
Last group alive

There is this cool high school. That everybody wants to get into but this year they are going to do things a bit differently. The school had decided that they are going to do a little experiment on the kids at the school. This may cause some kids to be traumatized more. Are the children ready to win or not? Will they just stand around and do nothing the whole time? Who will be chosen to partake in this little experiment? I don’t know myself but l guess this means we both are in for surprise readers. When Juno gets to the school he is confused as to why everyone is bowing to the teachers. Not knowing what to do he just copies what everyone else is doing. Eventually, his first teacher is done with counting everyone in the class, but instead of having them all sit down. The teacher has the whole class go to the gym. While waiting in the gym Juno makes some friends at least he thinks he did. After a bit, the famous scientist comes out from the curtain of the stage. The scientist does a huge speech and then people start to be chosen. Juno hopes that he won’t be picked because it sounded like too much work. People are not away lucky though. Juno wonders how he would do in this little experiment. -Game start- -Yes/No-

Kai_Hid · Fantasy
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1 Chs


While a scientist is working on a project she comes up with a great idea. She was sure that her co-workers would not like the idea so she made it quietly. A year later the scientist was done with the idea she had! But now she had to figure out how to get people to test it. So she took teens from random schools and used them. As expected when the player died in the game they would die in real life. Being happy with the results she wanted to make a show out of it. The scientist would have to make sure that none of the kids die or she would end up in jail and not get any money. She didn't care that much so the scientist asked schools if they would let her use the machine. All of the schools she asked for said no. Till a school called Royal Rose said yeah. The school wanted a good amount of money if the scientist was going to use it. So the scientist agreed. Now they just had to wait for the next school year