

What happens when a man who craved genuineness and fulfilment his whole life, dies on his lonesome and gets transmigrated to a new yet known world!? Will he live this new life on his terms? Will he get the genuineness and fulfilment he craved for? Will he be alone once again, when he dies? To know all these answers, please read this story full of life and happiness! A tale full of laughter, joy and reality- Laugh-Tale! . . . . Umm... the book cover is from Pinterest.

Doctor_Blue · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


A perpetual darkness- then a sudden light!

Someone was looking at me, there were no discernable features on their whole body- just a warm light radiating. Yet, I could, by some meagre chance, see pity in the eyes of this beholder. This feeling of pity was directed towards me, or more accurately- my soul.

Yes, I am keenly aware of my demise. How I died? Now that is the question, I am not sure if it is worth answering, but here goes:

After taking my notes in the notebook- including some tables and diagrams, then writing, editing and publishing the chapter for my ongoing web novel, I put my laptop in sleep mode and got up to get ready for bed; that is when it happened, a sudden and piercing pain shot up in the glabellar region of my head, which caused me to stumble towards my bed and plopping down on the bed. Since the morning of that day, I had a slight fever, which I dismissed as inconsequential and continued my daily routine. But by the time I had darkened my room and sat down for my daily revision of the subjects, the degree of temperature had shot up quite high, yet as any normal person would do, I took one paracetamol and continued onwards. But now that I am sweating and burning at the same time while writhing in pain due to the sudden headache, my mind is just webbing tales of how I should have gone to a doctor and not taken that tablet, etc.

Ever since I was a child, there were many things in my life that I wanted to obtain but one thing among them, that never changed and remained even into my adulthood was- I wanted to make friends, I wanted to surround myself or even just get accompanied by, someone who was genuine, someone who was loyal and most of all someone who understood me yet remained his/her own self.

I also knew from the earliest, that to get something you have to step forward and work hard yourself- no one will serve you on a silver platter. Therefore, I can swear on my soul, I tried my hardest... I was genuine in my efforts... I truly gave it my all... to make friends with someone, to make someone feel that they can rely on me with their lives- some people did rely on me and I never betrayed their trust, but again as always, this was never reciprocated towards me.

I tried being friends with people, I tried being a great companion with the girl, I tried being the best son to my parents and I even tried being the amazing brother to my younger brother- yet again, I was never requited with the same.

Hence, at some point, I just gave up and became a loner; not a cool kind though... hehe...

The loneliness- it was okay at first, but slowly the darkness that came with it, started slithering into my life, and by the time I was in the know, it was already too late. All around, wherever I looked, there was no one... no one to talk to... no one to ask for a little help from... no one to cry in front of... no one to share even a little bit of feelings with...

Every morning, in front of the mirror, there was only a single reflection- a lanky figure sporting a stoic face, deep dark circles under the hollow eyes, a diminishing spirit and the aura that even the dead would despise...

Even though I was studying hard towards the completion of the dream that was asked of me to carry on my shoulders, since my childhood; one thing that I was slightly proud of by the end of my life(Which I never knew...) was that I had started writing web novel and doing a little bit of independent and secretive research on a certain topic.

So whilst lying on the bed and slowly gasping for the breath of life and writhing in severe pain- before going still forever, the last thing I remember: my hazy vision clearing up in the dark room and a steely gaze setting a wave of resolution...

What was that resolution for, I honestly don't know and remember...

I also don't remember what the words uttered by that figure draped in warm light were before... I don't know how to express it... but it was like- there was and then there was not...


A contrasting yet in its own way breathtaking view could be seen...

A massive wooden ship consisting of a figurehead of a dog with a bone in its mouth, the crow's nest shaped like a dog's house, its masts painted with blue symbols in some language on the white background, on each of its relatively upper sides were multiple holes from where sprouted a multitude of black barrels of what seemed like cannons of the old.

On the railings of the ship, some men and women could be seen- either sitting leisurely or fishing calmly. Whilst in the centre of the deck, quite a robust man wearing a dog-shaped headset was nodding off, simultaneously producing a comically large bubble from his nose, which with every snore got contracted and expanded...

Above the travelling ship, was a serene blue sky with warm sun rays falling on the surface of the ship and the undulating ocean below it...

Though, if seen from far away, only the ten meters of the approximate area surrounding the ship and ten kilometres ahead of the ship was enjoying the direct sun, whereas the whole area other than that was suffering from a devastating storm and huge waves. It was like somebody had punched the storm away in a forward manner...

Suddenly, the sleeping man stood up from the reclining chair and vanished from the spot, and in a few seconds reappeared on the same spot carrying a big wooden wine barrel- such a bizarre scene, yet no one was reacting to it... quite strange...


On a beautiful and lush mountain, inside a quaint forest, in the clearing surrounded by greenery and calm noises of small critters and birds, nestled a wooden house.

The peace that was settled on this beautiful scenery was broken when the gate to the house was opened and a dozen men wearing bandanas, white shirts and dark ankle-length pants came out, carrying varying weapons of assault- guns and cutlasses. Weirdly though the last one among the men delicately and politely closed the gate behind him and entered the dense forest like his companions. After some time the peace and quiet was restored yet again...

A sudden knock or more precisely banging on the same gate of the same house, broke the same peace once again...

~F***!!! can't you maintain this peace till the next chapter you dumb****!!!.... ahem...~

The feeling of anger and irritation with which the door swung open, was instantly replaced by the feeling of nervousness and dread, radiating from the presumed owner of the house, who was slowly becoming a stuttering mess...



A/N: A SI fanfiction of one piece with a little bit of AU sprinkled everywhere...

Thanks for reading and giving this story a shot.

Oh! Also sorry for a little short chapter... hehe...

One more thing, to the readers who might stumble from my ongoing marvel ff to this one, please check out the latest explanation given in the latest chapter of that story...

Thank you again,
