
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Chapter 11. New pet

 Only after several minutes I was able to control my emotions, they patiently waited for the order to stand up and only when I asked them to stop kneeling.

 [The lottery for your bounty will now begin. You are advised that only beasts with the ability to be by your side at this time have been selected, all beings solely terrestrial or flying have been drawn from the lottery]


 [Congratulations you have obtained a Citus Titan hatchling, beast coming from the sixth stratum].

 [The hatchlings are not bound to abyss hatred and are governed by your faction's loyalty to you and your treatment of them thereafter]]

 [Citus Titan start out as monster class creatures, becoming legendary class in adulthood]

 [Citus Titan]

 Citus is the name given by the Greeks to the sea beasts, being the explicit meaning of "great fish", a Citus Titan is the result of a lesser Titan mating with a Citus, the result is a humanoid beast of immense size, with the ability to live in the seas, oceans or land, there are many varieties of Citus Titan, all depending on their parents.

 From those with tentacles, to varieties with several arms and mouths, there are also those with the ability to fly or with magical properties, although they are usually beings based on the purest brutality from their colossal strength and immense body.

 Only when all notifications ceased and after reading the biography, a series of black chains tore the space in front of all of us.

 The chains had an overwhelming oppressive feeling, I could see how my minions quickly stepped in front of me in an attempt to protect me, but in the end we ended up slowly backing away.

 The temperature of the water began to drop and the color of it slowly turned to black, with it the chains began to glow with blue patterns.

 After a few seconds the chains were swallowed by space and in the area where I was only a "small" creature was floating, its "small" size was equivalent to half of my body, maybe even a little more than half, a humanoid body, with claws at the end of its fingers and somewhat muscular in general, a huge head, with three pairs of eyes, two small and the most central ones being huge, on its back a slight spine ending in three tails, next to its head two small tentacles with a lizard head on their extremities, rested on its neck.

 At the sight of it something inside me broke and without giving my comrades time to react I threw myself at the beast, before it could move I had already lifted it on my shoulders and began to spin it.

 I couldn't resist, it was the puppy effect, she was so cute with those big eyes and her big head....

 She seemed to like it and started to raise her arms to the sky while making low growls, she was having fun and I must admit I was having fun too.

 Both here in LAZ and in real life I could not contain myself to puppies of any species.

Seeing me having fun with the beast and her not doing anything to me made everyone relax.

 At that point I let go of her and she started circling around me, terribly adorable.

 Although its adorableness lasted until it opened its mouth... its mouth not only spanned from side to side of its head, it opened up to the middle of its trunk, the sides, where the neck would be, were actually compressed and could be unfolded to make the mouth even bigger, in other words the "little" critter became a huge mouth with arms and legs, plus it was not at all toothless, there were enough teeth, big and small, to fill several dozen human mouths.

 Instantly a notification appeared in my vision.

 [You have obtained a Cito Titan hatchling, with the conversion of a lesser Titan and a Citus Charybdis.]

 Name: ?????  Race: Citus Titan (Charybdis)

HP: 1000 MP: EXP.Faction: 0/1000

Physi/attack: 120 Physi/defense: 180 Magi/attack: 0 Magi/defense: 100 

 Agi: 40  Vit: 300 Sab: Int: 20

Active skills: 

[Devouring seas] / [Spitting seas].

Passive skills:

[Abyssal diving] / [Water/air respiratory system] / [Dread zone] / [Loyalty] / [Amphibious] / [Titanic Vitality] / [Titanic Gigantism] / [Omnivore].

 When I saw its data I couldn't help blinking a couple of times, its stats were monstrous, for a newborn, its passives quite explicit, amphibious for someone who can stay both on land and at sea, vitality is the statistic relevant to passive HP regeneration and resistance to poisons and curses, plus the altered states derived to the body: instability, weakness, dizziness, burns... etc.

 The gigantism is obvious and the terror zone, well I would be terrified if I met this bug in its adult stage.

 The experience drop for omnivore will be terrible and finally two active skills.


[Devour Seas].

 As a descendant of a Citus Charybdis it gets its most symbolic racial abilities. Devour Seas does just that, he opens his mouth to its fullest extent and begins to absorb the water, swallowing more than 10 times his body volume, this causes an atrocious whirlpool that leaves no vessel without engulfing.

Being a racial ability, it does not consume mana.

 [Spitting Seas].

 As a descendant of a Citus Charybdis he gains his most symbolic racial abilities. Spit Seas does just that, it spits out all the water swallowed by Devour Seas, with a higher pressure, resulting in a very compressed tsunami-like water jet (I mean the area of effect), it is a sequential ability, only executable when Devour Seas has been used before.

 Being a racial ability it does not consume mana.

 At that moment it came to me where I had heard before of Charybdis, she belongs to Greek mythology, she was said to be a nymph cursed by Zeus and forced to engulf the seas and spit them out three times a day.

 She is also known from the Odyssey, when Odysseus decided to go through the Strait of Messina and chose to go closer to Scylla for fear of Charybdis.

Would you like to see how the characters become real? Follow me on instagram and tiktok (Verith11)

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