
Lannister's Sin of Pride

Classic reincarnation with an MC getting another chance. He may choose where to go but not the power, that will be decided for him and depend on his choice of reincarnation. House Lannister is about to birth the proudest Lion yet.

Cedric_7512 · TV
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30 Chs

Part 10 - 273 AC (III)

273 AC

(Escanor POV)

How annoying. Cersei is such an annoying creature. I was actually crying when I heard her scream because I thought she had died. But no it didn't even have anything to do with Mother. She wasn't even inside the room where Mother was giving birth.

I'm gonna hurt her ...

However, the hope I got from this news was short-lived as in the evening of the same day it was announced that my mother was in terrible shape and would probably not make it for very long. Maester Creylen wrote a note explaining everything to my father in King's Landing so he could come here as fast as possible.

I was not able to see my mother for a few days. I would get fed by a maid and then just put into a bed for small children. It was incredibly boring and got on my nerves. I still didn't know about my mother's health. Maybe I could help her with my ability ... maybe she would recover faster ...

Knowing no other way ... I started crying. I cried and cried and cried some more. No matter who came to calm me down, I kept on crying. Not even Maester Creylen managed to do anything to help me. It got so far that the good Maester decided to give me something that helps people sleep... he actually drugged a one-name-day-old child ...

Thankfully I was able to neutralize it with my magic. I just burned through it and then started crying even louder.

Finally, I was brought to my mother's room. She was not looking good. Her hair was dishevelled her cheeks sunken, she looked dehydrated and terribly pale.

If I could trust the smell then she must have lost a lot of blood. It would seem my newest brother was indeed a dwarf. They had to have difficulties with his slightly larger head during birth which resulted in tears and blood loss.

The sheer incompetence was saddening and unbelievable in my eyes. How can you call yourself a Maester when you're not able to deal with an unforeseen circumstance?

I was brought to a crib right next to Mother. She was breathing heavily and slowly. Just at her side was a babe with a slightly bigger head than normal. Tyrion Lannister was lying there and drinking milk from my mother without a worry in the world. This wasn't good. He was taking from the little nutrients she had.

She would die if this continued. But the little babe drank like his future version drank wine.

I did what I could and started to use my ability. The air around us started to heat up and get warmer. While this was good, I didn't know whether it would help. The healing properties were still untested as I'm still too young to do those tests yet.


A week later my father finally arrived. He didn't look as calm and collected as he usually did. I was still inside Mother's room as my presence seemed to have a calming and positive effect on my mother's health.

She was still not able to talk though. She was told by the Maester to save her strength for her recovery. But his voice didn't sound very convincing. I was unwilling to accept this though. I kept up with using my energy to saturate the air and heal my mother.

When Tywin entered the room he was still in his travel attire. He approached Mother and knelt next to her after looking at Tyrion with a weird gaze I didn't know what it meant.

"Joanna ... Joanna...", Tywin almost whispered. He held her hand between his own.

"... Tywin ... you came ... ", Mother said weakly. It felt like every word cost her a lot of energy.

"Yes ... save your strength."

"... did you see our son? Is ... is he not ... beautiful?"


"... he is beautiful ... so beautiful. I- I'm just so sad that ... I won't be able to see my babies grow ..."


Mother had started to cry. The tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"...promise me Tywin ... please promise me ... that you will ... take care of them ... please promise me that husband ..."


"... they are my everything ... I hope you can promise me that ... they are all good children ... especially Escanor ... I know that he's smarter than a normal child of ... the same age ... promise me ... Tywin ... please ..."

"... I ..."

Mother smiled weakly and then took her last breath. It was heartbreaking as her hand fell on the bed limply. Tywin hadn't moved from his position and was still kneeling and looking at his wife.

He just couldn't talk and wasn't able to promise her to take care of her children in the end. I'm unsure whether he would have promised her, had she not just died but I am sure that my little brother Tyrion won't have a good time.

Therefore it falls on me to take care of my siblings and make sure they're looked after and don't do any stupid things. Tyrion will be protected by me. Father will probably hate him in this life as well just like in the story. This means that I'll have to stand up to my father and strangely enough ... I don't have a problem with that.

I have already noticed that I'm getting more and more distant. Although distant is not the right word. I'm getting prouder. My pride makes me fearless and not in the reckless sense. More like I know that I will stand above all races in the future.

Father stood up. He had a hard look on his face. He went over to where Tyrion was lying in his crib and observed him for a short moment. I think I could see disgust in his eyes. After that, he turned away and looked at me.

It was almost like Tywin could see the intelligence in my eyes as our eyes met. A silent understanding formed between us. He would expect a lot of me in the future and I would deliver.

After that, he left the room to go to see the Maester and prepare for the funeral and future plans he would have to set in motion.


Another problem came very soon. Two days later to be exact. Princess Martell and her two children Elia and Oberyn came to Casterly Rock. It was about the potential marriage between Jaime and Cersei and Elia and Oberyn.

I knew this wouldn't go well. Tywin's anger was still way too high and he was not calming down any time soon. So when they came and wanted to discuss the marriage between our houses this soon after Mother's death, it couldn't go well.

Father simply refused all arrangements his wife had made and told the Martells that Cersei and Jaime would not be able to marry her children. But Tyrion would be available though. Their reaction is obvious. It was a blatant disrespect that he would offer the much younger Tyrion that also happened to be a dwarf.

Yeah, the Lannisters and Martells would not be friends in the foreseeable future. And if I'm being honest I don't see them liking me either. Not that they would be able to do anything to me though.

Time skip next chapter coming

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