
Land of Warriors

Land of Warriors, a VR-based online game that is so popular will close its server after the biggest Raid-Quest has been completed by Players. However, when the Land of Warriors server closed its service, Vald Achiever along with 18 other Players were summoned to a world similar to the LoW game by the NewGods to become heroes. Now Vald and 18 other Players must try to fight the monsters created by the Demon God and save the world from doomsday with the reward that any wish will be granted by the NewGods.

Restadi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Player II

Vald looked around him, 18 Players were the same as him. Most were from the Human race and there were three Bestials. A silver-haired woman was expressing her frustration by throwing large rocks into the ravine.

'Abyss?' thought Vald again. As far as he remembered there were no ravines near the Training forest. He looked around him, without them realizing they were already at the edge of a very high cliff.

"Finally you realize it," said a black man who was standing not far from where he was. The man looked very intimidating. "This Area always changes every time someone comes to join."

"With your arrival, there are already 18 people here." said another man.

"What do you think is going on?" asked Vald to start the conversation.

"So far no new Logs." words from the man who had always been hiding.

"Latest log," Vald became surprised. "You guys also have System-Windows?"

"Of course we all have. We are Players." answered the black man.

Vald was silent for a moment, momentarily feeling relieved because he wasn't the only one trapped in this game.

"Last night I just finished the last Quest-Raid, before I tried to Logout. And in the end, I'm back in this damn game."

"Same with me."

"Me too…"

"So do I!"

All Players seemed to agree with each other. This attracts the attention of other players to walk up to them and join.

"All the Players here didn't find the Logout button and suddenly we all appeared back in the Training forest."

"Or let's call it, come back to life."

"No. This could be said, reincarnation."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded to each other.

"Back to life, reincarnation…" Vald repeated in a disbelieving tone.

"How about VR you guys~nyaa?"

The man with the big hands demonstrated a basic movement as he bent his elbows next to his eyes to release the VR. After that, he shrugged his shoulders.

"We can't give up VR either."

"But we can wait until the lights go out." said the woman with the same blue hair as Vald's hair. She walked over to Vald. "I like your character's hair color."

"Thank You. The sky blue color keeps me from getting discouraged!" Vald scratched his cheek. "But if you wait for the lights to go out, there's no guarantee it will happen anytime soon."

"So let me be clear, We are all Players who have completed the last Quest-Raid in LoW. And when we all Logout, suddenly we were all in this game."

Vald saw that the tiger Bestial just snorted. His smell is distinctive. The one thing all of them here have in common is that they all only wear basic equipment.

"Then, what should we do now?" asked the man in black.

"I guess we can just wait."

"I just looked around, and I don't think I know the Area we're in right now." added the silver-haired woman.

"Maybe this is a new Area?"


The blue-haired woman had seen Vald earlier, she smiled curiously.

"Sorry, how can I help you?" Vald asked.

The woman immediately embraced Vald intimately. She spoke right next to his ear.

"Like I said earlier, I like your hair color."


"I guess we should meet again after this." the woman took out an Item from her Storage bracelet.

'She got the bracelet,' thought Vald. Then Vald looked around and realized they were all the same.

[Item: Brotherhood grail]

This Item is in the form of a small bowl that functions as a container for holding drinks. The blue-haired woman also took out a sake bottle and pulled Vald to sit on the floor with her. The blue-haired woman's actions made everyone pay attention to her.

"Are you sure, sis?" Vald asked a little doubtfully.

"Of course. Our hair is the same, and I think you have already realized that we can't change the appearance and name of the character."

Vald was holding one cup, while the other hand, woman was also doing the same thing. The brotherhood cup started to emit a small light as the woman poured sake on it.

<Log: Do you want to adopt— as your big sister?>

Vald saw the appearance of the latest Log from the corner of his eye.

"I hereby make you a blood brother." said the woman.

"I hereby make you a blood sister," repeated Vald.

Then the two of them put the cups to their lips and took a sip of the sake. It was strange that Vald could taste the drink, the taste was light, with a pleasant sour taste, and it seemed suitable to be combined with various dishes. And when the cup left Vald's lips, gradually there was a warm soft taste remaining.

"You like it? I snatched it from a group of Goblin soldiers who appeared in the Training forest randomly."

Vald nodded, "My first booze. It's a bit sour, and my stomach gets a little hot."

"This cup… I think it's a good Drop item. Regarding this sake, I didn't expect to get a good drink from those monsters." the blue-haired woman started to laugh.

"Japanese goblin," Vald muttered.

"Japanese goblin," repeated the woman. She then poured the cup until it was full and Vald quickly drank it again.

"I'm 16," said Vald. His words made the woman see it.

"Very young, I'm 28. Still in my prime."

"Older sister."

"Younger brother." The woman then chuckled. "If I had salty or fried snacks, it would go very well with this drink," she said as she poured her last contents.

Bestial Komodo approached the two of them and sat down together. "Hey, aren't you two being too relaxed? We're all trapped here, in case you've forgotten."

The blue-haired woman looked at the long, thin-bodied Komodo dragon in front of her. "I don't want to be your brother."

"What are you talking about?" the Komodo then saw Vald.

"He forced me," said Vald.

The man with big hands walked up to the Bestial Komodo dragon, "I guess there's no harm in feeling a little relaxed. However, we are all trapped here and there is no guarantee that we will be able to get out of this game any time soon."


Land of Warriors is released every Monday-Friday.

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