
Lavandeir's Revenge (Revised Version)

Underground Organization Series 1 : Completed Lavandeir Trinidad is an outcast of Elites College University. She was the only one who's a scholar student, the only reason why she was being bullied by most of the students. The leaders of the bullies are the Elites, which are consisting of few individuals who are part of the richest socialites. One day, someone offered her to be part of an organization. An organization which she didn't expect it to be existed in reality. She'll meet few new students which she started to suspect that they're also a member of that unknown organization. Will she trust them? A/N : This story was made since 2018 and completed in 2021. I just revised it to a new version but the plot, characters, and settings were still the same. The story consist of action, mystery, teen romance, betrayal, and love.

Parisfrans99 · Teen
Not enough ratings
51 Chs




We're here in our headquarter and I am with Natasha, Kevin and Mr. Taki. We are the members of Black Org, of course including Veign that was caught by our enemies.

Natasha keeps on sighing while preparing her gun and other weapon. Kevin is seated in front of the main computer together with Mr. Taki. They're trying to trace the location where Veign was abducted. I know those bastards came up to a plan to abduct Veign. They prepared for it. That bastard Jax Blaine planned this, leaving me no choice!

I walk towards the computer. Actually there are four computers here including the main computer, that has bigger monitor than the other three. I look at the CCTV reviews to where Mr. Taki is watching while Kevin's using the main computer.

"Shit! There's no traces! I still can't locate those bastards! The last connection we had from Veign's alarm was here and it stops there!"

I followed my gaze to the screen where he pointed the location in the map.

We had this device we always carry in case of emergency. If we cannot handle the situation, failed the mission, or cannot fight anymore, we will activate this device. An emergency device.

"Lets swap!" Mr. Taki yelled. They're in a rush.

We're waiting for them to track Veign first so that we can make a move. And Natasha and I keeps on fidgeting when hours had pass and they still haven't had a lead. Jax Blaine really planned this carefully!

I walk out of the room and go to the balcony. I need to inhale some fresh air to come up to a plan and to think properly. I am very bothered by the thought that Lav is suffering in their hands. And I hope my instincts were wrong this time. Even though I ask Martin, the one who pretends as me, to find Lav and protect her, I can't stayed still.

I took one stick of cigarette and lit it. I inhale the smoke and let it out. I'm staring at the black sky while feeling the cold air through my skin, feeling the air brushing my hair. The ambiance is good and calm but is as opposite to what I'm feeling right now. I wanted to kill someone! I need to kill them!

My mind was bothered by her and I am more worried to what might happen to her.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and close my eyes. I am getting frustrated and it is bullshit! I continuously inhaling the smoke and letting it out. I never thought Veign would be captured! That bastard Jax Blaine is improving as I am!

'Please be okay, Lav!'

My phone suddenly vibrated. I throw the cigarette butt before getting my phone. It was an unknown number. I frustratingly brush my hair up before answering the call.

"It's been a long time, Exseven."

As soon as I heard the familiar voice from him, I close my fist out of anger. I have this feeling that he was grinning to death. The feeling of betrayal starts to eat me again.

Remembering his smug face while he did it to 'her'. The scenario where I saw him walking out from her apartment. The last letter that she left me. All those memories came back by just hearing this bastard's voice!

"Well, well... Since you don't like to greet me and seems you didn't miss me, I will tell you the purpose of this friendly call, straight to the point," he continued since I didn't utter a word.

"I have the loser right now! You know what will happen if you don't rescue her like what you did week ago. I know you're the one who helped her in the mini gym last time!"

I gripped the phone hard. "Don't you dare!"

The guilt grew inside me as soon as I realized that my instinct was right. I am trembling right now out of anger, getting insane and afraid she might end up being like her.

I clearly heard his annoying hoarse laugh. It makes me sick!

"Chill dude! Everything will be fine if you save her now. Don't you want it to be romantic? Like you always be..."

I pull the phone away from my ear. I inhale deeply to calm myself and brush my hair again upward. I can't think properly if I am this bothered. I need to think of a plan.

'I know what he's doing! He's giving me no choice!'

I put the phone back to my ear. But as soon as I listen on the other line, I heard her shouting in pain. Begging them to stop. It makes me outrage!

"Were you in the gym?"

I closed my eyes to stifle my anger. I breath deeply to calm myself but hearing her shouting in pain, I couldn't calm myself! I wanted to rush there as soon as I can!

"I've been waiting for you here. The longer time you take, the longer I hurt her. Come here if you don't want her to pass out from pain. Hahaha! By the way, we caught a rat here trying to sneak in. We can't help but silence him. Though I don't have an idea who's this lowly man!"

I disconnected the call immediately and rushed inside. I know who's man he's talking about!

"Why? What happened?" asked by Mr. Taki

"Martin was killed! Damn it! I asked him to follow Lav but---"

"What are you talking about?"

"Jax Blaine called me! They are torturing Lav! I heard her shouting in pain! Begging them to stop!"

"What the fck! Lemme go with you I'm gonna kill that bitch Kim!"

"No! This is that bastard's plan! You have to be with Kevin to help Veign. Veign is also a bait!"

Mr. Taki agreed with me so Natasha cannot do anything about it. My cousin is too brutal when she's outrage. She might kill Kim, and I don't want it to happen. She's still Lavandeir's only friend.

"We already traced them with the help of Red Org." Kevin, sitting on the white sofa while preparing their weapons.

