
Language of Flowers: Missing You

Currently on Hiatus /Will be back soon/ This is fiction so any similarities are purely coincidental and inspiration based on the real world. I'll be inserting each name of the book into the title but the whole series is called "The Language of Flowers." "I met you that fateful day by the bridge? Do you remember?" "..." He met her when he lost at love. She met him when she was at her worse. She slowly closed her eyes. To a deep slumber. He remembered the day clearly. The wind swayed her hair softly. He fell hard. They were not the main couple. He wasn't a king. She wasn't a queen. But love was love. ———- "So strange, I feel like I've known you since the beginning." "oh really?" he said with a conflicted and pained expression. "Why are you crying?" "It's nothing, I was just reminded of someone, someone who said those exact words" He bit his lips, but the tears still flowed. A story filled with secrets, magic, and lots of Fluffy romance.

Kikiwii12 · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Showing One's heart.

After walking for what seemed to be a short distance to them was reasonably long. They walked towards the west, facing the opposite side of the ocean.

When Chen suddenly stopped did Lily looked up in front of her. What she saw was a large magnificent house. It was two stories tall made of high-quality white stone eluding an aura as if it was its own royal palace.

"As expected of the king's right-hand man! What a place!" Lily looked up in awe.

"Yeah, but I preferred a small room because it is just me, but the King insisted that it is not safe," Chen grimaced as he remembered their conversation. "He wanted something even crazier with thousands of people in here, but finally agreed to this after I pestered him about it,"

So troublesome having to not only manage his highness, Anne, and other people?

He doesn't want to.

Just as Chen says this, he realized that the guest rooms are not ready. The house was just built and has yet to be fully furnished. Previously, he lived by himself, and usually, his duty required him to stay in the palace on most days. He did not expect to house any guests so soon.

Did Anne not realize this situation? Lily and I only met just yesterday! How can he explain this situation? I can't let her sleep on the floor in the next room either!

He was overthinking in one spot, frustrated as Lily toured the house by herself.

It looks bigger inside the outside. How spacious! and the kitchen is also beautiful! Her eyes sparkled, touching the walls as she walked.

Chen, on the other hand, rushed to find spare sheets and bedding to spread them on the floor next to his bed. Afterwards, he went to find her by the hallway staring at the paintings.

"Did you draw these?" She asked.

"Yeah, during my spare time, it helps me relieve stress."

She smiled at him and turned back to the painting. "They're beautiful; it eludes so much emotion."

"Well, my magic was also imprinted on there." He nonchalantly said. "It helps creates the ambiance."

Lily raised her brows. "You can use magic too?"

Magic is scarce many countries. Aside from the celestial beings, only individual people who were thought to be descendants from gods can hold them. Meaning he's not from this country or something in his ancestry is not from here!


Not sure if he wanted to continue anymore, Chen changed the topic and said, "Lily, you can sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor. I am embarrassed to say nothing is yet prepared."

"But how can I let you sleep on the floor of your own home." She crinkled her brows. "I can sleep on the floor; it's no big deal, I'm used to it."

"How can I? You are a guest!" He looked very displeased.


"No buts." He said firmly.

"Then let's just share the bed, I trust that you are a good man and won't do anything to me," Lily suggested. 'This is a brilliant idea!'


Does this woman not have any self-awareness? Why is she so brazen compared to how she looks.

"How about this, since we are a couple for today, shall we just share it as a couple would?" She tried to reason.

"We only just met yesterday!" Looking appalled at her.

Such a shy man as this, how can you capture a woman's heart!

"I believed the short time doesn't amount to anything. If I tell you my entire life story and you know everything about me, you would be closer to me than anybody else. I can tell you are a good person Chen!"

He looked at her in silence.

"Hurry, Hubby! I'm tired!" Slowly pulling her hand to cover her mouth, yawning. Her eyes get slightly watery due to the process, and her face has a faint natural blush.

He gave her a long sigh. Chen was helpless to this and could not help but dote on her.

No man can resist this. "Very well I shall use the spare sheets to split the bed, after all.." His face showed a dark expression before continuing. "I am a man, after all."

"Then I'm gonna take a bath; you can't peak okay? You absolutely must not!." She hurriedly ran to the bathroom.

"Yes, Your Highness."

Both of them got onto the bed after a bath, laying there in silence, like a frozen block of ice. They stared at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Only calm breathing can be heard.

"Hey, Chen?" Lily broke the awkward silence.


"Earlier, you said you had magic imprinted on there...does that mean..."

"Yeah, I can use magic." He gave in and confessed fully.

"But that means." You're of divine blood! A fairy? Elves? Merman? A god? Demon? There's so many! No no, maybe one of the underworld with those pitched black eyes. Or maybe He's like me? Lily's head was in a frenzy.

"To tell you the truth, I'm an orphan..." After a brief pause, he continued "...I don't know who my parents are."


Lily turn her head to look at him only to see those two pair of dark, black eyes staring straight at her. Her heart shuddered. He was truly a handsome man.

"Then how did you end up here?" she asked softly.

"Hm, I honestly don't know since it was so long ago. The only memory I have was when I saw Anne; she saved me." Chen turned his head, looking up, recalling that time.

Blurred vision slowly getting back to consciousness when the small girl in front of him panicked and shouted him to stay awake.

"Back then, all I knew was only my name and nothing else. I was frustrated that my state was so useless and feared that I didn't know who I was or what I was doing. Thankfully, my body remembered how to use magic, and I worked my way up to where I am now."

She continued to gaze at him, listening intently. "Are you still curious about your past?"

"I don't know; I've been so busy surviving, living on my own, I haven't thought about it."

She smiled gently. "Then if you're happy on how you live, that's enough. Though unfortunately, it happened, you can create a new family and memories at the very least!"

Chen looked at her again. "Then what about you? Are you happy?"

"Hm? Me?" She looked at him, surprised before lowering her eyes. "I don't know, but what I know is I was unhappy for a long, long time," Lily said with a sad smile. "I have shackles that tie me down, an unbreakable scar."

His heart felt uneasy looking at her. He wondered what's making her feel so much pain when she's such a cheerful person. "Then it's only natural for you to find happiness to be released from those."

"Then are you going to help me find happiness?" She teased.


"You....just go to sleep." He turned his head away from her as his ears dyed red.

Lily giggled looking at him. It's too fun teasing you.

After a couple of minutes of their earlier conversation, Lily suddenly spoke up again.

"Chen?" she said softly.


"Good Night."


Sorry for taking forever, I have been quite busy unexpectedly.

Kikiwii12creators' thoughts