

It was a calm night. A night so calm that the boy could hear his heart pumping and the blood rushing into his ears.

The Abyss, the most beautiful mansions he had ever seen in his life stood tall before him. Made of solid black marble yet shining like a sapphire, it had an aura of its own. 

He stood in front of the mansion and took deep breaths. It had taken a lot for him to come to this decision. After he calmed down, he walked down that familiar path that he first came to know when he was 12. It has been 6 years since then. 6 years since he lost his family. 6 years since he found a new family; a family he was now going to abandon.


In the middle of the mansion was a study, in front of which the boy came to a halt. He knocked twice and entered. 

While the mansion was as bright as the sun, this study was as dark as the night. 

The man was sitting in his usual chair with a cigar in his hand and a book on hand sleights open in front of him.

"Do you have something to say, Void, my boy? "

Those words and that tone were reserved only for him. No one ever heard the Master speak that way. 

The boy then spoke, loud and clear, the words that were in his mind for a week, the words that would change his identity.

He said, "I quit, Master".

The Master, the most respected member of the Abyss, a man of his principles, a man who was an idol to every member of the Abyss and the man who took him in 6 years ago. 

He took a deep breath and exhaled a puff of smoke. 

A few hours later, the boy came out of the mansion with a backpack and a sword. As he walked down the road, the Master looked at him go from his window, and sighed.

For it was something that the Master had anticipated but never knew that it would happen so soon.

It was the day, the world's most feared assassin walked out of his organization.