
Yule Ball 2

They walked together into the Great Hall . Laura instantly spotted Malfoy and called to him 'How am I looking, Malfoy!' Malfoy pretended to choke then scoffed away . The triwizard champions started dancing . Slow music was played . After sometime others started to join in dancing . 'Come on let's go ', said Jillian and Laura pulled her into a dance . And they started dancing slowly in the gently played song . Everyone was so happy as if an aura of happiness was floating in the air . Everyone was so happy, smiling and laughing and dancing . Even Laura's cold heart felt cockles of happiness . Jillian was giggling Laura was so happy to make her laugh .Then the weird sisters started performing and everyone was waltzing . People were starting to look at them . Then suddenly Jillian felt a tap on her shoulder and when she turned around . Wood started dancing with Laura , Laura was laughing so hard at this action . Jillian pouted then started laughing . 'Ok okay you can dance with her till i get the drinks you want one too Wood ?' asked Jillian . With that Jillian left .'You are looking really good in the tux ' said Oliver with a smile . 'Not bad yourself are you Wood 'smirked Laura . And they started dancing and talking Laura was chuckling oblivious of the surrounding . Jillian came back and saw that she saw how happy Laura was now much happier than the first time she met her . 'Sorry Wood .' said Jillian before pulling Wood away from Laura and handing him the drink . Then she handed Laura her's .'Having fun ?' asked Jillian with her usual eyebrow wriggling . 'Yes a lot ' said Laura smiling . 'I love when you smile you know ' complemented Wood . 'But I was the one to make her smile ' snapped holtz in a tone of pride .'Oh come of it you too ' said Laura . The Yule Ball night was amazing with all the dancing and singing it was so much fun .