

kimjohnston28 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Regina was able to sleep that night. It might have been due to all the wine, but she slept in perfect darkness. No dreams or nightmares clouded her slumber. When she woke to the maid opening the curtains and setting up her morning gown, she could almost forget that it was her last day in the castle.

Would her new home be so beautiful. Filled with silk dresses, soft as butter shoes, jewelry that shined like stars, plush rugs, satin sheets, servants at her beck and call... Would her husband be a demon in all ways. A man like Rodery who was willing to kill his first born based off gender. One who abused her and expected her to give him sons and stay in the shadows.

Regina was not made to stay in the shadows. Her father had made sure if that.

Could demons have children?

Regina loved her children. In her own way. What if she would have no more. She sighed and pushed her breakfast away. She had no desire to eat the bread and cheese placed before her. What would she eat with the demon? She shook her head. Today she wanted to enjoy the things she loved. It was her last day before the unknown and she was determined to make the best of it.

Regina rose her horse, swam nude in a lake nearby the castle, walked the gardens, visited the nearby town, and ate dinner with her children once more in her room. They were mostly silent, following her lead in conversation and she could tell they were all waiting for their guest.

All of her children were still alive. That was something anyways. After a few more words last night Regina thought they might kill each other.

Abigor walked the brick road towards the castle. He traveled with no other companion besides the wild eyed mustang he lead. It had been quite some time since he had been in this realm, in this kingdom, but he recalled it perfectly. It still reeked of sin and greed. A smell that roused his internal hunger. He was here to collect a debt, not create new ones; though he decided he should make a journey back soon.

The castle was grand. The guards stood proudly by the gate, ready to defend it. A smirk formed on Abigor's face. They couldn't defend the castle from him. They would open the doors and throw the royals out if they knew what destruction awaited them, if they tried to deny him. The guards looked past Abigor until he stopped in front of them.

"Are you expected Sir?" The older guard asked.

"Yes, I believe I am." Abigor answered pleasantly.

The guard nodded and allowed Abigor through. A stable man, waited inside, he looked behind Abigor; as if expecting more. "May I care for your horse Sir?" He asked politely.

"That would be lovely. Do take care, he has been known to bite." Abigor smiles and handed the lead to the man. The man nodded and started towards the stables. Abigor smiled at his horse and nodded. "Perhaps a nice mare will be in heat." Abigor shrugged at the horse, the stable man ignored the comment. He didn't feel right about the man. The horse snorted and walked off.

Abigor continued his way meeting a guard who showed him to the Queen. The queen sat on her throne looking every bit as regal as he imagined and then some. The room was empty of guards and servants, but who he assumed were her children lined her on each side. They ranged in age, gender and looks, but he could see their blood line.

Abigor gave a small bow to the queen. "Queen Regina, you are as beautiful as I was told."

Regina took in the man before her. He was tall and muscular with a handsome face. His hair was golden blond ringlets, his eyes a sky blue and skin a pale cream. He was dressed in knight clothing with the double star sign is on his chest plate. "Welcome, King of Demons and Darkness, I regret that we had little time to prepare your welcome and were not informed of accommodations you may need."

"Your too kind, I would hate to trouble you too much. Maybe just a sacrifice of a virgin and a glass of babies blood to quench my thirst." He smiled brightly and chuckled. "I jest of course, virgins are far to hard to find these days." He glanced at the two young boys, half hidden by the skirts of their sisters on either side of them. "Hello, gentlemen. You must be Prince Sebastian, son of Samson of Harthpool." Sebastian nodded his head and stood taller. "Awe and Prince Orion, son of Jasson of Arcton."

Orion frowned. "Yes, but I never knew him and I have never been to Arcton. Mother said I could visit when I turned 16. Can I still? With you taking her away."

"I am sure it can be arranged." Abigor smiled. "You are a prince after all. Made to be spoiled."

"I was unaware you would take such interest in my children." Regina smiled, though it held fear.

"But of course, my dear. Your children will be my children soon, and mine yours." He added with a fox like grin.

"You have children? Did none wish to join you?" Regina asked looking to the door.

"I am afraid my children are not always welcome in Lanercost. I have many children, I am sure you have meet one or two in your lives and never even knew it." Abigor motioned to an empty seat. "Might I take a seat?"

"Where are my manors, please do." Regina smiled.

"Are you a knight?" Sebastian risked his mother and siblings glares to ask as the man removed his silver armor and placed it beside his chair.

"I am, at times." Abigor confirmed. "Have you wished to be a squire?"

"No. I like to read the books. I would rather be a mage." Sebastian took a few steps forward before Amabel stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"I promise I won't bite, Princess Amabel. No need to be so protective." He nodded to Sebastian. "Mages do seem to have more fun, aye. They usually don't get killed either."

The boy nodded in agreement. He didn't risk angering his sister though with more questions.

A silence filled the room.

"I guess it's not very fair that I know all of you and you know nothing of me. As I said We go by many names. You can call me the King of Demons and Darkness. In terms you can better understand I am the 14th son."

"The 14th son. If so how are you King?" Davian asked, interrupting the demon before him.

"Maybe my manners where the best." Abigor smiled at Davians blush. "Think of it as the kingdoms. Split and ruled by men. My brothers and sisters each have our own areas that we rule and the amount of power we hold is based on our own power, not by birthright."

"Your letter stated that you would be choosing my heir" Regina spoke looking at Davian with a glare. "How exactly will that happen?"