
Last Sword

There was once a tribe that are known for being the greatest swordsman inside tower and because of that natural talent being driven by instinct alone, the people in the tower got envious and allied themselves to eradicate them for not sharing their secrets. So in the end, with their overwhelming forces they manage to destroy the entire tribe. But unfortunately not every one can predict the future. The last man standing is holding a young boy and sealed him. And now that the time has come, the new era is surging once again.

Cucumber_Lemon · Fantasy
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1 Chs

First Game

****† First Floor Arc †****

Once upon a time, at the 99 Floor of the tower, there is a group, a small tribe to be exact that is living deep at the Forest of Beast and they are called [Ghostblade Tribe].

A relatively small and native tribe numbering around 130 people including the children, they were discovered around 5000 AT (After Tower), in short they were discovered 5000 years ago after the climbers reaches the 99th Floor.

Climbers are those people who decided to explore the Tower and gain recognition to it and play the games in order to become stronger.

The tribe's power are mainly the use of swords, their sword technique are so unusual so unusual that even a 10 year old child can overpowered a 10 meter wild beast on their own.

So many nobles, people who created their own faction/family inside the tower got interested to their power and tried to recruit them to be their servants or make them a teacher and teach their family to use swords just like them.

And so, seeing such ill-intent with their words, the tribe leader of the Ghostblade completely shuts their request with a loud "NO!"

Being too arrogant and spoiled, the Nobles couldn't handle it and they decided to team up to destroy the tribe as they believe in a saying: "If we can't have it, then no one shall."

So with their overwhelming forces, they completely outnumbered the tribe tens and thousands of times but as the battle ended, the nobles can see a massive destruction on their side, their number were completely reduced to 25% and that is just the results for fighting the 129 individual excluding the children.

And still, at the end, they mercilessly killed all children and pregnant woman and finally won the war.

[At the time of the War]

A young child (at exactly 12 years old) is holding a sword, he's full of scars and bruises as well as drenched in blood while fighting a young man in his 20s. But both of them are already exhausted from their fight and the man is also fearing that the child might kill him.

"Are you kidding me? This one...? This child is fighting as the same level as me... I climb the tower for many years and a child... can best me in terms of skills? This is absurd! The Nobles are right! If this tribe grows large in population they could overpower the whole tower and rule it on their own. I must kill this child!"

The man has numerous slashes on his body and his amputated left hand is being covered by a white bandage drenched in his own blood. Fear is evident in hia fave while facing a mere child.

On the other side, the child has a swollen right eyes while huge bruises are also evident in his body but he's still holding the world while his face is showing no emotion.

"We are trained to kill. As those nobles says, we are like killing machine but they didn't know our purpose, our swords are made from our powers and the sword and I are one being, we exist to protect our tribe and family and yet this Nobles disgrace those legacy. Our chances of winning— slim to none! With those numbers our defeat are inevitable but with our pride as a swordsman, we will fight." Zero thought while looking so deadly at his opponent named Rasil.

Zero has a deep and dark purple hair and eyes. His hands and body can show that he's a skilled child amongst their tribe but fighting a climber with great power is still too much for a 12 year old.

As their gaze locked up in each other, they finally decided to move. But...

"We must end this now!" they both thought and finally made a move but before they could even reach each other, a man suddenly appeared at the center and immediately slashes Rasil in a upward straight to kill that splits Rasil's head into two.

"Father?!" Zero shouted with a flustered tone.


But without even replying, the Father of Zero instantly grabbed him and move so fast towards the mountain.

"Father! Father! Why are we running?! How about Mom and Sister? We can't just leave them?!" Zero said while punching his Father's back to stop but his Father is just enduring it while running at an incredible speed.

Within just five minutes they reached the fop of the mountain and there the top wasn't a summit but an altar with flaming torches and a engraved magic circle on the ground.

The Father of Zero has the same color like him and the face is like an innocent man but now is filled with fear, not the fear of fighting but the fear of loosing someone in your life.

He now then put Zero down at the center of the magic circle.

"Father! We should get back there for Mom and Sister." Zero shouted those words to his father.

But he receives a reply he totally didn't expect.

"Do you trust me Zero?"

Those are the words thet his Father said.

"Of course I trust you Father but—" But before he can even reply his father instantly replied.

"Then that's it, stay inside the center without saying anything if you truly trust me... and here—"

The Father of Zero throws a necklace designed as a sword to him. When Zero grabbed it, he just saw his father standing while his hands are interlocked like praying.

"F-father what exactly are you doing—?" But right before he could even finish his sentence, he finally figured out what happened and just say his final words to his father.

"I'll make sure to succeed Father, just leave the rest to me." Zero said as his cold eyes is being filled with tears while looking at his Father.

And finally, figuring out the situation, his Father smiled at him and those smile means everything.

"I'm proud of you son, I'll leave the rest to you."

At last, while standing outside the circle, the flames on the torch suddenly grew and exploded at the sky in a vertical blast.

His eyes are closed while praying but tears are falling in those pure and innocent eyes, sorrows and resentment and countless are the feelings inside those tears. And with full of faith, he opened his eyes again as he casted a wide and powerful magic.

Let our revenge be in your hands, let your sword point the right path for you, achieve greatness my son, this is my only last wish.

[Forbidden Sealing Magic: Time Crystal]

*Flash. Boom*

A bright flash illuminated the sky and a loud explosion is heard throughout the entire forest, the body of Zero is floating in the sky and now being slowly being covered by a green crystal from feet towards his upper body.

Tears are falling in his eyes as he look at his father waving at him saying an inaudible goodbye, so he shouted to him with his full strength.

"Father! I'll definitely come back!

And so, the entire body of Zero is now covered in green crystal and immediately dissolve in the air like ash and spread all over the place.

Let's hope, my son, that you will succeed.

"My beloved son, Marcus."

*Marcus and Zero are one individual*

While simply looking at the sky, he finally turns around and saw a numerous blast of attacks and a huge floating castle infront of him.

With his last ounce if strength he tries to stop the countless blast of attacks.

[Ghostblade Technique: Thousands Blades of Death]

He injected his mana up to its last drop to the sword and release countless slashes to intercept the attacks that produces loud and numerous explosion.

*Boom. Boom. Boom*

And so... the story begins.