
Laws of Nature and their Representatives: Representative of Time

The main character dies and makes an angel question his life, then disappears in the line of time. Warning: Don't get too attached to the main character's abilities. The character will not only get stronger as the story progresses. Sorry for possible typos

Desperat · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Instinctively, I could tell the difference between where I was just now and where I was now. I had a map in my mind. It felt good to realize that, but it was totally unnecessary considering it was just back and forth.

Since there was no danger of getting lost, I kept going forward. The speed I was going at the moment made no sense because I knew that the speed was completely under my control.

I was on the timeline right now so the concept of time was meaningless to me but moving too fast was definitely a mistake. I've experienced this the hard way.

The faster I moved, the faster I was disappearing, wasting half of the rest of my time this way. My only consolation was that I could return to a time I had been before without paying.

I had only 1/3 of what I had in the beginning, and I still couldn't find a way to save time.

I couldn't think of anything to do. It was to enter the timeline. I initially avoided trying it for fear of dying, but I had no choice.

Although it was scary, I entered the timeline. I felt a little dizzy, and then I began to perceive my surroundings.

The good news is I was seriously able to come back to life and be able to perceive my surroundings. The bad news was that it had weakened me and I was just a bacterium.

I couldn't control the bacterium, and that made perfect sense because a bacterium doesn't have a nervous system anyway. It would be weird if you could control it.

On the bright side, the bacteria is helping me regain my energy and I can still feel the timeline. Part of me is still on the timeline but I'm still losing energy and the energy my bacterial form brings is definitely insufficient. I keep losing gradually, and looking at the timeline increases it dramatically.

As a bacteria, I can't do anything anyway, all I can do is fall asleep hoping to lose less energy. I practically can't sleep right now, but I thought it might help to shift my consciousness to a later time period. I had some control over time because of the timeline, but with the current energy, I could just try to send my consciousness back in time.

Going back in time or controlling an object in time would be suicide.

That's why I pushed myself forward. Frighteningly, when I woke up, I had only a billionth of the energy left.

At least the bacteria split while I was sleeping, and I now have exactly 1542 bacteria instead of one. Bacteria are a rapidly multiplying life form.

Now I was gaining some energy, and I wouldn't die unless the bacteria died.

At this time my consciousness was weak, I assumed it was not because I was a bacteria but because I had very little energy.

On the bright side, time felt like time had sped up, because bacteria were dividing much faster than they normally would. After all, I was actually thinking very slowly, so it was normal for me to feel this way.

Every time the bacteria split, I felt a little relieved, as if I was carrying a stone-filled bell on his shoulder, and these cute bacteria were helping me and trying to carry the stones with their tiny bodies to my place.

They feel so good that I want to hug them, but I can't do that.' I will never leave you, even if people try to destroy you, I will protect you. Trust me, you real bacteria!' I wanted to shout but I couldn't.

Frankly, the bacteria didn't seem to care. They were continuing their own life cycles.

The bacteria were far apart, with numerous clusters clustered at an estimated distance of one meter from each other. It may not be appropriate to call it a cluster, but the bacteria were in groups of several, but there were separate ones from the group.

I guessed it was due to the weather conditions, but with my current energy I can't check that it's true.

For years I watched bacteria divide.