
The Cursed Water Park

WaterFort is a world famous underground water park, it has 5 stars on every website that reviewed it, Renaud by all its costumers for it's "special treatment" ,once you enter the park you are greated by a man in a fish costume ,the parks mascot fishy, he asks you for your ticket nothing else just a ticket, he doesn't even confirm your identity to check that you were the one that bought the ticked, you can get a ticket by buying it online but it's expensive ,once you buy a ticket you can never by a ticket again, your asking what's stoping you from creating another account or hacking the site and buying it again ,well when you create a new account it asks you for Id ,and if it sees a person using the same Id as an already existing account, they will be permanently blocked from the site, so people started using a trick ,and that Trick was using another person's identity by either asking for their family members to give them theirs, but when their relatives id's ran out they started to resort to the second option the illegal option , stealing someone's identity, identity theft crimes worldwide increased drastically, it increased by 500% ,when the trick became public everyone and everyone was using it , people whose identeties got stolen tried to sue the theme park company but the company responded with ' It's not our fault people are stealing someone else's identeties to get into the park' , this caused an uproar among the citizens , people started signing a petition for the park to close down ,but some people didn't want the park to close , because they wanted to go there again because of the "Special Treatment" , When people who visited the park asked what the special treatment was they said that they couldn't talk about it because they signed an NDA ,after such a big scandal the company finnaly closed down the theme park, after the theme park closed there was peace in the world, and identity crimes got back to the normal rate, A couple weeks passed and some people got curious about how the underground water parks insides looked like so they decided to try and break, many metubers when in to film a video but those who tried went missing after breaking in and nothing about them was ever heared again, after many mysterious disappearences , the internet started making many urban legends about how the park was hunted, the whole country started speaking about it.

Girl 1:Omg girl ..did you like hear about the haunted theme park, that closed down about 3 months ago because of a big scandal

Girl 2:Omg Like ...I heard about it from my brother who said his.. Best friend went missing after going there as a 'Test Of Courage' to impress his crush

Girl 1:Wtf really .. that is like SUPER weird.

Girl 2:Yeah like .. their still looking for him.. like don't they know he probably got killed by fishy the parks mascot

Girl 1:What like is that true

Girl 2:Yeah I saw it with my eyes

Girl 1:But how are you still like alive

Girl 2:Yeah I'm friends with fishy

Girl 1:that's like the biggest bull I've heard in a while

Girl 2:So you wanna go like check it out

To Be Continued...

Writer:Sorry about the bad story I really tried to make it good with the time I had, but i didn't have enough time to flesh it out, so this is the unrefined version, so expect this story to be improved later on