
Laurier Duology: Ephemeral Love

Making every moment can seem like a challenge, since there are always going to be mishaps, obstacles, and even pleasant surprises as you go through life, and that is what makes it all worthwhile and interesting. Monroey was born with leukemia, a malignancy of the body's blood-forming tissues, including the bone marrow and the lymphatic system. She was only 16 years old when she was forced to face the fragility of her own life. After meeting him, the woman, whose optimism had already begun to dissipate, suddenly saw glimmers of hope. Unexpectedly, what appeared to be a joyous and blissful life fell into melancholy anguish. Love brought them a variety of twists and curves. They tried to roll with punches, but life really tore them apart. What twist of fate could it be?

r4venchaser · Teen
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3 Chs




The fragrance of hospital disinfectant infiltrated my nostrils as I woke up. Apart from my heavy breathing as well as the beeping sound of machines, the room was deafeningly quiet.

I gently opened my eyes, squinting, trying to focus on the hazy sights in front of me. There was no one here other than me. I let out a sigh and pondered, will he stop by here today?

A couple of minutes had passed with me gawking around, and my doctor finally came in. Doctor Sydney. She's my long-time appointed Doctor whom I've considered as my mother ever since my parents passed away. She took great care of me ever since I was admitted here.

"How are you feeling? Are you alright, Monroey?" she asked.

I simply nodded at her and responded, "Yes"

"Your condition has been going on smoothly as days go by so you better keep this pace. We will arrange for your surgery once your chemotherapy is done. You'll be fully recovered after that."

"I will! Thank you so much!" I chuckled as she patted my head. "By the way, Aiden told me yesterday that his school work is almost finished. He'll drop by later, for sure."

"I hope he's doing well. Thank you again doc!"

"Mhm, it's nothing. I'll be right back, take care of yourself!" Dr. Sydney added and left the room.

I let a sigh out, looking at the sky through the window, I could see how mesmerizing the trees swaying around with the wind blowing from the East. The weather today was perfect, and just by looking at it, I could remember how much has happened before.

I've been through a lot of unpleasant things here for about 4 years now. I can recall carrying through my daily activities as the other individuals did at that time, however, after fifteen years of age, everything changed. Since then, I've dealt with a lot of challenges, including excessive weariness, recurrent illnesses, fevers, and nausea, as well as a loss of appetite that has caused my weight to droop.

Naturally, I ignored it and carried on with my life as usual, but one day I merely woke up in the hospital, where the doctor told me everything. They issued me a bone marrow cancer diagnosis. It was specifically a CLL, or chronic lymphocytic leukemia, which is extremely uncommon for kids or teenagers. It usually occurs when an individual is older, yet here I am.

This particular illness is a slow-growing variety of cancer. The onset of symptoms can take many years. Since that day, Dr. Sydney has been the one who has taken accountability for me. I was constantly leaving my room at that point for multiple check-ups, which was infuriating.

Two years had passed and they finally decided to let me undergo chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs are delivered through pills and injections and use cytotoxic agents. Essentially, these medicines cause some level of harm to all cells in the body but they reserve their most powerful effects for rapidly dividing cells which is precisely the hallmark of cancer.

Chemotherapy does, however, have one significant drawback despite its many advantages. It has an impact on the body's healthy cells that must naturally replenish quickly. Nearly as much damage is done to hair follicles, oral cells, gastrointestinal lining, reproductive system, and bone marrow.

I am aware of those things because Dr. Sydney told me so. She also gave me prescriptions to help me manage those side effects such as strong anti-nausea medications. For hair loss, I am using a device called "cold caps" that can help lower the temperature around the head and constrict blood vessels, limiting the amount of chemotherapy drugs that reach hair follicles.

Everything that I still have now, was thanks to her. I am greatly indebted to her. All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my head making me almost stumble upon the table.


My eyes widened for a moment as soon as I felt someone holding me in their arms. It was Aiden. I thought I'd fall on my back straight to the floor but fortunately, he caught me in his arms. What a timing!

"Aiden? What happened to you? Are you alright?" I asked out of a sudden. His face was all bruised, it was like he just got into a fight.

My eyes narrowed for a moment as soon as he laid me down on my bed. "Don't tell me you've gotten into a fight again?" I added, rolling my eyes.

Aiden put his hand on the back of his head as he smiled bitterly. "Sorry, I just ran into some troubles" he responded, trying to avoid my gaze.

A sigh escaped my mouth. Honestly, this guy. Well, that can't be helped. He was a former infamous delinquent back then so those kinds of things are somehow inevitable.

With all the suddenness, his stomach growled, making me giggle. "Have you eaten your lunch?"

"Nope, I'm planning to eat with you together" Aiden replied as he winked. He then fished around his bag and pulled out a lunch box.

My face became slightly gloomy. It feels like I wanted to eat with him, but I just can't. I don't have an appetite to do that. "But I don't feel like eating..."

Aiden poked my nose, "Come on, just one bite. I personally cooked this for you" he added and showed me what was inside the box.

I immediately made a face as soon as I got to see what it was. The lunch box consists of a variety of fruits and vegetables which I truly don't like.