I glance at the glass table that's full of different kind of weapons.

Kevin is now wearing a pair of boots and slid two daggers inside. He looked at me with worry but he looks more relief now than earlier, knowing that we already traced Veign. He take his gun from the table and double checking them.

"Get ready! We already have a plan on how to get Veign and how to lure them. Kevin already hacked their system and I already contacted the Main Headquarter for back up in case they have more minions there. They've been trying to capture us all this time so let's all be careful! The enemies looks more desperate this time!" Mr. Taki explained while busy packing things.

"All we need to do is to position our self since we already informed the Red Org about the plan. They contacted us a minute ago that they're now heading to the destination. They will help us because one of their members was abducted too," he continued without looking at me.

"And where are you going? Don't tell me you're going with us?"

"I miss action..."

"There's no fucking way I'm letting you. You stay here and command us instead!"

"Don't treat me as an old man. I'm not that old yet, you little brat! I have important things to do! And please show me respect! I am your boss!"

"Boss my ass!" Natasha and Kevin commented and Mr. Taki look at them with disgust.

I sighed since I cannot persuade this hard-headed old man!

He is focusing on his weapon. He also bring two guns, a Glock and a USP. I glance at his black mask- same like us- that is on top of his right knee. It is black mask that can cover our whole face. We're being extra careful because we are being targeted by many groups from underground organization. Many of them wanted to hunt us!

I pick my favorite gun. It is a black MAC11 with a silencer. A machine pistol developed by American gun designer Gordon Ingram at the Military Armament Corporation. Its effective firing range is 50 meters to 70 meters. It has a long handle and it looked like a T style.

"Jax Blaine planned to get Lavandeir when one of us got captured. So he will test me to choose who I save between them," I informed them.

"What? Did he state his plans to you?" Kevin asked, standing up and walk towards the big monitor.

"No! I only figured it out. He already suspected me for being the leader of Black Org. Last three days, I killed his minions while they were stalking me. Now he will use Lav to lure me!"


I roll my eyes as they look at me with an unexplanable stare and a suspiscious look.

"Lavandeir! I stated the name earlier! Open your ears!"

"I remember Vanvan don't like us to call her Lav, just Vanvan."

I didn't mind Natasha. I know what she's thinking and she's teasing me so I won't take that bait.

"When I gave her Mr.Taki's calling card when you two were on a date, I now understand. She's so cute!" said Kevin. He's the one I saw in the restaurant when I tell Lavandeir to don't move.

I just found out that time so I complained to Taki why he needs to recruit her when knowing that our job is too dangerous.

"What?! They were on a date? Insan why didn't you tell me about it?"

I remain silence and act as if I didn't hear them.

I pick two daggers and two ordinary pistol. I change my clothes and wear a black T-shirt inside that covered with a black leather jacket. I wear a black cap.

"Please save her, Insan!.. No matter what!"

Worry was plastered on my cousin's face while she stop swaying her daggers. She also have two pistol inside her black fitted leather jacket . She wear dark blue T-shirt beneath it.

I nodded at her and she breath deeply. "Inform me as soon as possible!"

After I got prepared, I look at them.

"You will save Veign and help the other group. I am the one who'll save Lavandeir and face those bastards!"

"Bring the traitor too! I want to torture her to death!" Natasha said while gritting her teeth. I understand what she felt because Lav is the only friend she got after she was gone.

The ache that I felt bothers me again as the memory of 'her' flashed to my mind. I shake the thought and look at Mr. Taki.

"You can lead them, Mr. Taki."

"Of course! Can't you see I'm all prepared?"

I sighed! I really can't believe he's the founder of Black Org!

I left the room and leave them discussing about their positions. I trust Mr. Taki. Even though he's annoying most of the time, he's still excellent and our skills were too far from him. He wasn't chosen as a founder if he's not clever. Dākumasutā chose him though.

He will always help us when everything's a mess. Most of the time, he was just giving us orders on what we should do but he didn't let his group drag down.


I hurriedly park my motorcycle beside the mini gate -- where Lavandeir always use this gate-- and run as fast as I can without a noise, suppressing my presence and staying vigilant.

The surrounding is dark because it's already past 10:00pm. I didn't hear any sound or voices from the gym when I'm getting nearer. I wonder what they are planning to do. I tried to search the areas to find out if they're putting a trap, but I found none.

I decided to get inside because the atmosphere is weird. Without letting my guard down, I opened the door slowly. The gym is dark. I can't see anything except the dim light from the moon as well as my shadow that invades the dark room.

'This is getting weirder!'

I can't feel anything. Any presence that someone's observing me as if no one's here.

I decided to find the switch while still observing the surroundings, keeping all my senses. I click the switch and as soon as the light illuminates the gym, what I saw makes me stunned. I am totally dumbfounded of what I have witnessed as I search the area.

"What on earth happened here?"

After checking everything, I run as fast as I could to get my motorcycle. I contacted the team as I drove away and leave the place.

"How is it going?" Mr. Taki asked after answering my call. I heard Natasha asked about what happened. So I guess, they were together.

"I don't have any idea what's going on there. Two things I can only say... It is a bad thing..."

"WHAT!" Natasha yelled.

"But... It's also a good thing."

I am not sure of what I am saying either. Remembering the scenario there, I really can't imagine what's going on... That even if I used my deduction skill, I can't picture it out.

'Did someone helped us?'


Black Org's Members :

*Mr. Taki - Founder

*Ex - leader


