

What happens when a man who craved genuineness and fulfilment his whole life, dies on his lonesome and gets transmigrated to a new yet known world!? Will he live this new life on his terms? Will he get the genuineness and fulfilment he craved for? Will he be alone once again, when he dies? To know all these answers, please read this story full of life and happiness! A tale full of laughter, joy and reality- Laugh-Tale! . . . . Umm... the book cover is from Pinterest.

Doctor_Blue · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Blessed Dream

A/N: Ahoy! Pirates,

If any of you have read my Marvel fanfiction, you must have read the latest chapter, if not, let me clear somethings here:

I have had eye surgery recently, minor though. And, because I was too eager to write, edit and post new chapters for Marvel- just after the surgery, as soon as I came back to my apartment, I tried doing so; well, in the end, I mistakingly deleted all my written stuff, and because of that I toned down my eagerness and thought that maybe I should wait a little until my eye wound is at least a few weeks old and somewhat ok. Hence, I started posting this one-piece fan fiction, which I had written side by side with Marvel, but as I was more focused on Marvel, I didn't post it.

Now, the information I provided above was, because I wanted to apologise, if my upload date is not regular or on a fixed time, as it takes me more than a considerable amount of time to edit the story, and sometimes I couldn't complete it in a day.

I hope you understand, thank you.

Chapter ahead!!




It was once again the day of celebration in Partys Bar, as today was Asul's second birthday. Just like last time, everyone presented Asul with birthday gifts, some eccentric eg: Ace gave Asul a better sharpened and sturdier stick(self-made, obviously), then once again Garp presented a large sack- full of the world's best sweets and this time without forgetting, Bogard presented him with a large number of story books; which was accepted by Asul with a larger gusto than he accepted Garp's gift, and obviously, this caused a grumbling match between a smug and high-nosed Bogard and sulking Garp...

As midnight crept on slowly, Ace and Asul began to feel sleepy, therefore, as dutiful and caring as always, Makino took them to their room and put them to bed, with a kiss on the forehead to each...

Although Makino came to join the party, gradually, as time passed, she started feeling a little uneasy and anxious, remembering Asul's last birthday. Hence, after deliberating for a while she sneakily got up and started making her way to the children's room...

As soon as she reached the door to their room, her fears came true and took a major leap, because she heard a gruff voice addressing her Asul. Coming out of the momentary daze, she tried to open the door but was strangely stopped by a muscular hand of Garp, who later signalled her to keep quiet and listen...


"Hello, kid"

The sudden gruff voice startled young Asul, who was halfway to deep sleep. His eyes opened with a jolt, and after noticing the dark silhouette on his bedside window sill, his base instinct was to cry for help, but his much more reasonable side restricted his subsequent actions, as he didn't know the identity or intentions of this stranger, and will they harm his loved ones and family, if confronted.

Also, he didn't know how, but his heart and mind both came to the same conclusion together, that the stranger, didn't have any bad intentions, even though they remain unknown still...

"H-hello, sir" containing his quiverings, he spoke with respect. Although, ever since the dream/memory incident happened, his speech pattern and the way he addresses people had changed, or more precisely, had been moulded...

Before continuing the conversation, the stranger started walking towards a stool placed in the dark corner of the room, then slowly brought the stool conjunct to the bed and under the shade of moonlight falling down at the site through the window.

That's when Asul saw the proper shape and features of the stranger, or at least, as proper as one can see under the partially moonlit environment:

The stranger was an old man, by the looks of it. He was reaching a towering height of ten feet. His pure white hair was draping down below his scapular region, and he was sporting the same coloured bushy and long beard, while his eyes... no his eye was filled with determination and some hard to describe emotions. Yet, these were not the most apt describing characters about him, as horrifyingly enough, he was missing his right leg, right eye and right arm...

As for Asul, he was rightfully scared, but the emotions of pity were bubbling inside too, hence, ultimately he went in a daze looking at the man. Just as the silence settled in the room was cutting the tension inside, the man spoke again:

"You seem to be adept at controlling your fear, pitiful whatsoever." This questioning yet slightly reproachful tone brought Asul out of his daze. And after thinking for a few moments, he answered:

"Umm... thank you for the praise... I guess." taking another short pause, he continued "Sir, may I know the reason, as to why you came here to seek me!?"

"Hoo! Quite sophisticated speech pattern, that you have!" taking the cue, as no comment seem to follow, he continued "Well, no issues. As for who I am and what my purpose to seek you is? I will answer them, only if you seem worthy enough. And, to test that, I will ask you some questions- do answer!"

Hearing this, strangely, Asul's first thought was to not answer, as the demand was simply absurd and who in their right mind answers to some stranger, who popped in your room late at night randomly? Then again, he was a stranger, who came into his room randomly, even when his grandpa and uncle Bogard were present downstairs. Therefore, who knows how strong and dangerous he is? He could very well not take Asul's denial kindly, and in a fit of rage harm his family and loved ones...

"Alright, please ask" Hence Asul chose to answer.

"First, tell me, do you know your full name?"

"Yes, I asked Grandpa last time, and he told me that it was- Asul.D.Glas. Although, strangely, the nomenclature of my name is reversed, as in, my forename is Asul while my surname is Glas." Asul decided to be as truthful as possible. He felt that the person sitting opposite him could catch on to lies.

"Hmmm... do you know that you are an orphan?"


Hearing the latest question, Makino who was attentively listening outside the door, with red eyes and full of worries, could only gasp in shock and anger, while Garp who was holding back Makino from entering the room, was angry beyond belief and flaring bits of his Conqueror's Haki. Yet he still controlled himself and didn't barge into the room and bash the head of the man...


