
Last Stand✅✅

Cold_works · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Fall of the world

Everything was in ruins as i looked at the blonde guy standing in front of me.

Why? why did you kill them, why did they have to die i asked looking at him with disgust.

He looked at with a wide grin on his face and kicked the ground running towards me slashing his spear at me without hesitation to kill me. Luis i shouted in rage as i clashed my sword with his spear, the fight went on for about forty minutes and i knew i was at a disadvantage because he was gradually overpowering me as he eventually started breaking through my defense and small cuts were visible on my body as he swiftly thrust his spear stabbing my shoulder as i backed off from him and went on my knees with my sword pierced in the ground as i looked at him noticing his pale looking eyes.

So this is how it ends huh i thought, when did things go wrong, ahh! it was back then as i recalled the past when constellations descended plunging our world into their plaything, why,why, what did we do wrong?. I lost everything, my family, friends, my lover because of them it's their fault luis became broken. In the middle of my thoughts i felt a spear pierced through my chest as i fell to the floor gasping for air.

Ahh ahh so this is it huh , i don't want it to end like this, i want to pay them back, i want to kill them all, i want t~~~ ah my consciousness is fading but please help me anyone i want to have my revenge


[Forgotten constellation acknowledges your resolve]

[Forgotten constellation ask's if you can achieve your goal if given a second chance]

Constellation huh even to the end you guys are still playing with me fine i will play along i thought as i closed my eyes thus my life coming to an end.

[Conditions fulfilled]

[Returning player steve adrick]

[Conditions fulfilled]

[Last warrior of humanity verified]

[Battle of god's initiated]

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Cold_workscreators' thoughts