
Last Wish System

In a universe where the great experts can reincarnate, Yale Roanmad reincarnated with almost no memories of his past life and didn't know who he was. Despite the problem with his memories, Yale had obtained a strange legacy from his own past life the Last Wish System. Yale, who remembered the pain of dying, decided to turn strong to avoid suffering the same pain again. Moreover, he also decided to investigate his own past life to remember who he was. However, he didn't know that a Mysterious Expert, who knew a lot about him and his past life, was looking at him from the shadows. ______________________________________________ Join the Last Wish System Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/RHVESef This novel has been completed. I will still go back to edit old chapters whenever I have time. You can also support me donating in Paypal: https://paypal.me/Alemillach There is a Wikia under construction. If you want to help, you are welcome: https://last-wish-system.wikia.com/wiki/Last_Wish_System_Wiki

Alemillach · Fantasy
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645 Chs

Losing the Control

Driven by hatred, Yale was attacking non-stop the birdman ancestor.

Yale's power had increased enough to put the birdman ancestor in a situation where he couldn't lower his guard, but since Yale wasn't calm minded, he couldn't use his strength to its max potential.

Due to the fact that Swordmad and Yale had killed a total of eight Law Masters in a few seconds, the army's power had been diminished, and Ronragruk's group was managing to tie them down, but since all of them had been battling at a disadvantage for so long, they were far more tired than their opponents.

Moreover, the birdman ancestor had already recovered enough power to battle seriously as a Law God, so there was no way Yale could divert his attention to attack the few remaining members of the army.

Ronragruk and the three Law Masters weren't strong enough to divert their attention while battling against nine Law Masters, so the rest of them needed to fight with the army remains.