
Lannister's Sin of Pride

Classic reincarnation with an MC getting another chance. He may choose where to go but not the power, that will be decided for him and depend on his choice of reincarnation. House Lannister is about to birth the proudest Lion yet.

Cedric_7512 · TV
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30 Chs

Part 11 - 276 AC

(Escanor POV)

- 276 AC -

Three years have passed since my mother 'passed away'. I never got over the fact that my power didn't seem to help in saving my mother. And if I'm being honest I don't believe that the outcome was exactly the same as it was in the books or show. There had to have been a difference. Otherwise my magic/energy didn't help my mother. But that wasn't the case as I saw myself how she got better and healthier over the months.

I wasn't sure but I suspected foul play somehow. I knew of course that the Maesters hated magic and the Citadel had its own goals. So Maester Ceylen was my prime suspect in this fiasco. There were other possibilities of course, like poisoning over long periods of time. While that would explain her death and the dwarfism of my brother, it does not explain why she seemed to get better with my 'treatment' only to then die all the same.

I was going to get to the bottom of this sooner or later as soon as I grow old enough to f*ck some people up and spread fear wherever I go. But right now I have to settle with learning from the Maester and protecting my little brother from Cersei and Tywin and all the others who called him an abomination.

I know of course why they think like that. They believe that Tyrion was the cause of Mother's death due to his 'preposterous' proportions. But that's bullsh*t. While I can understand the Maester not knowing that my brother was a dwarf before the birth, I don't believe that he couldn't have saved Mother. And blaming the babe for the death of his mother when she was already weak from last year's birth, was just wrong and ludicrous.

Therefore I protected Tyrion whenever I was present during one of the times my sister hurt him physically or emotionally. I spread my warmth with him to show him that at least someone was there for him. He was a smart babe and I knew he'd grow to become an intelligent man like in the show. But I'll make sure he won't drink and whore like he did in the show.

I wasn't the only one who couldn't deal with Mother's death though. Father was also not the same anymore. It was like Uncle Gerion said to Tyrion, that the best part of Tywin died when Joanna did.

I felt for my father as I also missed Mother greatly. That was the reason why I accepted whatever he told me to. I started learning from Maester Ceylen two years ago. Due to my mother's passing words, Tywin paid attention to me and noticed my intelligence from a very young age.

This resulted in me getting basic lessons in reading and writing with barely three name days. It was quite easy, to be honest with you. Learning a new language when you are so young is quite easy and my brain was quite developed due to my insane amounts of magic for a boy so young.

It seemed that the training I did with energy/magic control where I circulate and absorb energy through my body enhanced my brain and all internal organs as well as muscles, tendons, bones and everything else. I was probably going to be even stronger and more durable than Escanor was and that's saying something.

I noticed something though as I got older and stronger. Each day I kept up with my training and absorbed sunlight during the day and circulated it through my entire body to strengthen it and increase my reserves. This had an effect on my emotions as they seemed to diminish.

What this meant was not that I had fewer emotions but that all my emotions slowly but surely had to make way for a stronger emotion that grew with each passing day, pride.

My pride already started burning like the sun and it only got more and more apparent. I didn't get angry or annoyed as much as I used to and happiness was also not as easy to come by anymore.

Although I say it like this, it's not really that big of a problem at the moment. I'm happy whenever I'm together with my little brother Tyrion and play with him, I find joy in learning new things and playing around with my power. Cersei still is a pain in the ass and Jaime is annoying in his beta male way of life. But I can only imagine how this will change in the years to come.

Imagine a four-name-day-old child with the pride of a little prince of 10 name days, the world wasn't ready for this.

(Cersei POV)

I'm shaken. This baseborn b*tch. What does she know? Who does she think she is? No one, that's who.

I thought that visiting that fortune teller; Maggy the Frog would be a good idea to tell me of my glorious future as a Queen but it turned out bad.

This year there was a tournament in Lannisport in honour of Prince Viserys Targaryen's birth. It didn't start very well according to my brother Escanor. The smallfolk of Lannisport cheered twice as loud for Tywin as they did for the King when they rode through the city of Lannisport. Brother said that this would not be received well as there already are rumours about Aerys' rule.

According to Brother, some people joked it was Tywin and not the king who really ruled the land. And when Ser Ilyn Payne, the captain of Tywin's guards, made such a comment, Aerys had the knight's tongue removed.

Escanor snickered when he told her about Ser Ilyn Payne and his fate. He said that he was weak and therefore got his tongue cut off. He should have been smarter with what he said and not just be that honest when he can't handle the consequences.

Consequences ... Escanor told me that they are an important part of life. He said that no matter what you do, you must be aware of the possible consequences and then you must ask yourself whether you could handle such circumstances. If the answer is yes ... then you can go through with what you want to do. If the answer should be no ... then I would have to stop and think of a way that the consequences change.

Although Escanor is way younger than me, he is so smart and I don't like it when he lectures me like an old man. But thankfully he never really does so.

I don't like how he protects the monster though. He seems to ... love ... that thing. I don't understand why he always stops me from harming Tyrion. It's not like he can compare to us and he killed our mother. He should just die already.


Anyway, when I saw Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen I couldn't help but be enamoured with him. So I asked my two bedmaids Jeyne Farman and Melara Hetherspoon to accompany me to see the fortune teller Maggy the Frog.

The meeting went anything but good.

"When will I wed the prince?", I asked her. Fully knowing that I was meant to wed him. My father was planning on asking the King to betroth me to Rhaegar, so it was only a matter of time.

"Never. You will wed the king.", Maggy answered me.

"What? So I won't marry Rhaegar? ... I will be queen, though?", I wanted to make sure.

"Aye. Queen you shall be... until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear", she said with a disgusting smirk that showed he yellow and black teeth.

More beautiful than me? Impossible! There is no such woman alive in the world.

"Will the king and I have children?"

"Oh, aye. Six and ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds, she said. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall come and with the sun burn away your sins till nothing remains."

That was what she said to me. Apparently, I would have three children but all three of them would die... No! NO! I would never let that happen. Just like Brother said, if you can handle the consequences you can do anything.