
Lazaro's smile

LAZ or Lazaro's Smile was born as a surreal project in order to grant a dying wish. The first fully embedded game, an RTS or Real Time Strategy game, where one could literally command his troops through a magnificent world. But with certain features: First, you start by selecting an animal. Second: every decision or act can transform your entire faction. And third but most important, there are two types of players, players and reincarnated players. Since Lazaro was created so that when you are about to die you can decide whether to send all your knowledge, memories and personality in a new virtual body, being part of the immortal war.

Verith · Fantasy
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65 Chs

61. Monsters vs. monsters

 From behind I could see the situation slightly better and it was worse than I expected.


Although we were holding our own, on certain flanks there were almost no allied troops, only seas of corpses on the ground, while in the sky we were at a total disadvantage, Marcus' subordinates almost completely dominated Olivia's units, the fight there was frantic.

 There was no real order, there were only two groups, chased and pursuers. Sadly, we were in first place.

 The winds of battle were completely unfavorable and I don't know how to make it decline in our favor, if only I could have fought better or prevented Marcus' treachery....

 While I was consuming my head with thoughts of helplessness and fantasy dreams where I could solve everything by myself, a hand held my shoulder, that hand was light and wet, when I turned I saw Luneth, completely sweaty and panting, it seemed that I could not take another step, but even so, she came to realize my abnormal state and could comfort me ...

 Truly a friend like no other.

 -Luneth, how are your priestesses doing? - I used the question to keep the nonsense out of my mind and put on my best expression, I have to be strong to overcome this huge obstacle.

 She gave a slight smile and shook her head - I have given them some time off, they have all given everything they have, they can't take it anymore - I nodded, it was normal in battle to end up exhausted, but right now, because of that and the low numbers, the sky is losing, only they can shoot with the certainty of not harming the allies.

 I could only deny and prepare to return to the battle, before long they will reach our back line and there will be nothing left but a fight to the death.

 Hel's point of view

 The pain of the soul is truly terrifying, I feel as if my whole being is in boiling oil, but I couldn't bear to stand here still.

 -Gea, lift me up - With my trembling voice I ordered Gaea, but I could see her look away.

 -That's an order! - I shouted with my slight strength and she could no longer avert her eyes, then Lilith stepped forward.

 -Sir, you have to stay still, you have done enough, you don't have to force yourself to more, don't force her to cause you pain -I sighed and noticed Gea trembling, it was only for a second but, I knew she didn't want to disobey me and as Lilith had said, neither to generate me pain, she knows I need to rest, leaving her in a terrible predicament.

 Seeing that none of them would listen to me, I started to make an effort to do it myself, but when I tried to get up, my arms or legs gave way, there was always someone who did not let me fall, first it was Gea, then Gal and finally Pele, she held me and looked at the others.

 - I will be your crutch - I looked at her and nodded. I could notice the tension in the group and how Lilith began to ooze anger, it was directed to Pele.

 -He needs to rest, he should leave and get out of this battlefield, don't help him kill himself! - Lilith was losing her temper.

 -You claim to be his companion, but you still don't understand or support him, his desire is the battle, to protect that miserable city, do you think that if we leave him far away he won't come on his own feet? - At that moment silence formed, though I could almost see Lilith jumping for it.

 -I will be by your side Sir, in this battle and you can kill at your leisure, I will take care of keeping him on his feet - Pelé put his fist to his chest and swore.

 I nodded and looked at the others.

 -The decision is mine and this will be the result, now let's march, there is not much time left for Gwen's army to be annihilated - None of them nodded, most of them had their fists clenched or disguised.

 Pele began to lead me slowly, step by step to where Gwen was, from her wounds I could tell she went into battle, a girl of character. Next to her was Luneth, she looked extremely exhausted, drained on her end, but still, she remained standing next to her friend.

 When we started walking, we did not last long unnoticed, all those who were not fighting gave us at least a glance. Next, Gwen and Luneth arrived in front of me.


 Stay on your feet, little empress, for as I said at the time, we will not lose this battle - With difficulty I raised my left hand to the height of my chest and a gray wave was launched from it.

 -Seconds later several holes of mist formed in front of me, little by little dozens of raptors came out and threw themselves into the battle, followed by the huge reptilian devourers and finally the crows.

 Seeing this scene, both allies and enemies were saturated for a moment, the portals contained the aura of the abyss, so their presence was instantly noticed, followed by the beasts that did not disguise at all, either by their number or their size or perhaps by the fact that as soon as they came out they began to roar, just like a prisoner leaving his cell for the first time.

 These beasts were not the most powerful, but instinctively they were able to fight in groups, having a good synchronization.

 The crows were the most important of the 3, their speed and methods of murder so sordid, were a spear that pierced the flesh and morale of the air units, within seconds the battle in the sky was tilted in our favor.

 Finally, the reptilian devourers were hurtling against the enemy lines as if they were battering rams, their mouths and tongues never stopped, being a meat grinder.

 I looked at Gwen and said - It's time for monsters to fight monsters - Then I raised my voice and shouted with the little strength I had left.

 -Go and hunt them at your leisure - Like a trigger, almost a dozen bloody auras awoke from their 

My companions rushed to the front line like arrows, all except for 3, Pele who held me, Gea, who stayed by my side and Gal, who looked at the monkey slaves and then looked at me, knelt down and said: "I have a proposition to make to you.

 -I have a proposition to make to you, my lord".

Thank you and see you next chapter.

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