
Chapter 2: Death is a Beginning (2 of 3)

Chapter 2: Death is a Beginning (2 of 3)

Lara's father ran to his room and took a flute with runes and cravings on it. He also open many drawers, looking for something. After some searching, he found a box and open it. He took a piece of paper out with a golden key drawn on it. He rush to the bathroom and chanted something when he got to the bathroom.

The golden key that was drawn on the piece of paper pop out of the paper and became lifelike. He grab the key and inserted the key into the keyhole and twist the key. A click was heard as Lara's father open the door. He found his daughter on the ground. Her left sleeve was pulled up with blood flowing out. The cut looked really deep, seeing like it cut her vein and arteries. A knife was on her right hand, but it wasn't tightly grip.

Lara's father grab his phone to call the ambulance, and ran to find some medical supplies to stop the blood from flowing. He return and notice the green jade necklace was on the counter with some droplets of blood on it, so he put it over Lara's neck. A faint green glow came off the green jade necklace and it seem to stop the blood from flowing out of her cut up wrist, but couldn't save her from death.

Lara's father felt something arriving. A puff of black smoke appeared outside the bathroom and it form into a being. The being was cover in black cloths. A hood was covering his face. He stood about 7 or 8 feet tall. In his right hand was a scythe with chains wrapped around it, and in his left hand was a book.

"You can see me," ask the being shock.

"Why don't you just appear in your true form," said Lara's father with sharpness in his eyes.

"Oh, you even know of me. Who are you," ask the being with a bit of curiosity.

"Even if you are a strong being. You are not allow to take my daughter, Grim Reaper" said Lara's father.

The grim reaper looked at the flute in the man's hand and fear appeared in his eyes for a moment before disappearing. A faint smile could be seen on the Reaper's face.

"The Demonic Tuneist, Qin Hantian (surname-Qin, Han-vast, tian-heaven). Wait you got married, so let's use your marriage name instead of your art name right, Dawn Rise" said the Reaper.

"If you know who I am, I'm sure you know what I can do. Don't forget what I did when I went to Hell," said Dawn.

"How can I forget. You were the first person to fight him to a standstill, but either way she has to go. Just accept what already happen has happened," said the Reaper.

Dawn put the flute next to his mouth and was prepare for battle.

"Do we really have to fight," ask the Reaper.

"That's up to you," said Dawn staring at the empty dark socket holes.

"I'll save your daughter then," said the Reaper after thinking for a while about the consequences.

"Swear upon the fates, furies, heaven, and God" said Dawn.

"Dang you really are going all out. Fine. I, Reaper swear upon the fates, furies, heaven, and God, if I don't try my best to save Dawn's daughter then may I be hunt till death and after death. There happy," said Reaper.

As he finish the oath, a symbol appeared on the Reaper's forehead. Chains wrap around him and vanish soon after.

Dawn step out of the way. Reaper walked up and the book in his left hand flip by itself to look for Lara's name. After a few moments of searching he found the name, Lara Rise.

There was a picture of how Lara looked, her birth date, and a short summary of her life. Towards the bottom was her death date, and how she died. As the Reaper read the ending of how she died, he notice the ending has change with a different handwriting than the usual. What shock him the most was that her death date was now three question marks now instead of December 15, 2017.

"How did-this happen," ask Reaper with astonishment and bewilderment.

"What happen," ask Dawn with a worried look on his face.

"I don't know. There is no way for her to live, she was suppose to die here. So how is she alive," said Reaper.

"So she isn't dead," ask Dawn.

"No. She is dead, but she is also alive. What could have cause...NO. It's impossible. The only possible reason is…Sheng Han (Life Writing)," said Reaper with amazement.

"There's another writer," ask Dawn with shock.

He knew what Sheng Han was. Sheng Han, the skill that allows a writer to erase and rewrite someone else's future/life, but the price was either harmful or devastating to the user. The ability to rewrite was something that Gods, Demons/Devils, and the Heavens fear.

"Well anyways she's safe. Humans are here, I gotta go. So does this mean I fulfilled the oath," said Reaper.

He checked himself and found that the brand on his forehead and the chains were gone, meaning he was no longer bound by the oath.

"Phew, lucky. Till we meet again Hantian," said Reaper disappearing.

Someone rewrote the book of life and death. Who would do something like this for my daughter, thought Dawn.