
The Rain Of Doom, part 1/2 [Bonus]

POV Vesuvius:

The words of the young elf hit the dragon like a hammer. The weird energy was always around him. Even now, he could faintly feel it flowing into his body, his XP bar slowly filling up. However, after years of playing LOMM as a player, he became so accustomed to it that he didn't pay any attention to it, as his player mentality of just considering it to be a game design choice still affected him.

'This whole thing is real. It is not just a gameplay feature, so what is it?'. As a dragon, he could easily see and feel the magic and life energy, but this weird energy didn't feel nor behave like any of these two.

'It is XP. But what even is this XP if it can make anyone stronger? If mana is the energy of a soul and the life force is the energy of a body, then where this 'XP' belongs?'

Next chapter