
Last Heritage

Teo Albino, returns home after the last day of the semester at Uni, and found a big package inside his appartment. Opening the package he found a Vrmmo headset and a letter. What surprised him the most was that the one who sent all of this is his father. The same father that left him and his mom right when he turned 18. The contents of the letter are the following: Dear Teo, I know that I left without notice and you must be questioning why. The answers that you want can be found in the game that i sent along with this letter. I spent the last 3 years working alongside my colleagues on this and we finally made it. I remember that you used to be a lot like me on my early days so i figured that you might enjoy this game as well. Enjoy the journey and hope we can meet again. Much Love, Dad. Teo thought by himself looking at the media of the game that was titled "The last heritage": "Dam this stupid father of mine. His naming sense sucks". "Like hell im gonna play this , tomorrow is rpg session with the boyz and i really want to crush tarrasque with my Epic swashbuckler" The next day was full of surpireses for Teo... This is my very first novel. I hope you guys enjoy and give some constructive feedback. Yours truly, ShakaDaran

ShakaDaran · Games
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Terrible naming sense

Teo is your typical university student. He is currently on his 3rd year of his computer science degree, and while having the best grades of the class he was well known among every one of the university due to his laziness when it comes to studying but at the same time producing great projects in the various internships and competitions that he participated.

'Finally this semester is over. Tomorrow is RPG day and I hope that everyone can show up so we finally raid the Tarrasque den' Teo thought by himself while on his way home after the last day of class.

He was taking the subway on his way home and had only one thing on his mind, his next RPG session with his friends. He doesn't know when his love for games (more specifically RPG) flourished, but he remembers that his father used to have a lot of those books and even some figurines on his office.

During his way back home, he got a call from his mom asking if he wanted to go back home for the vacation.

"Teo my dear, what do you think about coming home for a week?" she asked

"Mom, I won't deny that I miss you and your food… But I also want to stay with my friends you know… I'm a big boy right now and I want to do my stuff … " he replied in a somewhat embarrassing tone

"Oh, did you found yourself a job already? Or is it a girlfriend? " His mom realizing that he was embarrassed decided to tease him

"MOM! ITS NONE OF THAT! I WILL GO HOME FOR THE LAST WEEK OF VACATION IS THAT ENOUGH?" Teo shouted on the phone showing that his mom teasing worked flawlessly.

"Ok ,ok…don't shout with me. I will make the arrangements for your flight in 3 weeks is that okay?"

"Yes mom, that's fine. If that's all, see you in 3 weeks! Bye bye!" *ding* He disconnected from the call without letting his mom say another word kept on his way home.

After a few minutes he finally arrived at his stop and got out of the station.

Teo still needed to walk 3 blocks to get to his home and as usual he would do so while looking at the stores along the way. There was one store that he liked more than others , and of course it was the "GamersLand". This store as the name say was focused on selling all kinds of games. From simple tabletops and card games to the most advanced VR consoles, everything related to games could be found there.

While passing by the "GamersLand", Teo found a huge group of people looking at a big announcement.

[Last Heritage! The VRMMORPG where your skill and creativity really matter . Official launch 15/07]

'What a terrible naming sense from the devs' Teo thought while he kept walking home.

When he arrived his building, the doorman said that there was a package for him. Teo signed the papers and brought the package home.

As soon as he got inside his apartment Teo turned on the tv as usual and checked the package that he received. He didn't order anything in the last days so he wasn't expecting something to be delivered. The package was light and the sender was unknown so he didn't know what to expect.

After cooking a simple meal and taking a shower he decided to finally open the package, and when he did he got really surprised.

It was a media of that game he saw earlier on the "GamersLand" along with a letter and a VR-headset.

"What the …? Who sent this to me? " Teo asked while holding the game and headset with his hands.

"Better check the letter then.."

As he opened the letter Teo got really surprised by the contents.

[Dear Teo,

I know that I left without notice and you must be questioning why. The answers that you want can be found in the game that I sent along with this letter. I spent the last 3 years working alongside my colleagues on this and we finally made it. I remember that you used to be a lot like me on my early days so I figured that you might enjoy this game as well. Enjoy the journey and hope we can meet again.

Much Love,


PS.: Start as soon as the servers open , otherwise things can get a little tough]

Teo thought by himself looking at the media of the game

"Like hell I'm going to play this. T omorrow is RPG session with the boyz and I really want to crush tarrasque with my Epic swashbuckler. And who would expect that this terrible name sense is actually from my father…"