
Lawful Goddess

Once a gifted Goddess, favored by her superiors, she was given the opportunity to create and rule over her own world. As she watched her creation flourish and advance at a rapid pace, her fascination with them grew stronger. Driven by a desire to experience life as one of her own creations, she reincarnated as a human and embarked on a journey to explore her world. But her journey took an unexpected turn when she fell deeply in love with a human who betrayed her and ultimately killed her. The young goddess's death enraged her superiors, who punished her for breaking the sacred rule of never interfering with her creations. She was cursed to live again in the world as a human, stripped of her divine powers and forbidden from returning to heaven until she regained her lost abilities. The only way for her to recover her powers was to remember all of her vassals from her previous life. As she navigates this new life, the young goddess faces numerous hardships and challenges that test her resolve and strength. But with the memory of her former life slowly returning, she begins to piece together the puzzle of her past and unlocks the key to regaining her powers. Will she be able to overcome the obstacles in her path and recover her divine abilities, or will she be trapped forever in the mortal world? Only time will tell.

Stepin · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A chance

" Is that the Handsome Fox I once met? " Haldir asked

" Yes it is him " Jackson answered with a convincing face

Yuki sighed and paused for a while, then he stood with his back to them and said

" The plan about exposing myself is a bad idea " Hearing Yuki's words, Jackson stood up to Yuki and knelt while his hands held her shoulders.

" Yuki Chan I need you to listen to this okay? " He said it with a sad face and doubtful voice. Yuki back to her seat and the atmosphere was so tense.

" After you died, not only for a neutral fraction but our fraction from Akasha's children, Finn turned their back to us he gained power from Government and the Neutral side who turns their back on us, Old Rules does not effective anymore. But someday your loyal vassal The Great Demon one from Seven Noblesse came to this realm and gave the proof that Old Rules cannot be Break He took the command so no one dares to, or death will lead their way "

Yuki sighed, looked at Jackson, then leaned back on the bench and muttered

" It's Mammon, isn't it? "

Jackson was silent and only answered with a nod of his head, Yuki also pulled and took a deep breath.

" Yes, of course, he's done a lot for me, yeah he is " Yuki answered in her hard voice.

Haldir looked to his right and left hesitating to say his opinion, Yuki noticed and let him say.

" The-then why don't we ask him? "

" Sigh... I can't " Haldir and Lita gave confused and curious expressions

Yuki took a sip of her tea, she crossed her leg and smirked at her face which makes them more curious.

" Because he was there when I die, my man went to this realm when I was still human and protected me, but that day was a very important day for Ookami *Japan wolf* so they went away from me, that day that person my love one killed me while I'm carrying our son, Mammon who's warned about human and sacrifice to leave the Demon Realm to this Realm just to protect me, I didn't listen he came late and I was killed by a bunch of Ninja in front of him. He was mad and he always is mad "

The room becomes very cold no one dares to speak up after listening to what happened to Yuki. Xie Yun put up his teacup and poor another tea, he took a sip and took a deep breath, he comes up with a plan and everyone in the room listening to what he tells, at first their reaction shows nothing but hesitation after listened to what Yuki said more they seem to agree and the Meeting was over back to the Hideout, Xie Yun carry the order to investigate the Old Man who was with Clara and his vassal.

At 9 pm, Mary finished checking Yuki into the room. Yuki got up from the bed and took her robe, then she changed her body into an adult body and started sneaking.

" Hello Victor " Victor was surprised by the arrival of Yuki who was still crouching at the window waving her hand and grinning.

" Whoa whoa knock first Young Lady "

She jumped in, from the window she squatted in earlier, walked towards the chair and sat down casually while waiting for Victor to finish preparing.

Clack clack Sound of Victor's shoe steps, " Sigh... So what's brought your here again Young Lady? " Victor Sat down in front of Yuki, he open the wine bottle and offered some to Yuki " Nah, I'm fine " And Yuki refused.

" Yeah here I need some help from Zoldyck power "

The atmosphere became tense, Victor sat up straight " So what can you offer me to help you? Does everything have payment, your useless soul? "

Yuki leaned and stared into Victor's eyes, he didn't eschew. Yuki's smirk makes Victor confused. " It's you, Victor who will owe me, help me or regret " Yuki left soon as she said it, Victor didn't respond to her instead laughed hard he leaned back " Can't believe a Young Lady threaten me like this Ha Ha Ha "

Yuki rushed back she ran and immediately contacted her comrade through telepathy " All Members Zoldyck has rejected the offer, immediately investigate and as soon as you found it. Cut it all "

" I serve Your Majesty " Éxi members answer

. . .

In a precarious situation, noises were heard, and telephones were ringing everywhere.

" Sire! Even the Market has rejected us! If this continues our Hotel will be ruined, with no supplies, no food no drink "

Victor took a deep breath and sat down quietly, while his bodyguard keep talking but he can't hear anything his consent was gone.

" It's her " Only one person comes to Victor's mind and he realised that it's her who cut the supplies. " Sigh... What a cunning Young Lady "

[ Éxi Hideout ]

" So Your Majesty this is the Information I get for now, it's not much 'cause I can't get a great identity " Akio handed a pile of paper in front of her. She smile and start to read, paper by paper until the phone rang, she looked up and asked Jackson to answer it, and then he handed it to Yuki.

" So how are you Zoldyck? "

" Sigh... Young Lady, can I ask for the offer again? " Victor said with his heavy heart voice

" I will be there tonight Victor "

Yuki back to her seat, she crossed her hand and smirked. " Our plan is worked, next is the rest of the prologue. I will go now, so please finish the rest " Yuki stood up and walked away back to Duchy to prepare the things.

" Knock knock Victor," Yuki says with a harmonious voice

The Door opened, Yuki enter and saw Victor seated on the couch waiting for Yuki.

" You're bitch! "Victor's face closed to Yuki and his face shows a very mad person

" Sigh... Victor, I can't believe even at this moment you are still so dumb " Yuki leaned back, crossed her leg and stared into Victor's eyes, Victor flinched and asked what Yuki exactly wants.

" I want you to investigate this person for me, no lied Victor. If you don't you will regret it and beware of him " Yuki gave him a pic of the Old Man who was with Clara, and she left the guys in the room and jumped from the window.