"I-I told you I have n-no appetite-"

I could feel Aiden sneering at me, "Oh, so seeing fruits and vegetables makes you lose your appetite now?" he whispered in my ears.

"Fine, just one bite!" I sighed. I don't have enough energy to argue with him so I just reluctantly agreed.

Despite being in this weakened state, I still refuse to eat vegetables and fruits. I mean, it wasn't my fault that those tasted bad and it freaking doesn't suit my taste.

I bitterly closed my eyes as I took a bite from it and I was shocked - it tastes even better! "What? Did you like it?" he smugly asked. I then pouted and simply nodded while looking away. "It was good," I whispered.

With that, Aiden burst into laughter. I frowned at him, "Stop laughing!" I fumed. "That was quite a reaction, love"

My eyes widened even more as soon as he said those words. Suddenly, I found myself blushing over him, so embarrassing! I immediately turned around and handed him the lunch box, "I'm going to sleep!"

Aiden looked at me in a worried manner, "Eh? What's the matter? Are you alright-"

"Of course I am. But first, let me treat those wounds."

"Can you get me that box?" I added, pointing out the emergency kit that was placed on top of the cabinet. He patted my head and slowly walked towards it.

"Here," Aiden handed me the kit and sat beside me. "I can treat my wounds by myself, just take a rest and don't push yourself too much, love" he added.

"I told you, I'm doing fine. Why did you even get yourself beaten up again, Aiden Leigh Gevalia?" I inquired in a little bit of tone, abrasively.

Aiden cleared his throat as his eyes shifted to the window, "It was a long story, but don't worry, it's nothing big" he responded and chuckled.

I let out a sigh of relief. I understand that he's being careful not to make me worry about him but he should worry about himself more. With that, I remained silent and applied some ointment to his wounds and bruises.

"There, don't be so rash and take more good care of yourself," I uttered and pinched his nose. I could see him grinning at me while patting my head.

"Thank you, you can rest assured with that" Aiden whispered and winked. Honestly, this idiot!

I quickly reached for my blanket and turned around after that. The fuzzy sights in front of me gradually grew darker, which briefly made me feel a little lightheaded and as my head began to spin, everything went black.


The chemical stench was overpowering. I scrunch my eyes to thwart the blinding light that was seeping through my sealed lids. I felt heavy and powerless. My hand, head, and entire body were immobilized.

The blinding lights gradually faded away, and I continued blinking, eagerly struggling to open my eyes so I could look around. "Are you alright? I noticed that you were having trouble sleeping earlier, so I stepped outside to call Dr. Sydney,"

It was Aiden, looking at me with such a face. I simply nodded and smiled bitterly. Suddenly, Dr. Sydney barged into the room with a nurse by her side.

"Let me check your condition," She whispered and transferred me to another room for another check-up.

Dr. Sydney approached me after a while and assured me that everything was alright. She agreed when I earlier asked if I might see the hospital garden. Of course, she advised me against staying there for too long given the chilly weather.

I heard someone say that the weather was perfect for stargazing, so since I was with Aiden, I seized the opportunity. Aiden was pushing the wheelchair I was sitting in as we made our way to the garden.

"Wear my sweater, Monroey. It's cold outside" He whispered all of a sudden and wrapped his sweater around me. I smiled, it was warm.

My eyes widened in amazement as soon as we got there. "Wow! It's been a while" I exclaimed, gazing at the sky.

Even though the moon's radiance was feeble, it nevertheless dominated the night sky. Lying down upon the grassy field of the garden while gazing up into the night sky was way much better whenever he was with me.

Stars began to emerge from behind their translucent barriers in greater and greater numbers over time. These stars began to form constellations and whirled across the sky while we both remained together.

I can easily recognize each stunning constellation from my perspective as it seems to waltz across the sky. I could not take my eyes off the sky. Excitement lingered all over the place, seeing the stars once again, illuminating brightly the sky.

"It was indeed a perfect night for stargazing" he uttered, looking at me. I simply nodded and smiled as I leaned closer to him, resting my head on his shoulders.

Yes, it really is. Realization hit me as soon as I saw how precisely aligned the stars, as well as the moon, were. The sky was eternal, symbolizing how immensely large the galaxy we are honored to reside in.

"Aiden," I muttered. He just looked at me waiting for what I was about to say. I sighed in frustration, "I'm sorry"

"Eh? Why?" He asked, looking at me in a confused manner.

"For giving you a hard time," I tacked on. Sincerely, I feel awful for causing him so much worry. He hardly has time for both his internship and studies, and yet here I am whining about everything. Even now, I'm not sure how he manages under those circumstances. He also needs to rest.

"I love you, Monroey. There's no way you are giving me a hard time. You are my comfort zone, and my rest in this tiring world."

Upon hearing his remark, my eyes widened. He seemed to be able to read my thinking out loud, or perhaps it was clearly written on my face. I tried to grasp his hands and chuckled right away. "I love you too, Aiden"

We both stood silently in that stance, fascinated by the magnificence of the stars. Even though the sky is filled with countless stars tonight, only one can be glimpsed through my heart. It was him, definitely.

The beginning has yet to come, stay tuned as we unveil what awaits them!

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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