

kimjohnston28 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

Gavel was completely smitten with his wives daughter. She was amazing! She had been to the borders of Harthpool, where the ground was frozen sheets of ice and dragons still roamed free. She spoke about the villages on the boarder to Lanercost, how the people lived and how they used different herbs in their smoke to make it glow green or purple. How they have festival where they dive into ice cold water naked to cleanse themselves before marrying.

He was barely aware when the room grew silent. Astrid's pressed lips and glossy eyes were his warning something was happening.

"I thank you all for attending our union." Regina spoke and everyone listened silently. "I am afraid the excitement has worn me down." She gave a full smile showing off her bright white teeth. "I must retire. Please continue to celebrate this merry event in our absence. Carry on." Regina held a hand out for Gavel to take. It took a nudge from Astrid before he took the offered hand and blankly followed Regina out of the hall, with a tail of maids and guards following the pair.

The band started playing nice more and the chatter began again, with bets being placed on when the queen would be announcing her 10th pregnancy, if the birth would be male or female and if they would be twins.

Astrid spoke to Cora for a moment before excusing herself to get fresh air. Alli, Astrids handmaiden, followed behind her mistress. Astrid held back tears at the thought of her mother and Gavel. She knew she shouldn't take it personally. Regina and Gavel had married before Astrid had said a proper hello to the man. It didn't stop the hurt that seeped through her chest. Logic and love never seemed to mix right. Astrid blew out a breath and flicked the tears off her checks. Alli was humming a tune from the band a few feet away, while she swayed lightly and looked at the stars in the night sky.

"You May go back." Astrid spoke without looking at Alli. She was already ashamed of herself and didn't need Alli to see her face.

Alli stopped humming. "Are you returning to the party as well?" She asked gently.

Astrid nodded. "Yes. I will return momentarily."

Alli turned. "I shall lead the way then." Astrid was glad Alli understood her. It was shameful enough to be seen crying over her mothers new husband, she didn't want to be completely humiliated by being seen as weak by all the staff.

Regina ignored the heat that flashed across her face as Gavel didn't take her hand. She pursued her lips and didn't speak as they walked to Reginas chambers. Gavel seemed less than thrilled to be accompanying the Queen. The maids opened the chamber doors and began undressing Regina, pulling down the covers and making the room ready for the marriage consummation. Servants began stripping Gavel down as well. Before they had both been fully undressed and made it to the bed the witnesses began to filed in the room.

Gavel had been intimate before. He had done so in brothels where there were many people watching his performance, but tonight with all the eyes on him and the queen under him, he lacked the willingness to preform what was needed.

"I think I had too much mead. Maybe a walk outside will clear my head, your majesty." Gavel sighed, blushing brightly. His father would be outraged.

Regina gave a small smile and nod. "Of course, we can continue when you return." He could tell by her eyes that she was upset, that her words were just for the witnesses. He had twice now embarrassed her. He dressed with as much dignity as he could and found his way to the court yard. Fin followed behind him, silently, thankfully, for once.

When outside Gavel threw himself on the ground and groaned. Fin made a noise of agreement in the back of his throat.

"Oh shut it." Gavel whined. "I don't need your opinion."

"My opinion is always needed.... your highness. I suggest you quite the whining as it's not king like." Fin nudged Gavel with his booted foot. "If you do it in front of the queen she might spank you."

"She's very pretty." Gavel supplied. He was sincere. His wife was a beauty, she just happened to be the mother of who he really wanted.

"Yes, and considering the number of children she has your lucky for that." Fin mussed as he twirled his beard. "All of her husbands have died. I'm surprised you have made it here at all."

"There were reasons for their deaths."

"Yes, including her father killing one and herself killing one. Also two mystery deaths... that's more than half her husbands, including you."

"Please do continue that rallying speech." Gavel hugged and sat up. He brought his knees to his chest and hugged them. "This is a mess."

"Yes, it is." Fin confirmed "You only have to do this once though." He added. "Then it's over and you will just be a show piece."

Gavel groaned. He knew Fin had a point. He just didn't want to do it even the once. With a huff he stood and nodded solemnly to Fin. "I should head back."

Fin patted Gavel's shoulder and followed behind him.

They found the room almost empty when they returned. Regina say at a desk signing papers and looking over different things. Her hair was down and fanned her face. She finished what she was doing before actually acknowledging Gavel. "Has the air refreshed you enough or should we wait till tomorrow?"

Gavel stuttered a moment. "Well. I think... so?"

Regina raised an eyebrow at him. "Do I not entice you?"

"You are beautiful." Gavel shook his head

"Then am I lacking in anatomy for your pleasure?"

Gavel was confused for a moment before he shook his head. "No, that's not..."

Regina smiled. "It's alright if so. I have had a husband before who preferred men. It's not an issue, but you would need to consummate the marriage now."

"That is really not the problem." He assured her.

"Then what is the problem? I'm running out of ideas and patience." Regina slid the papers on top of another stack.

"I am afraid I can offer no insight." Gael swallowed a lump in his throat. He shuffled from foot to foot as Reginas bright eyes studied him intently. "I do apologize for being unable to attend my duties." He said after a moment of burning silence.

Regina crossed her arms over her chest. She studied the young man before her for another awkward moment. "If our situation were reversed. You were in power and I was in your position, like it is in many places, what would you have done?"

Gavel opened his mouth and closed it. It was easy to say he would have let her walk away. Would he have? With all the witnesses and his father watching. He hoped he answered truthfully as he spoke. "I would have let you take your time. Even with the humiliation of every witness seeing my refusal. I thank you for allowing me the same curtesy."

Regina nodded. "You will have to consummate the marriage in a weeks time. If it is not done I front of witnesses in that time frame then the marriage will be annulled."

"Of course your grace." Gavel Bowes and turned to leave. He noticed that they were alone in the chambers and wondered when that had happened.

"Astrid." Regina spoke the name Gavel was thinking. He stopped and turned quickly. The queens face was dark, he could understand why people feared her. "Is my favorite daughter. She is full of life and adventure. I believe you two seemed to share that connection."

"Yes." Gavel managed with the lump in his throat. Would she threaten her own daughter.

"A shame we didn't see it before our wedding. She will marry when she is ready. To a man of good stature and breed. Astrid will be happy, in a marriage that is not full of scandal. I believe you understand." She gave a wave of her hand to dismiss Gavel.

Gavel gave a nod as he pressed his lips and bit his tongue. "Goodnight, your Majesty. " he managed to grind out as he left her chambers.