
Lannister's Sin of Pride

Classic reincarnation with an MC getting another chance. He may choose where to go but not the power, that will be decided for him and depend on his choice of reincarnation. House Lannister is about to birth the proudest Lion yet.

Cedric_7512 · TV
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30 Chs

Part 12 - Tywin gets mad

(Escanor POV)

281 AC

- 5 years later -

Five years have passed. Quite a lot of things happened in Westeros. And most of the things aren't really good. First to my person. Well, I'm still in Casterly Rock learning all I can. My Father, had he been a normal human being who can show his emotions, would be happy with my progress and the promise I showcase.

It seems after my elder siblings and my younger one, he is relieved that at least one of his children can take over as Lord of Casterly Rock in the future. My intelligence was common knowledge since I was two name days old but my thirst for knowledge was also greatly appreciated.

Now I was by no means truly interested in these things, it just helped with my boredom a great deal. The history of the great houses and also the smaller ones as well as the history of the realm was a fun way for me to pass the time and paint a picture for myself on how each house thinks and plans.

I asked my father for more information on all sorts of important and even unimportant characters in Westeros. I knew that he had a wide network of spies that told him what was going on behind the curtains and I wanted that knowledge to increase my ability to judge people and make plans on who to use and how to use them.

Of course, I was declined at first. It was Tywin Lannister, he already had a fixed learning plan ready for me that he advised Maester Creylen to go over with me. A lot of those things were boring and hard for me to learn. But I never showed this to either of the two men. My father promised to give me the information I wanted after showing him that I'm worthy ...

So I learned and learned and learned day after day. It was the only thing apart from spending time with my siblings, walking around the Castle and practising my powers that I could do.

Economics, different languages, history, geography, dancing, decorum and the basics of politics and more.

I'm also interested in many other things. In the future I know that the Lannister Gold mines will be depleted and we'll have to make money in different ways. And making money has strangely become somewhat of a hobby for me.

The reason for this might truly be the Lannister heritage. I don't have another idea. Or maybe the change in emotions are what make me look for every last straw of change I can get. Learning is good for now and as a child it's so easy to learn new things and shape my mind.

But in the future learning new things will be hard so making money and building a business empire might just be the thing I need to get over the boredom that plagues many people in this world.

Speaking of my emotions, it has gotten worse. Just like I predicted my pride is growing daily and all my other emotions make way for it. Truly my pride is like a sun that just burns all the other emotions away and blinds those close to me.

It has gotten in the way of things recently. My father Tywin hadn't realised this yet but he will be notified of this shortly, I'm sure.

I'm currently 9 name days old. Normally young men who want to become good swordsmen start training at the age of 5 or 6. Personally, I was never interested in such things. Why on earth would I learn different forms and stances and spar with soldiers or the master-at-arms? God no that's not for me.

When I was six, Father asked me why I never asked to be taught the sword. He said that no Lannister is weak in his household and that I should have asked to learn myself. I told him honestly that I think such things are boring and useless for me. Goodness me was he mad at me at the time? He punished me and had the master-at-arms put me through gruelling training ...

Yeah, it didn't work. It was never really hard for me no matter what he asked of me physically I was stronger than a grown man already. I had no talent for sword fighting. All those ... rules on what you shouldn't do and how you should move your feet ... naaaaahhhh that's not my cup of tea.

My father was furious, haha. He had me work three times as hard and gave me less to eat and less free time. Though that didn't work out so well as I just refused to do the tasks he told me to do. I remember that one time when I just walked out of the lesson with Maester Creylen.

Of course like the good little p*ssy he is ... he went straight to my father and snitched on me. Tywin was so mad that his whole face turned red and I was sure that you could have made sunny-side-up on his balding head.


"You will go back to that room and study until I say you can stop or so help me god I will have to go back on the promise I gave your mother on the day your brother killed her!"

I looked at him and sighed. Honestly, I was bored with this.

"*Sigh* I was already in there the whole day. Now I no longer want to stay there. I want to go and play with my siblings and breath some fresh air."

The servants that were in the vicinity gasped when they heard me talk back to Tywin Lannister. No one talks back to the lion, no one. Tywin looked at them and frowned deeply. I was sure that I'd never see them again after that day ... and I didn't. Tywin probably had them removed or silenced or both, to not have this spread.

"You will do as I say! Don't you dare talk back to me boy! This rebellious behaviour will stop and if I'll have to break you to do it. Do you understand?!"

"I understand Father that you are actually only mad because I didn't do well in sword training like Jaime did. But I told you that I just don't want to do it. I just cut my enemies down with one swing and be done with it. They're just too weak."

"I gave you an order and I expect this order to be followed. This is not up for debate!"

I wasn't as proud as I am now with 9 name days so I stopped talking back to him.

"I don't want to undermine your authority or anything ... I just can't deal with doing those boring exercises... I'm not good at them and they don't help me anyway. I'm already stronger than Ser Arrin Hutter."

Tywin calmed down after that. He lost his cool due to the weird situation he found himself in. Never had someone spoken back to him when he got serious and never in his life would he have believed his son to be the first. He didn't even look scared either...

"... you will find yourself a weapon. You may choose it yourself, but you will learn to use a weapon and then practice it by yourself. I want to see results and should I not get any reports of improvements I will deport you and remove the Lannister name from you ... is ... that ... clear?!?"


That was the first time Tywin had ever had to compromise anything. Not even his fiercest enemies managed to get him this riled up. But as we will see, it would not be the only time this happens.

I tried to showcase his pride and fearlessness. He will get even more proud to the point that he won't even necessarily talk to his Father about things he has already decided.

But don't underestimate Tywin ... he knows how to make do with what he's got.

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