
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 13. The store difference

 We swam in a hurry, all attentive to our safe zone ability, little by little we were approaching the land, although I must say that Charon has a great ability to find a continent or island so fast, even I could not see anything that water in the direction I point, but someone with the desire to guide us I do not think he will fail.

 Amidst our hesitation, Saun went ahead and dived.

 After about ten minutes he returned to the surface.

 - Master, the rock in the depths is rising systematically, I have also located some monster class beasts around the area - Saun, gave his report leaving nothing to the air, even having gone out those ten minutes he was able to get quite far.

 This due to two reasons, his desire to kill gave him more agility than the rest, the other point is our tentacles, when we want to go fast, instinctively, we join them together and they end up taking the shape of a huge fish tail, perhaps more similar to the tail of moray eels, giving us a great momentum when moving in the water.

 We move away from the areas with monster class beasts, at this moment a single one could kill us all, besides Demora is only a hatchling and I don't think he can face a creature of equal power, this would be his first battle and without any experience he will make mistakes, mistakes that cannot be allowed in a fight to life or death, this together with the fact that we don't have the strength to interfere.

 Under the guidance of Charon and the continuous reports of Saun, gradually, we advanced and after two hours our eyes were enlightened.

 We saw the coast, very far away, but what enchanted us was what resided under the waters, a huge expanse of coral of multiple colors, and among them small chasms that seemed to have no bottom, another point is that it was night and even without the improvement of night vision, you could see, the whole floor was covered with small plants like moss, which glowed, apart from both coral and flowers and the absurd amount of fish, all had luminescence, it was really beautiful.

 At the sight of the enormous amount of fish, Demora's stomach growled, along with that of everyone present. 

some laughed out loud, like Gal and Velona, others blushed, this is something that only people of our species can perceive, for others, perhaps only the tone of the scales has darkened a little, among them was Lilith, Gea, Lint and to my surprise Pelé, the rest of us simply kept quiet.

 Thanks to the huge amount of fish, we were able to eat without too much effort, looking for ways to enclose them in holes in the rocks, where they could not get out and catching them afterwards, our way of hunting was really clumsy, even so we got results, on the other hand Demora? We could say that his way was the wildest and most abusive existing and the most efficient. 

 It went into a chasm, hiding in it, then it opened its mouth completely, sealing the whole hole where its body entered with a certain margin with the walls and actively devouring seas.

 The result was terrifying, a whirlpool began to form and soon, even we had to be careful not to fall into the absorbing current, the poor fish nearby didn't stand a chance, they could be seen being engulfed with vast amounts of water.

 After a couple of minutes swallowing everything around him, not sticking to the rocks, Demora came out of the chasm, without any change in his body, something strange because I was sure he had drunk enough water to make his body explode about 20 times, with a satisfied smile he spat all the water in a random direction, shattering the coral where the water jet passed through, obviously its power would be dozens of times stronger if he threw it on the surface, but that was fine with us.

 When we had all eaten we gathered again, with me opening the conversation.

 - Well, now that we are satiated we have to find a place to spend the night and where to form a rural village, I still have to summon the life stone -. 

 This issue was the most pressing, the life stone was the core of the factions, an object that had the ability to revive the population, yes, they would lose their knowledge and personality, unless they were those who were granted an individuality, hence how important it was to give them as soon as possible.

 Unlike other factions, I had no problem with individualities. The normal thing would be not to give them unless someone in your population has the highest quality, and the best skills, We do not have enough population to spend the individualities, so I could not care less about giving them to everyone, plus this would allow me to be able to count on them at all times, even after their death.

 That doesn't take away from the fact that you need resources to bring them back, astronomical amounts of food , lots of valuable goods, something much easier to obtain for players who have access to the in-game store.

 The store was the same as in any pay to win game, with revives, some basic resources, and above all, population.

 After a war, the lack of soldiers is obvious, but not only covered this function, imagine a reincarnated, he would have his population and some of them end up excelling in the forge, ending up becoming a blacksmith and begin his study of metals, weapons and armor, learning from scratch and taking advantage of his talent to give those lifeless materials a new useful form.

 That whole process only takes a player a single gesture, they can go to the store and buy a unit of population with the characteristics of a blacksmith, with a knack for the craft.

 The difference is huge, that yes, also the quality, the purchased is almost a dozen times worse than those who strove from scratch, the quality of their casting materials and the use of this are much worse, it was the way LAZ had to keep the balance between players and reincarnated, to what benefits it refers.

 Another advantage of the player in this case, is when that smith dies, either by the lifespan of your faction or by other means, the reincarnated would have to go back to nurture another smith, if the latter has no capable apprentice, but the player would just have to go to the store and that's it.

 This happened in most of the trades, although another regulation that LAZ had was the cost of these units, being worth tens of thousands of dollars, but for the big companies that was not even pocket change and with what moves in LAZ, it was not even worth a second look.

 That being the case, the reincarnated had the best workers, while the players had the ability to replace theirs immediately or have them from the very moments of starting, among other advantages of the store, such as mutations, being terribly expensive.

 Those sharks that attacked us in the nursery had these effects, whether it was the poison or the barbs, they all had absurd prices, reaching into the millions and there they were, being the kings of the nursery because of it.

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