
Chapter 1: Glenda's Death


 Riiingggg* Rinnnggggg* 

Riiinnn-slams* hand on the clock

I take my blanket off myself and then I try to sit up.

I rub my eyes to see the light coming from the window.

11:04 am

My mood hasn't recovered. What has my life come to- 

To stop my thoughts, I try to look outside the window, into the balcony of my house.

I see a garden and a great blue sky with the blinding midday sun.

I peek a little at the house next door. A big bow-top iron gate surrounded by people, entering and leaving. 

I look towards the common road, shared by the street, I see a ton of cars, all kinds, old and new, many look like they are expensive. Something must've happened to the family.

 Many of the guests were in black clothes, somebody must've died or it could be a ceremony for all I care. It has nothing to do with me.

I closed the blinds as the midday sun was hurting my eyes.

I take a deep breath and then head towards the bathroom.

After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I close the tap.

 As I look up. 

What a pathetic reflection-I quickly move towards the shower.

As I dry my hair with a towel and walk towards my room.

I think of how I am going to spend my Sunday.

But as I open the door, I see a butler, dressed in plain black. My mother's butler, with a pale face and the saddest posture you have ever seen on a human. I brace myself for what my mother has sent her here for. 

I try to think of all the wrong things that could grab my busy mother's attention. But I can't. Since I don't do anything anyway.

Her mouth opens, and a raspy sound makes its way to my ears, I get annoyed.

"Mister Rufus black,"

" I am here with this suit, and a notice from your mother,"

As she shows a letter to my face.

" to summarize, your mother wants you to go to the funeral of old Mrs. McCarthy."

I say," Okay, noted."

And move to take a look at the black clothes lying on my messed up bed sheets, there is a letter, I don't understand my mother's obsession with letters though. Why write a letter? When she knows fully well I am not going to read it.

As the butler makes her way out of the black oak door, I get changed.

As I adjust my tie in front of the full-body mirror, I think about how long has it been since I saw the Old grandma next door, still surprised at how she passed away after living for a century, or maybe she didn't live for a century. she just looked like it.

I walk down the hall stairs to the common dining table, I see my older brother sitting with my sister. I have to say I am surprised to see both of them here. Only for a funeral? Well, at least they are back home for once.

"Hey!", My brother exclaims as he sees and hugs me.

" Are you both back for the funeral next door?"

"Yep, it seems like it." " my sister says as she slathers some jam on the bread.

" Mother said she will join us on Tuesday, not now, she seems to be too busy with the new contractors.", as I take the sandwich from Sarah, Jacob explains the reason for his presence.

Yeah, our family, like every other family, sees each other on special occasions only. But I never would have, that the already decayed neighborhood grandma's death is a special event for our family.