
Last Wish/ Last Dream

My First try in writing English is not my first language and I will be using the google translate some times A 25 years old guy (our Mc)was minding this own business when he come cross a girl being attack by a random person. Feeling troubled he try to help but he did not expect that the girl was working with stranger. The girl after getting behind him stab him and robbed him of his live and value items on him, he was left to died on the street . When he regained his consciousness he found hisself in front of a old man. The old Man end up being the Big G and he decided to to give our mc some wishes and reincarnate our mc into the world of his choosing. Mc was really happy, chose to go into the same world as his favorite protagonist Rimuru and enjoy his life. I’m inspired by many fan Fic out there and some of the things in the store may sound or may be the same I don’t own the real thing and the photo is not mine too it’s from online and I only own my character

MonkeyDAnish · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

One piece ch 2

Earlier we arrived at Orange Town, found our captain captured and caged in front of a clown. As an orange hair girl was forced to light the cannon in front of the cage. We rushed in to save our captain but we were late. The girl lit the cannon, both Zoro and me sent sword slash at the group of pirates and the connon. Both the pirates and connon were cut into pieces and freed Luffy the girl seeing this runned away. We battled it out with the clown pirates group, Zoro fought with a fake swordsman who was riding a unicycle and I fought with others that survived but after I was done with them no one survived, Luffy was not bothered by this because unlike in the show this was real life and he know that if we don't kill them they will kill us. It was also because of my talk with both Zoro and him about life and the choice he will have to make. Luffy fought buggy and sent him flying. After we were done fighting we saw the girl running away with the treasures, I went and stopped her and took the gold and her in front of Luffy and others. Luffy asked her to join the crew but he didn't even know her. I told luffy to stop asking Random people to join, I asked the girl her name to which she replied nami and that she was a thief. I asked her what she was doing here, she answered that she was here to Rob the buggy Pirates for the map of the Grand Line. I was about to ask why because I wanted to know if she would tell me about arlong or not but I was Interrupted by Luffy asking her to join. She tries to make the same deal as in the show but I stop Luffy and tell Nami that there is no deal and if she wants one then it will be 25% is her and 75% is ours to which she agreed. I store 75% of the gold away and tell the group to move and that we will resupply on the next island. We continue with our adventure with our new Temporary member nami. As we leave the mysterious island inhabited by strange creatures some days later nami and zoro spotted an island not that far away, we headed in that direction. We are arrived at the island but as we step on land someone shots at our feet and yell "leave pirates or my crew of over one thousand man will open fire" Nami yells back that they is only 4 people that 3 of which are brats to which the 3 brats run away and leave the long nose teen behind. He takes aim but Luffy told him if he points that thing he must be ready to shoot to kill or else be ready to die. The guy gets scared and drops the slingshot on the ground, after some talking with him, Luffy discovers he is the son of Yasopp, one of the pirates in Shanks' crew and becomes friends. We headed into the village and after eating I fell asleep under a tree. I was woken up by nami, she told us about the plan. Walking into the directions where the Pirate will arrive. Me, Usopp and Zoro set traps and made other plans.

Our plan was for me, Luffy, and Zoro to fight in the front and usopp to snipe them from far away, as for Koby and nami they job was to help when it's needed.

The pirates arrive at the Island on a cat shaped ship, start moving inland but after some steps one of the pirates steps on our trap, the trap activates killing ¾ of the pirates leaving only 4 people alive. Taking the change we attack the 4 killing them , I spotted Kuro and following what I was looking at others saw him to but before anyone said anything he disappeared and arrived in front of usopp trying to slash him but I stop him and throw Kuro to Luffy to which Luffy smile and try fighting Kuro. After Kuro was defeated we took him to kaya and things when the same as in the show but after everything was going the same I asked Nami out to a date and she agreed, as our wonderful date was coming to end I told her that I saw the tattoo on her shoulder and ask her why she haves it. She became scared but she signed and told me everything which I already knew but still I listened to her story while supporting her body with mine. She cried and let everything out. I told her about how strong we were and that Arlong was weak and that we as her friends will help her. She was scared but agreed, we continued our date and after our date we went to look for the others.

We found them with kaya and they were talking about our new ship, after checking the ship out I told everyone we will spend some time here in order to make some adjustments so the ship is comfortable for a pirate crew and other things I want.

It took about 2 weeks but the ship was now bigger and looked cooler, it was the same size as sunny and looked more like a pirate ship then sunny. First thing I adjusted was the size of the ship, added a captain room and more rooms for the future crew members and a new storage room in the kitchen with a cooler system. I added more defense and durability and a training place with support wall made of strong materials which can absorb strong hits , added 4 connon on each side and 1 big conon in the front inside the sheep mouth and one in the back for Safety.

As we were about to set sail Usopp came rolling down but was stopped by Luffy and Zoro using their legs, that's how he joined the crew. As we sail away the ch come to a end lol