
Kidnapped by aliens?

There is a whisper in the air

A race who is perceived as dead

has been found very alive indeed

the black dragons are indeed

not Dead, but must be brought back

do this for me, my followers

A tall, red-headed muscular captain, of a search and rescue squad, was in between the dimensions of time. The captain looked out the window of the portable base and thought, "This is a very bizarre mission the king has given my team and me. The king specifically told me that I will get a person outside of our dimension here. Also, this place gives me the creeps because the outside is just blue and purple. But, we have to be here to await a long lost person of our race. The origin is on another planet. The captain then heard an alarm blare and his lieutenant was reading the cause on the magical dashboard.

The captain loudly asked, "Did we detect the person we were looking for, Lieutenant Nadria?!"

The captain's Lieutenant, Nadria done reading the magical dashboard responded loudly" Yes, captain Narkon, the magic dashboard is still zeroing on his or her location and will take one more second!"

Captain Narkon nodded and said, "Good, once we teleport the person here, then we can go home." A cheer rang out between his crew on his ship.

A moment later, Nadria shouted, "the location of the person who is part of our race is on the planet earth!"

Captain Narkon heard what Nadria reported and commanded," Tell the mages to prepare the transportation spell to transport the person here. Also, tell them to focus because I want to go home ." A moment later, a loud yes sir was heard around the base. A person's life was about to change forever. The world will also be altered by his actions.


"Earth 2020, just a normal day for my part-time job, thank god."John exhaustingly thought as he was driving home from work. John, an average 19-year-old with red hair brushed to the side. John always feels displaced in American culture because weird stuff keeps happening. When John was 8, he had a fire at his school where a fire mysteriously cropped up like it had a mind of its own. The police said there was a gas smell in the air and a chemical reaction occurred when the fire was started. However, John felt something was odd about what transpired then because no gassy smell was in the air. Now, John is a man who lives with his adopted parents and sisters. John never knew his parents and so grew up with his obnoxious adoptive parents. John enjoys his life, but he feels uncomfortable and makes him feel misplaced somehow. However, John dismisses this as a mere thought and moves on with his life.

In between the dimensions

Meanwhile, the search and rescue squad captain Narkon announced," Move it, people, we have to retrieve the person from across the dimension! Nadria, do we know where the person is located? " Staring at Nadria sternly while asking that question.

Nadria replied," Yes, captain, the person is on the continent on Earth called North America."

Narkon yelled to all of his crew" Good, start the teleportation spell to transport the person to our ship! I expect no slacking off or we will leave you in between the dimensions!" The crew of the ship hurried to teleport the person. Who might be what they are searching for? The notion of getting left in between the dimensions is frightening in Narkon's crew. The reason is because of no food and no water to obtain in between the dimensions of time. Narkon thought while drinking a glass of water," I just hope he doesn't struggle to come home with us."


John is enjoying a cool breeze in the summer because he had to walk from his work as a fast-food worker at Mcdidles. John's car is still in repairs from yesterday when his car broke down. So he had to walk from work. John wanted to work part-time in Mcdiddles to pay for college because his adopted father and mother will only pay a partial amount of his college. The cause is his adopted father and mother care about their real son Adam, who is a Sophomore at Chief university.

Furthermore, John got home and found nobody at home. John said to himself, "figures, my father and mother always go traveling somewhere." John dropped all the stuff he had in his pocket on the ground and went outside to get some dinner and then found a bright light in the sky shining on where he was standing. John felt his body disappear from a mysterious force. John had an idea where it came from: aliens are abducting him as he felt himself slowly passing out because of stress on his body.

John felt groggy as he woke up and heard voices near him saying"

We need to fix the teleporter. Everybody we teleport here passes out because of the stress it takes on people who are not used to magic and even people used to magic pass out sometimes."

Another deep male voice argued, "Well, that is the fact of teleporting because the teleportation magic takes the magic from the person teleported to ensure they will survive, and sometimes that puts enough stress they will pass out."

John's, confused about what he just heard thought, "Magic? Did I hear them say magic?" Then, John heard the voices kept talking while John is pretending to be passed out. A voice sounding like a woman interrupted the voices said" Sir yes sir captain, I will get the mages to do that away right when we take him home to the dragon kingdom, But first we have to deal with him now because I believe he is awake and hearing our conversation."

John froze"shoot, they know I am awake. What do I do now." A hand interrupted his thoughts and pulled him to his feet.

The person John perceived as the captain in the flashy red military suit he is wearing spoke to him"Good, now that you're awake we can talk to you about why we kidnapped you. By the way, the reason we kidnapped you is that you are a part of our race and we have to take you home." John retorted"I'm not part of your race. I am human. You get that, there is no way that I am part of your race! By the way, what is your race?" John was puzzled by the said that because it was the only logical thing to say if a person came up and said"Your not human."

The captain responded calmly to John's alarm by uttering, "Our race and your race are the dragon race. If you will not believe us, then you can believe in facts. Nadria shows him the scan on John."

A tanned white woman in her late 20s approached him and said" Here is the data on yourself. This data can be fully trusted. After all, we don't tamper with any of the data because we will get executed for doing that. The scan was a magic scan that did what you would call a more detailed x-ray that looks at the blood and analyzes it to the molecular level that the success rate for the accuracy is 100 percent. We have other data to back this up if you need more proof?"

John, shocked while looking at the data and fully convinced, said"No, I don't need more data. I see the data is very accurate. I can't believe I am not human."

Nadria responded," This will take time to come to grips with who you are, but I will believe you will survive. You are part of our race and you should be home where you belong.

John calmly said"Home." John felt in his heart that he didn't belong on Earth because of his unfathomable strength and tendency for fires to erupt near him and now he knows it probably was him. John with that in mind said," Do I have magic?"

Nadria replied," Certainly, your part of the dragon race, and you probably have seen times you have used magic, but probably accidentally because you need to practice to use your magic properly."

The captain interrupted their conversation and said"Well now you know who you are. We will now leave this blasted place and head for the dragon kingdom in Narkia. When we get the teleport spell ready we will leave. We have to teleport there because the gods of our planet only allow us to teleport home. We will allow you to keep your clothes and anything you have on you."

John happily said, "Thank you."

A moment later, a man in a bright blue hoodie said, "Captain, we have prepared the teleporter to take everybody home including the new arrival.

The captain nodded his head and look and John and told him," Alright, I will go first because sometimes these teleporters have problems."

John questioned," What problems?"

The captain responded,"Oh nothing lethal, just vomiting from magic stress, and teleporting in the wrong places because of people messing with the teleporter by disrupting the stream of magic. Okay, now follow me to the teleportation room." The captain walked and opened a steel door and walked down a silver corridor. John followed him on the walkway that was inside the base and looked outside the clear glass window and saw what amazed him, purple illuminating the sky and blue ground. John followed through a doorway where the captain opened the door that led to a black room with people he suspected as mages working on the teleporter to keep it open because he read plenty of fantasy books to know this.

The captain told John," John, I'll see you on narkia, may the narkian god guide you. The captain went into the teleporter and went to narkia.

Nadria spoke to John, "It looks like the teleporter worked well. You will walk into the teleporter and go to your homeworld and I'll be the first one to say welcome home.

John nodded and walked into the teleporter and felt his skin pulled somewhere else. The light brightened around him as John slowly disappeared. He hoped to not teleport somewhere he will get in trouble or die

I am uploading chapters Wednesday or Thursday of every week. I would like to hear your thoughts of how my story is going so far. Comment or vote, do what would you like.

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