
Last Year in L.H.S

LAST YEAR IN L.H.S. The story follows the main characters: Bee Foster; the brainy new girl in SS3 who seems to be the center of attraction in school, Jack Andrews; the cutest boy and captain of the football team that everyone wondered why he was always cold and indifferent, Karen Robert; the evil queen that no one dares to mess with, Julian Musa; L.H.S playboy and the son of a billionaire, and Samuel Adewale; the foodie and best sidekick anyone could ever have--as they journey through their last year in high school, uncovering each other's darkest secrets, strengths, and weaknesses. Will they be able to handle their final year with all the ups and downs or will it be too much for them to handle? A funny and honest story about family, friendship, love, conflict, forgiveness, self-discovery, and the highs and lows of life as a teenager.

Ogbimi_Victory · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter One

Barring! Barring! The sound of my alarm wakes me from the beauty of slumber; I open my eyes and stare at the analog clock beside my bed, 6:00 A.M, so School should be starting in about two hours from now... I got up from bed yawning as I stress my upper body. Before I walk into the bathroom, I look at myself in the mirror. I am wearing my favorite pink nightgown. Mum said pink looks good on my dark skin. Like, mum, I am tall and slender, with large eyes and long eyelashes. We both have dimples when we smile. Staring at the pimples on my face, I let out a sigh.

It is the first day of senior year, which also means my last year in secondary school before heading to the university. A million thoughts went racing through my head; what are the students in L.H.S like? Will I fit in as I did at my previous school? All these questions were going back and forth in my head as I took my bath.

Last month, I was awarded a year scholarship to any secondary school of my choice after I emerged as the overall winner in the state's last spelling bee competition. I chose L.H.S without thinking twice because it has always been my dream to school there. Mum could not afford the fees, so I had to go to a public school--Girls' college.

L.H.S is one of the prestigious schools in Lagos. It is a place for the rich and cool kids, as Susan will say. The fee for a section is about $5,000. Mum couldn't afford it, unlike Susan's parents who work at a chevron company. Susan and I were classmates in middle school and next-door neighbors before they moved to Lekki.

After I took my bath, I walk out of the bathroom, dry my body, and put on my new school uniform. With my bag in hand, I headed toward the living room.

In the living room, Mum and my younger brother, Ben had started our usual family morning devotion and I join in. After the devotion, we headed toward the dining table.

" Ekaaro ma!" I greeted her in the Yoruba dialect.

" bawo ni o da hun Ekaaro. How was your night?" She asked.

" Splendid mum," I replied with a smile.

" Good morning Benny" I gave him a peck on his cheek.

" Good morning sister Bee" He replied with a smile. " Your uniform looks great on you, better than your previous one" He added.

" Thanks" I replied. I took my seat at the table.

" School Girl" Mum teased and I blushed. " Don't forget what we discussed last night. mase lo infant ti o ni" She said, pulling her ear as a sign of warning.

" Beeni mummy!" I replied.

" You guys should hurry up with the food, we don't want to be late," Mum said.

A few minutes later, we were done with breakfast. Mum drove us to school. Ben's school was close by, so mum dropped him off first.

" Bee, I'm sorry but I will have to drop you at your school junction today.  I won't be able to drive you in. I'm already running late."Mum Said, facing me completely. She gave me an apologetic smile.

" Is okay mum. The school is just a few blocks away." I replied with a smile.

" I love you. I will pick you up by three." Mum said

" Okay. Love you too" I replied.

I stepped down from the back seat, adjusted my glasses, carried my school bag, and waved mum goodbye as she drove off. I took a deep breath before walking towards the school gate. On reaching the gate, security opened the gate and let me in.

" Good morning Sir" I greeted.

" Good morning my pikin" He replied in pidgin English.

As I stepped foot into the school, my jaw dropped. It was as if I was daydreaming about the beauty I saw. Money lives here. I stood at a spot staring around. Everywhere was spacious, and looked so beautiful.

