
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 20. Thoughts of a Woman in Love

Our body began to transform and we decided our shapes and sizes, in my case I should have been the biggest and strongest of all, but that sure doesn't please master Hel, hehe, now I know his name, rather the voice of the gods told us when we were transported.

 Going back with my body, I did some cheating or rather a smart move, instead of dwarfing my body, I compacted both bones and muscles, being smaller and sweeter, but being even stronger.... I don't understand why these retards don't try to make changes, only a couple of them changed something, one enlarged his mouth even more and the other became even taller, these people are really weird.

 Back to the important topic, my beloved came back to us and obviously it was time for my first move, that would be to mark my territory, so I threw myself into his arms and feigned the greatest of sadness, of course I was really sad, but I had to pretend to be desperate, for sure he will love this....

 After hugging him, I felt his warmth and I just had the impulse to pull him down, but there were too many people in front of him, besides it's not the time to scare him yet.

 With that, he apologized to us, calling himself selfish and that he had not sacrificed himself for us, but for his own benefit. What he did not know is that with those words, the chains imposed by the gods, the ones that appeared when he won [Loyalty] were broken, what kind of selfish person admits to being selfish, none and with his apology he entered our hearts and with that we became completely free, we had decided to be loyal to him and to take care of him.

 He looked so cute, behaving like an adult, strong and dignified, if we didn't know everything we know he would even look like one, that made us want to protect him even more.

 For this gift of the gods to the immortals, to be able to live here, was not born for eternal war, that's just an entertainment, an extra, the real purpose is to take care of them, so that in this life they do not suffer the same pain as in the previous one, that the terror of death fades and to be able to constantly surpass themselves.

 After this tender moment, something strange appeared.

 Black chains breaking the space, we all gathered around our master, in case something tried to attack us and from that place a strange creature came out, I have to admit it was a cute little thing or so I thought before Hel jumped towards it and started to play, spinning it around and caressing it.

 Jealousy was eating me up and the worst part was that the dirty thing was having fun.

 The death blow to my feminine charm was when he named her without thinking about it.

 Seriously, you give that thing a damn name as soon as you meet it and me, you haven't even addressed me as you.

 So as not to seem jealous, I went back to using the sweet and sad girl technique, telling her that we'd like to be named too.

 The others also seemed to have the same idea as me and with that he agreed, he also decided to give us each an individuality, that was even further from my wild thoughts, with it meant that he wanted me by his side forever, meaning marriage.

 Obviously I could not refuse to be his wife. But in that instant, when my happiness calmed down I noticed something else, something in me was missing, something I had when I was a dolphin and now it was gone, something that would have to remain.

 It was then that I realized the curse of the abyss, the curse of fertility, the ability to have children had been taken away from us. I don't know how others feel, but not being able to have children is something painful for most, I noticed that some others had also noticed it and that Hel seemed to have a regretful face from before, maybe this is the reason.

 To me personally it hurts, I mean, if I have his children he will be tied to me, but on the contrary, what if he is a daddy, if after having children he no longer pays attention to me because of those little beasts.

 NO, no, no, no, no. For now it's ok not to have them, I will only have them if I ever see that I lose him or that some leech manages to take him away from me.

 Well, with everything thought out and planned, I get first in line, obviously the wife goes first.

 With that I receive my individuality, which, of course, is perfect in every way and a beautiful name, Lilith, the first woman according to him, obviously, I am his first and ONLY woman, I will personally take care of that.

 With a bright smile I look at him and stand behind him.

 My individuality is called [Guardian Companion], in other words, his wife.

 It allows the possessor, to locate his partner at all times, to notice his heartbeat, no matter the distances and gives me great stat bonuses whenever I'm by his side, plus if I get him to fall in love with me, I can evolve it.

 It was the best individuality of all, that's for sure.

 With her I can even know if he is lying, if he is afraid or better, if he has wild desires, in those moments I will be me, maybe playing hard to get and then WHAM, I will tie him anywhere and force him not to forget me, after that there will be no problem where or how, I will be the good wife that will take care of him.

 At that moment the drool began to fall from my mouth, the good thing is that we were under water and no one noticed.

 After that, time passed, there was a little incident with Baltasar, the pity is that Hel allowed it, otherwise I would have broken his left arm, with which he likes to gesticulate so much.

 And more time passed after that, but then, the very stupid one came to interrupt our time alone, if that was not enough he asked him to risk his life, risk yours you piece of shit, how the hell you dare to say such bullshit, the anger exploded in me and I could not contain myself, in a breath I had broken his left arm and smashed his head against the crack entrance, obviously everyone found out what happened and gave me the reason.

 But Hel instead accepted it, swallowed the damn glass and after that his heart began to race, first with astonishment, then with joy and then terror.

 When I was about to tell him something to alleviate his fear, his heartbeat changed again, it was a sonata to courage and determination, at that moment he looked at us and ordered us not to follow him under any circumstances.

 That fool was trying to do something crazy alone, but before I could jump, Gal grabbed me by one arm and Velona by the other.

 Those subnormals, I began to struggle like crazy, but in the end I couldn't do anything.

 I gave up for a long time, but then I noticed it, their heart was beating faster than ever, that was not fear or terror, it was the feeling of meeting death, desperation grabbed me by the chest and I did all the strength I could to get away from them, at that moment, a dozen of thunderous roars came from the bottom of the dark abyss, we were terrified, but his heart was still beating, he was alive, my struggles continued, but Pele stood in front of me and I knew that with the three I could not, I managed to get them to let me go, I knew I could not go, that surely I would not be of help.

 As long as his heart beats, everything will be fine...

 With a deafening scream, I threw myself back down, they grabbed me, they all grabbed me. When I noticed Balthazar's hand I turned and lunged for him, I wanted to kill him, slit his throat and skin him and that would not pay the price for what I had done, but I was stopped, between sobs and gasps of rage, I told everyone what I had just felt.

 His heart had stopped beating.

Thank you and see you next chapter.

Verithcreators' thoughts