
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

Capitulo 12: Individualidades

h its big mouth, I couldn't help but be fond of the little creature that was circling around me.

 At that moment my companions couldn't help but ask about the creature and the black chains. To which I responded simply by saying that they were a reward from the gods.

 They seemed to hesitate, but it was enough to satisfy their curiosity.

 - Well little boy or girl, since you don't have a name I'll give you one, what do you think? - The hatchling seemed to understand and began to make more happy grunts and swim even faster around me.

 - OK, OK, let me think for a moment.... I know, from now on I'm going to call you Demora - The name had no second meaning, nor was it the name of a super powerful being, or anything, I just liked it and Demora seemed to like it too, he started using his tails and lizard head tentacles, to tickle me, something he succeeded in doing.

 After laughing and playing a few minutes with my new pet I could see a desolate scene, ten bowed heads, with their three tails tangling and untangling, they were even playing with their thumbs and shaking.... Noticing their nervousness I could only ask.

 - Guys, what's wrong with you? - At that moment, the one who had hugged me, who looked as if she was crying, answered.

 - My lord is cruel to us, we have been with you for more than two days and you haven't named us yet, while that creature has been with us for a few minutes and you made it so happy and easy for him - There were touches of sadness, jealousy and something darker in the depths of her voice.

 Taking away that those dark touches gave me more fear than the chains of the abyss, she was right, in all this time I had always addressed them, as companions, subordinates or minions, besides I didn't talk to them almost nothing, I only focused on rushing faction level like a soulless.

 Hearing her speak for them, the other nine raised their heads with a pleading look on their faces, even Demora was mimicking them by making a pitiful face beside them. Because of that combo I couldn't help but sigh and nod.

 - Okay, stop making those puppy faces and get in line, this way we will bring out your individuality - They nodded and formed a line, for some reason Demora was at the head of it, pushing the abyssal number 1, the one who is always at the head of everything, I have to give them the names now.

 After a caress on the head, Demora returned to the end of the queue, as if this queue only served to give cuddles to those present.

 - Well, now let me remind you what your individuality is. Individuality is that which will break the mold of the faction, in this way each one can be himself, without being a copy of another, this quality is only present if it is done in front of your master, something that we have it easy since we will be us eleven forever or as long as the curse of the abyss lasts. Now think about your most personal desire, what you wish to do, a virtue that represents you or a goal to reach.

 This decision is the most important that you will make in this life and there can only be one choice for each of you, in the same way you cannot repeat the decision of another. Only after your answer I will give you a name. Any doubt? -

 - None sir - They all nodded at the same time, again Demora rejoined them grunting loudly. He seemed not to want to be left out of any fun. Although I again admit that when he grunted at the wrong time I could feel my blood sugar spike a little.

 - Well, everyone has their turn, only when this one is over the next ones will have their moment to speak - Not strange at all, abyssal number 1 was first in line, she had rebounded after being pushed aside by Demora earlier.

 - Well tell me, what is your individuality - She looked me in the eyes and I could see the glow of flames in her eyes, I didn't know how important and dangerous this question was and the terror in that glow, until later.

 - It is clear to me my lord, my desire is always to accompany you on each of your journeys, to be by your side to help and support you, always - The answer surprised me, I could already see that she was somewhat more attached to me, maybe too attached, but her answer had a too sweet effect, maybe even cloying. I would have to see what happens later and maybe set some marks for her.

 [Individuality Unlocked: Guardian Partner.]

 I couldn't see the skill or abilities that granted her individuality, just that gleam in her eye again and maybe some blushing.

 - Well as I said, I will give you a name, the name of the first woman, Lilith - She nodded and without wasting time she stood next to me, a little behind me, at that moment a feeling of security appeared in my unconscious, like when someone arrives home after a long journey.

 Next was the abyssal who spoke like a general.

 - My wish, sir, is to be able to fulfill my oath about anything - I nodded with admiration towards this "man".

 [Individuality has been unlocked: Sworn].

Contrary to Lilith, once the individuality was unlocked, an immediate effect appeared, an inverted sword where the handguard was a scale formed of pure white light formed on his left arm and as soon as it appeared, it disappeared, leaving a white tattoo on the abyssal's skin.

 - In that case your name will be Gal, so you can give me a new life when all is lost. 

 (Author's note: Here I will leave you one of the few references that will be in the story, let's see if you can guess it).

 He knelt on the ground and along with Lilith went to my side.

 Next was a slender abyssal and somewhat taller than me, but not much, his desire was to know the world and unlock, Eyes of the World. His name, Lint.

 The next was a huge woman, only slightly shorter than Gal, but twice as thick, she seemed to have been born with three times the normal muscles. Her desire was to tear my enemies apart and she gained Fury Unleashed, changing some of her patterns into red and making her even bigger. His name was Pelé.

 The next four were Gea, Velona, Saun and Caronte. Their decisions were: Take care of everyone, Power, Survive and Guide us.

 As a result they got: Healing Aura, Berserk, Shadow Mantle and Star Reader.

 Both Velona and Suan got physical changes.

 In Velona, her skin underwent a slight change, giving some keratin spikes, like small horns, all over her back, the outer area of her arms and tentacles.

 In Saun's case, his color darkened and he no longer made noise when he moved, something that gave me a certain level of bad feeling.

 At this point there were only two left to name, a man and a woman.

 The man was slightly shorter than me and the woman, was slightly taller.

 The man's decision led me to joy, his desire was to know all about magic, giving him as a reward, gift to knowledge. Something very important, as long as it is fully explicit to what he says. His name was Balthazar, for obvious reasons.

 In her case, it was also a surprise, her decision was revenge, unlocking the individuality: Great weaver. Her name, Irina.

 With all the names on, it was back to Demora's moment, so I couldn't help but give her a petting again.

 With all the names on and their individualities, we started toward the surface.

 When the moons shone around us it was a stimulus, the water below was so monotonous, the lights of the stars and the glow of the moons against the dark sky gave a new world of color for us.

 With some care we began to check the surroundings until Caronte, warned us.

 He had found land and if we reached the coast, our chances of encountering giant beings would be reduced, the best place to start our journey.


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