I turned to look at my wristwatch, 7:30 A.M, I have an extra thirty minutes to spare. I need to look for Susan, she will be so excited to see me. I thought with excitement. When I looked towards the gate, I saw different expensive cars driving into the school compound. Susan's car might be one of them. I thought.

A minute later, a car drove into the school compound. The driver gets down and opens the door. A beautiful girl came down from the car. Judging from her looks, height, and skin, she looks like a model. So beautiful! Everyone seems attracted to her. Two girls ran to help her carry her bags.

" Who is she?" I asked a girl beside me.

" That's Karen Robert, proprietor's daughter." She replied.

" Wow! She is so beautiful. Is she a Nigerian? Because she looks like an American to me." I said

" Not really, her mother is an American and her father is a Nigerian." She replied.

" I see she is biracial. I'm not surprised. She looks like one." I said.

" Watch where you're going! Idiot!" Karen yelled. Her angelic face looked like a devil at the moment.

" I'm... I'm sorry Karen, I... didn't see you were coming." The girl's voice quivered while she spoke.

Looking at them from a distance, I said. " She looks familiar"

" Who?" The girl beside me asked.

" The girl standing in front of Karen. She looks like my friend, Susan." I replied.

" That's Susan James, she joined us last semester. You know her?"

" Yes, I do. See you later. I need to talk to her." I said walking towards where Karen and Susan stood.

" Silly girl! You're blind right? What do you mean you didn't see me? You've wrinkled my dress. Do you know how long I spent ironing it?" Karen yelled.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you" Susan pleaded.

" Sorry? Is that all you've to say? Who's going to fix my dress? Heh!" Karen yelled the more. Soon all eyes were on her.

" She said sorry already, what else do you want her to do? It was an accident, she didn't do it on purpose." I said pissed.

" And who are you? What right do have to talk to me in such a manner." Karen asked, facing me completely.

" My name is Bee Foster, Susan's friend," I said with my hands crossed on my chest.

" Bee Foster? Never heard that name before. You're a freshman, right? Who's your father?" She asked.

" It doesn't matter who my father is. Let's go, Susan. So mean!" I said, dragging Susan away.

" How dare you walk out on me. You're going to regret it!" She called from behind, but I didn't stop.

After we have walked off a distance, I let go of Susan's hand.

" Are you stupid? Why did you talk back at Karen?" Susan asked in an angry voice.

" What! Are you for real Susan? I just defended you as a friend should, and you're mad at me?" I said.  I wasn't expecting Susan to say those words to me. What has gotten into her?

" I didn't ask for your help! You've made things worse for me. I've been trying to get on Karen's good side for a whole semester, and now you've ruined everything!" She yelled like a crazy person. I was speechless. The Susan I knew won't let anyone intimidate her. What changed?

" This is not Girls college, Bee. This is L.H.S, and if you want to survive here, then don't mess with her queen" She said. She gave me one last glance before she walked away. I couldn't say anything, I watch as she walks out on me.

EEERRRR! " Assembly!" A voice spoke. Turning around, I saw a student walking toward the hall in the middle of the school and I followed.

We all took out seats in the assembly hall. A middle-aged man walked up on stage, he wore a blue suit with a pair of glasses. He was lanky and handsome. He scratched his bald head before he spoke.

" Good morning students!"

" Good morning Mr. Ken!" Everyone chorus, while I hum with them.

"The Board and Management of Light-House Highschool warmly welcome you all both old and new students to a new academic session. It is, indeed, a great pleasure seeing you all gathered here for the morning assembly after what feels like a light year. We hope you all have had a beautiful holiday and are ready for the work and fun ahead.

Anyways, before going any further, I am delighted to thank our esteemed proprietor, Ace Robert, the director and proprietor of L.H.S.

As usual, we have a theme for the section, and in this section our theme is CULTURE...

I looked around the entire hall hoping to see Susan, but I couldn't find her.

" After all ' patience and perseverance are a couple of secrets to success. With that being said, I would like to thank you all for your patience and time. And once again, welcome back to L.H.S."

Everyone applauded. A few minutes later, the assembly was over. Everyone walked out of the hall in two lines.