After a melancholic silence, Asul answered "Yes, I know..." taking a deep breath, he smiled a little, and continued "But... the truth is- I used to be an orphan. Now, I have an amazing family; a loving and caring grandfather, although she acts like a tsundere, a caring aunt and a protective and courageous big brother." taking a pause and letting the information sink in, he once again continued "Lastly, an elder sister, who is like a mother to me..."

"Good! It seems you have been blessed with a superb family, and better yet, you know it." Pausing and taking a deep look at Asul, full of seriousness, the man continued "Tell me, do to have a dream, if yes what is it?"

This time the silence in the room stretched out for long minutes...

After what seemed like hours, Asul, whose head hung low in contemplation- raised his head up, and looked straight into the eyes of the man, with his eyes full of determined sparkles, in a confident tone, answered "A story-teller and an adventurer... both of them consist of the roadmap to my dream- to become an Author. A writer who could make people dream, who can provide them with inspiration and motivation and lastly who can make people think that they are not alone in their journey, that they are also included in the pages of some books and telling of some grand story!"

"Mahaha... the Will of D can never die down no matter who tries to suppress it! Mahahaha..."

The abrupt and boisterous laughter of the man startled Asul a little, but what surprised him the most was the single teary eye of the man, yet before he could address it, the man poised himself and with a tone far more serious than before, asked:

"Ahem! Say, young Asul, if there comes a time when you have to choose the life of Makino and your dream or say that young Makino asks you to give up on your dreams or Garp or anyone else in your family do so, what would you do?"

The silence and tension that followed the query, were so heavy, that they seem palpable...

Closing his eyes tightly, young Asul thought over this question for no less than half an hour, and then, once again with eyes full of unspeakable determination, he answered:

"I had recently learned a few new words and their meanings. One of them is Sacrifice. And if my understanding of that is not too shallow, then I would like to confidently answer your question, sir." Ruminating for a moment, he continued:

"Being just two years old, I have not seen and experienced a lot yet. But, what I could understand from the words of Bar dwellers and the locals of this village, I know that sister Makino has sacrificed a lot for me and my upbringing's sake; I have heard how beautiful and talented my sister is, and if it was not for my sake, she might have either found a decent man for herself or how she could have upgraded her life if she wasn't spending on my daily necessities, I have also heard some people pity her overworking self, and saying how she is wasting her youth. Now, even when I hear these words being whispered all around me, I could do nothing to help her out or take some of her burden away. Hence, one of the main reasons, I started doing those exercises and meditations, I thought, in some way, it might be helpful for her life, when she joined me."

Taking a deep breath, Asul continued "Once again, I am very young right now, and it would take me a few years to handle my own weight, metaphorically. In that time period, elder sister Makino would have continued to make all types of sacrifices for me, and I would be getting burdened by the debts and sacrifices I collected- mind you, it is in no way a bad burden. Therefore, for all this and what is to come in future, if I can not even sacrifice my dreams or choose her life over mine, then, regretfully, I am not worthy of my own ambitions and dreams. Hence, I would choose her and her words over anything without any questions or doubts. As for others in my family, if it wasn't for my, now grandpa, I am not sure if I would still be alive and if I would have ever found a place and family to call mine. Hence, I would do the same for him too... though, I would still put forth an argument for myself... the same goes for my aunt and brother."

"Huuu... you are truly a brave and steadfast boy, young Asul. I dearly hope that you continue being the same." Saying so, the man finally stood up, first, he put the stool back in its place, then he returned to Asu's side and straightened his posture. Following which, a very bewildering situation occurred- he... the man took a deep knightly bow, by placing his left fist on his heart and going down on his left knee.

Maintaining the same position, he solemnly addressed Asul "I am Mavros.D.Glas, my liege!" taking a shallow breath, he continued "I shall await for your fifth birthday. Please be prepared!"

The bizarreness of the situation was so stunning for young Asul, that before he could respond, the man had vanished from the spot and the door to the room was flung open by bawling Makino, who jumped on Asul's bed and hugged him with all her strength.


Garp, who was following the strange man... no... Mavros, with red-teary eyes and balled-up fists, soon reached the middle of the island, at the clearing in the middle of the dense forest, there, he found the man sitting by the crackling fire and signing him to take a seat...


After getting a slight grip on her emotions, Makino looked down to see Asul, who was being tightly hugged by her was also bawling his eyes out, mumbling apologies towards Makino; most probably, the boy thought that he has done something to Makino and hence she was crying...

Seeing the situation, Makino forcefully sucked in her tears and while gently patting Asul's head, she started talking "My dear Asul... first of all, I am not crying because of you(well, technically she was, but, whatever) so stop crying, otherwise you will wake up Ace." Observing Asul, as he slowly stopped crying but still sniffling, she tenderly smiled towards him, and continued, slowly turning her voice stern "Remember this forever in your heart Asul, whatever happens from now till the end, I, Makino will always support you and have your back, no matter what you do in future, no matter what dreams you choose to follow. You!... Asul are my younger brother... whom I see as my own son. And as an elder sister and mother, no matter how young... hehe... I will never ask you to sacrifice your dreams for my sake and would always stop you from doing so for someone else. Understood!"

By that time, Asul's sniffling has long stopped and now he was gawking at Makino with a face full of surprise. Seeing such a reaction, Makino couldn't help but break into a jovial giggle...

"Alright, now, shut your mouth and go back to sleep, so that you can wake up on time tomorrow- you always insist on following the curriculum, don't you?"

Asul just let his mouth get closed by Makino and lay down on his bed quickly falling into a dreamless sleep, tonight's events had been simply unfathomable to him and he was dead tired...




A/N: Damn! That was a long chapter.

Well, I dearly hope that you liked it, also, I am not sure if the next chapter would be this long or quite short, but whatever...

