

There was an orphaned little boy who was helping his grandfather who was starving. Unexpectedly he received a gift in the form of a small knife from his grandfather which turned out to be a legendary heirloom. And that little boy turned out to have the legendary Dragon Spirit

Ariezs11 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 Trap

At that moment the drawer handle of the cupboard was pulled forward very quickly by Alex's hand. Suddenly, an arrow flew freely from the drawer.

Which made Rieza speak, "Huft… Almost, if I don't react quickly, maybe my arm will be pierced by the arrow that shot so fast."

"Therefore, earlier I warned you to stay away from the reach of this drawer, because in this cupboard there are many traps that father has set to protect the valuable treasures that he keeps in it," said Alex, wiping the sweat that was pouring from his mouth. over his head.

"Precious treasure? What's that like, Ka? I'm curious about the treasure you mean," said Rieza excitedly and started moving towards the cupboard.

But even walking is a little difficult, because every time Rieza wants to take a step, this ceramic made of natural stones changes its position and makes Rieza think for a moment.

"This is why the tiles on the bedroom floor are always changing places, is this another secret from Rolland Xander's room that I must solve quickly?" Rieza mumbled wonderingly.

"Hey, don't just daydream, in this room anything can be a trap, so you have to be more careful when walking on the tiles of this room, Rieza," said Alex reminded again.

"Is this what Rolland meant by the treasure? So before I get the real treasure, I have to break this trap first," said Rieza thinking back about all the possibilities that would happen.

"Okay, I'll open all the puzzles to get to the treasure that is in this room," he assured himself.

"What are you doing, Rieza? Why are you suddenly daydreaming like that, Rieza, you seem to have a plan to solve this puzzle that my father has made," Alex asked seeing Rieza's happy face like that.

"I haven't found the pattern for this puzzle, Ka, but from what I've seen, every time I step on one of these tiles, the position of this ceramic changes, Ka. So I came to the conclusion that this must have a constant changing pattern," Rieza explained at length to Alex.

Enthusiastically listened to Rieza's explanation, he began to understand the pattern of the movement of the tiles on the floor of the room.

"So, you think that's the pattern created by father," said Alex because he didn't believe that Rieza understood the pattern created by his father.

"I don't even know clearly about this trap, but there are some ceramics that are quite interesting for me, Ka," said Rieza, pointing to one of the ceramics he was referring to.

"Look at the ceramics with different patterns, if you step on the tiles, the pattern on the floor will immediately change," continued Rieza, who was still pointing at the ceramic she meant.

After Rieza spoke like that, he immediately stepped on the ceramic in question so that Alex could see that his guess was correct.

Not long after Rieza stepped on the tile, the pattern on the floor changed again. It turned out that what Rieza was talking about was true about this ceramic.

Alex who has learned the truth about the tiles on the floor of his father's room. So the more curious about the traps that have been prepared by the father.

Rieza has gone through several different ceramics at every step. Suddenly the floor in the room shook. The wall on the other side of the cupboard turned into a wooden door decorated with dragons around it.

"Hah? Door? What door is that exactly?" shouted Alex and Rieza.

The two of them approached the door that suddenly appeared before their eyes. Slowly, they approached the door.

Both Rieza and Alex were very curious about the room behind the door. Finally Alex got up the nerve to grab the handle and start turning it.

"Crack." The door opened.

From inside the room, a dazzling light began to hit the eyes of the two and a very fragrant aroma began to smell from within the room.

"It smells like alcohol? Is your father a drinker and why is the air coming out of this door so cold?" asked Rieza who was still surprised that there was a smell of alcohol and the air that came out of the room was cold.

"It seems that what you say is true, Rieza, indeed it is the smell of alcohol, what we inhaled was the aroma of wine that has been fermented for hundreds of years in a bottle, which was stored in the room with my father," explained Alex, who confirmed the statement from Rieza.

"It's not just Rieza's alcohol, but a sky-grade drink, which that man had been keeping all this time, on his journey through this cultivation world," replied the dragon that was within him.

"Hah? You? Are you Hydra? Why are you able to get up now?" Rieza asked herself.

Alex, who saw Rieza speak, could only be astonished to hear the conversation that Rieza said to himself.

"Hi Rieza, what were you talking about earlier? Sky grade alcohol? Top grade earth pill? What are they all, Rieza and what are they used for?" said Alex who couldn't wait to hear the explanation about the information he got now.

Rieza, who was suddenly asked like that, could only scratch his head, because he didn't actually know anything about alcohol or the pill.

"If Rieza doesn't know about it, how come he can talk about sky grade alcohol and top grade earth pills like this? Is this what he knows because of that hidden power, so he can find out what's in that room, huh," thought Alex with all the possibilities that happened.

"Hehe… Brother why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong with my face?" Rieza asked while examining her face and whole body.

"Oh... No... No... Your face is normal, there's no dirt or wounds on your face or on your body, but I'm just a little surprised by the way you know the contents of this room, Alex said with a right tilt of his head and looked at Rieza's face carefully.

"Oh... If that's the case, I still can't tell big brother about it because I'm still not sure of myself," answered Rieza with her head lowered and suddenly lethargic.

"Come on, Rieza. I believe in you. You must be able to control the power that is within you well," comforted Alex by lifting Rieza's face so he could meet hers.