
Land of Warriors

Land of Warriors, a VR-based online game that is so popular will close its server after the biggest Raid-Quest has been completed by Players. However, when the Land of Warriors server closed its service, Vald Achiever along with 18 other Players were summoned to a world similar to the LoW game by the NewGods to become heroes. Now Vald and 18 other Players must try to fight the monsters created by the Demon God and save the world from doomsday with the reward that any wish will be granted by the NewGods.

Restadi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Meeting the Goddess I

Mardjo then demonstrated several sword moves, but there was nothing special about the sword. For a moment Mardjo looked at the sword.

"Kekeke, what's wrong Boss?" asked the thin man, but Mardjo motioned for him to keep his distance.

Mardjo then made a fighting move, causing the sword to immediately emit a reddish glow. When the beam was released, a large explosion occurred which destroyed the horse and goat pens.

"That's great, Boss!" praised the skinny man.

After destroying such a large horse stable, Mardjo laughed loudly. He felt very satisfied.

The skinny man then put away all the Potion bottles he took from Vald's Storage bracelet. All the Items were placed in front of Vald's face, then he gave him the remaining dull sword.

"I will give you this Item so you can collect money to pay the remaining fine. In two weeks we will all come to collect our money!"

"Today I am truly satisfied!" said Mardjo while laughing loudly.

However, when they all turned around, John, who had just regained consciousness, forced his body to stand up with the remaining strength. He took out his spear and ran to attack the thin man.

The thin man took the blunt sword that was near his feet and when he wanted to stab John, Vald immediately held his leg and made Vald who was hit by his sword stab him right in the middle of his back chest.

The skinny man blocked John's spear attack, then landed a blow straight on his cheek. John fell several meters back and could not get up again.

"Idiot old man!" cursed the skinny man.

Mardjo, who saw this scene, laughed again as he walked away. All his men followed him carrying many valuables from John's house.

[Log: Someone wants to see you.]

'How to…?'


Vald woke up in a snow-white room. This room has architecture similar to temples in Rome. Vald knows this because he often watches films about the Roman War.

In the middle of the room, there is a staircase, of which there may be hundreds, leading upwards through the ceiling of the temple.

On the other side, there is a city view consisting of many temples. Vald watched it, the scene looked like a city consisting of magnificent temples covered with layers of gold and silver.

Vald tried to leave the room, but he seemed to be blocked by a transparent wall. Vald was also not interested in climbing the stairs opposite him.

Walk a little and the corridor begins to branch, this corridor has a hole in the wall that reveals the city outside the temple. Vald continued walking after choosing one hallway until he came to a very large twin door.

Vald pushed open the giant door, suddenly the room temperature started to get cold. Vald continued walking and began to find giant, irregular ice crystals. When he tried to turn around, the twin doors had disappeared.

Vald decided to continue walking forward, then he saw various kinds of swords trapped in transparent ice pillars that were arranged in an orderly row.

'These swords seem to be of a high level.' he thought.

As he walked deeper, Vald realized that the room continued to be dark, but the ice pillars around it gave off a bright blue color, changing their function to become natural lights.

Vald continued his journey until he was deeper and darker. Suddenly a girl's voice echoed throughout the room.

"Greetings, Vald Achiever… we can finally meet…"

Vald saw a girl with bluish silver hair in a black dress sitting gracefully on a throne made of ice crystals. Her hair was so long that it fell all over the glass floor.

"You're the voice that often taunts me?" Vald asked spontaneously.

The girl puffed out her cheeks. "You should have asked my name first!" She looked annoyed.

Vald stood up with his hands on his hips, "Is the Messenger here too? By the way, what is this place?"

"The messenger is not here. This place is the realm of the Gods, only those who are invited can enter this Area."

Suddenly the temperature in the room became so cold that Vald started shivering because of the cold feeling that penetrated his bones.

"And I am the NewGods who are your sponsor. Let me introduce myself, my name is Angelica."

Angelica's voice was so booming that Vald was forced to kneel, not to mention the cold feeling he couldn't stand. With his remaining strength, Vald tried to climb the stairs leading to Angelica's throne.

"I am the Goddess who controls the ice on this continent."

When Vald was right in front of Angelica, Vald immediately pinched her cheek.


"Damn, little bastard! Do something with this room temperature! I can't stand the cold!" Vald snapped. He saw Angelica lower her face while sobbing slightly. Angelica was still rubbing her reddened cheeks.

"You… you lowly human! You should know when you hear my name! I am a Goddess!"

"So what?"

"Excuse me." Angelica then snapped her fingers and in an instant, the cold feeling throughout the room began to diminish.

Vald took a deep breath when he saw Angelica looking down again. However, She looked like a very innocent little sister.

"Thank You. That was very helpful."

"Ehe… really?" Angelica's face suddenly changed.

'How innocent.' Vald thought.

"I can help, hehehee..." Angelica muttered while humming.

Vald started to sit next to Angelica's throne and grabbed Angelica's very long hair. When he put the hair to his nose, he smelled a very calming fragrance. Since earlier, Vald had been very curious about the origin of this smell.

"If you are my sponsor, why wait until I die to meet me?"

"Because we live in different realms. Then I became your sponsor because I thought you would cheer me up."


Land of Warriors is released every Monday-Friday.

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