
Lawken D. Will

Lawken D. Will is just a normal person, one day a strange thing happened he was just drinking milk and then..... Follow Lawken to the world of One Piece and find out who he is in the One piece world... Please Enjoy my Fanfic:)

Now_You_S33_Me · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Growth Problem.[Edited]

The Sun slowly came up, and a Guy slowly opened his eyes, sunrays hitting his eyelids.

"Ugghhhhh!!, My whole body hurts, I hope I get used to this" said Lawken.

'Well first, Exercise' thought Lawken.

He get's up and did Push-ups, but the soreness from exercising yesterday night affected him from doing his push-ups, but he didn't give up.

'Some Main characters make this looks easy, it's harder than I thought, well there's nothing I could do about it.' Thought Lawken.

He Finishes it and drops to the ground and looks up at the tree.

'I could make more trees, but I don't know what type of tree this is, One piece is always so weird. This tree only sprouts seed like fruits and I don't want to eat it, I could plant more of those trees, but they would take time and it would need attention, I don't even know if I could see the tree grow an-' Thought of Lawken and stops for a second.

He get's up and then he grabs a seed, and then he digs a the dirt close to the tree and he put's the seed in the dirt, he patch it with dirt and he tries to think of something.

"If plant's turn Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen to gather moisture to the air and the moisture of the water is their nutrient's and the photo synthesis is the key to giving them enough food, then I could just fasten the particles that feed a plant. Maybe I could just speed up the process of the plants growth, well it could fry it, but at least I tried" Said Lawken.

He tries it slowly to the seed, and nothing seems to happen and stops and then...

'*sigh* I'm an Idiot, there's no moisture to be absorbed' thought Lawken.

He Rushes to take a water container and he waters the patch of dirt that the seed is in.

He tries again, and the seed absorbs the moisture of the dirt and the nutrients of it.

Nothing seems to happen, and Lawken thought of something again.

'Huh?, Nothing happened?, maybe it's not that nothing is happening, I Think the seed didn't assimilate all the moisture and the nutrients, I think plants are more on Assimilating it, than just absorbing it, I should try to join their particle to assimilate it' Thought of Lawken.

He tried it and the seed slowly opened up and sprouted roots from random angles and up above, it's still close to the seed, but there is some progress.

"Yes!!, I did it!, I grew roots from my power!, but it need some testing, but Success is still a Success" said Lawken.

Lawken planted more seed and stops for a moment.

"How did I see it?, Hmmm, I think it's more like feeling than actually seeing it, but Meh I'll experiment on it later" said Lawken.

He finishes testing and the result is.

"The seed Doesn't know where to grow or root sprout from every angle, I think it's because the absorption begins in all parts of the seed it's different from watering it normally. Normally the Absorption begins at the top of the seed where you pour your water, Why is that different when I poured it at the top of it as well?, well because when I assimilated it, The seed absorbed equally proportions, where every part of the particles or plant cells are getting the same treatment, therefore I could speed up the rooting of the plant, but I can't grow it to a tree or not yet at least, I could move the roots a little bit though." said Lawken.

Now that Lawken is finished testing, he created more water container or glass, just incase he needed it.

The sun now is in it's highest and a stomach started to growl.


"Ugghhh!, I'm hungry!, I need to eat again, What should I eat?, My water problem is solved, but the only problem now is food, I could eat fish, but I don't know how to catch... or do I?" said Lawken.

He get's up near the water to look for some fish, some fish are so little here on shore, so he goes deeper to the ocean and looks for bigger ones, he spotted one and thought of his plan from the start.

'Imagine the oxygen particles of the fish disappearing and away from the fish, It's still fast so I need to slow down the Particles around it so that the fish get's cold and slows down, I can't control my power from a far so I just have to slither my power closer to the fish Until I could do it' thought Lawken.

He opens his palms and targets the fish and He thoughts of Oxygen Particles moving away from the fish and at the same time, slowing the particles around the fish as fast as he could.

He tried it multiple times until he succeeded.

"Why would that be so difficult?, Maybe the fish still has it's intinct to survive, The fish keeps on dodging my powers, or the water that doesn't have any Oxygen, and it swims away, Well I still got the fish so it's not that bad" said Lawken.

He goes on his day and until the sun starts to set, You could see a man heating a fish with a heat coming out of his hand, and the man is looking at the horizon thinking of a lot of things like how he didn't get weak and drown, but that for another day.

Until the man eats the fish and get's up to finishes his exercise and washes up so that he could activate his fruit, and he sleeps...

To Be Continued...