
Last Wish/ Last Dream

My First try in writing English is not my first language and I will be using the google translate some times A 25 years old guy (our Mc)was minding this own business when he come cross a girl being attack by a random person. Feeling troubled he try to help but he did not expect that the girl was working with stranger. The girl after getting behind him stab him and robbed him of his live and value items on him, he was left to died on the street . When he regained his consciousness he found hisself in front of a old man. The old Man end up being the Big G and he decided to to give our mc some wishes and reincarnate our mc into the world of his choosing. Mc was really happy, chose to go into the same world as his favorite protagonist Rimuru and enjoy his life. I’m inspired by many fan Fic out there and some of the things in the store may sound or may be the same I don’t own the real thing and the photo is not mine too it’s from online and I only own my character

MonkeyDAnish · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

dragon, the slime, goblines, direwolves

Luffy pov:

As I continue walking I hear rimuru and Veldora in the few corner of the cave.

little time skip:

Veldora also reminisces about the peerless beauty of a Hero that defeated him 300 years ago. While they were talking they sense luffy and look around they found him in the corner slowly getting close.


oh there are other people/ monsters in here that good to know can I join you too.

First POV :

Rimuru was happy to found other person and Veldora was happy to have another viewer so they invite him to join their talk.

The third become friends fast then name each other. Veldora was name Veldora Tempest, luffy was name luffy tempest, and the slime/Rimuru was named Rimuru Tempest. To break the unbreakable Infinite Prison, they agree to stake Veldora's freedom on Rimuru's Unique Skills, and Veldora got stored in Predator's storage space, stuck in time and undergoing Great Sage's analysis.

With a new goal in mind and friend in heart, Luffy and Rimuru eventually gets out of the cave. It was only after Luffy using this system to map function that he succeeded though. During the days after meeting Veldora, Luffy tells Rimuru to eats more grass and rocks, namely Hipokte Grass and Magic Ore, as well as other monsters they fight and hunted, so it will help develops some of Rimuru personal fighting skills to defend himself and people he liked.

Whilst exploring the forest outside the cave, Rimuru plays around with a sound-emitting skill acquired from predating a cave bat and achieves speece, Luffy was happy to see this . luffy and rimuru meet a group of Goblins who invited them to their village. It turns out the Goblins are being threatened by a pack of Direwolves. After hearing the situation from the village chief and being promised eternal loyalty, the good-natured luffy and Rimuru help them, luffy using rias buys trap and orders the goblin to built a little trap around the village.

After stilling up all the traps they wait for the direwolves to attack. In the horizon more then 400 direwolves appear. The leader was mad because of little trap we place and orders a all out attack.

The wolves run through the wind like arrows and appear in front of our mc's but were traped and kill.

The number of the direwolfs decrease from 400 to now 300. Watching this luffy wanted some fun to so he jumped started cutting up wolfs left and right. After killing 50 wolf luffy when back to his place. After appearing in this place he found a slime with stars shape eyes. Happy with show he put on luffy told Rimuru to end the fight. Rimuru defeated the wolf pack's leader, and acquires the rest of the pack as subordinates. Luffy tells the goblins and wolves to get along with each other, sets the same rules as Rimuru but the change of if a human attacks or try's to hurt anyone they are allowed to defend them self. Thus the new village of name wolf and goblins is born under their rule.

With Luffy being with Rimuru they got to the goblins faster then in the show like 1 to 2 month.

Next day

(sometime I will call the wolves - wolfs for short because I forgot some time >*<)


After checking around the place I asked Rigurd if there were any Craftsmen among the goblins? To which he answered yes but after seeing their work I was disappointed. I asked Rigurd where we can find some good craftsmen.

Rigurd: yes I know a place we can find some of the best craftsmens, that place is the Kingdom of the Dwarves

Luffy thought: yes now I Have a excuse to ask rimuru to go to the kingdom to get some Craftsmen

Luffy: hey Rigurd go call Rimuru

Rigurd: roger roger

Luffy: lol

After some mins Rigurd return with Rimuru

First pov :

Luffy asks Rimuru how his day has been. To which Rimuru answer so so

Luffy doesn't waste time and asks Rimuru to go and get some craftsmen from the Dwarves kingdom. To which Rimuru Agreed because he also saw the goblins hut on his way to the camp. Rimuru takes a group of goblins riders with Ranga to Dwarves kingdom. Luffy went to a place where many wolves were gathered. Using his skill he found a great wolf with more experience in leading, with leadership skills.

Luffy: Looks like I found a veteran what great luck

First pov:

Luffy calls the wolf over, asks who his partner is? To which the wolf calls an unknown goblin over. Luffy looks at the goblin stats and is disappointed, wondering how he ended up with such a powerful partner. Luffy, using his skill to create a wolf half the power of the great wolf, asks the goblin to partner up with the new wolf. At first the goblin was confused but he complied with the request and walked away with his new partner. Luffy, seeing the wolf was confused, told him that he was going to be his master and that his new name was going to be shadow. The wolf was renamed and happy he got a strong master like luffy. Luffy sends a goblin to call Rigurd over. After a few seconds the goblin returns with Rigurd. Rigurd asks what he can do for luffy. To which Luffy tells Rigurd to Gather everyone. After everyone was gathered Luffy announced his new partner as second in command of the Wolves. The wolf's were confused at first but accepted it as Shadow sent small power waves in the wolf Direction. After the leadership is established when Ranga is absent. Luffy Scanned all the 498 of them, found only 250 of them had Fighting experience and good skills. So he ordered 250 of them to get ready to fight/tech. Luffy orders them to teach the other half how to use their skills and to do training battles to gain some fighting experience. All of them we given 1 week to get ready for battle. All of them shout roger roger and start training.

Luffy create some drone to map the forest