to put on a show, GOD, how I wish for an opportunity, just one, to rip his wings off.