
Land of Warriors

Land of Warriors, a VR-based online game that is so popular will close its server after the biggest Raid-Quest has been completed by Players. However, when the Land of Warriors server closed its service, Vald Achiever along with 18 other Players were summoned to a world similar to the LoW game by the NewGods to become heroes. Now Vald and 18 other Players must try to fight the monsters created by the Demon God and save the world from doomsday with the reward that any wish will be granted by the NewGods.

Restadi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Boss Tutorial I

Vald Achiever opened his eyes, and the sound of crickets and cold wind quickly attacked him. He looked around him, there was no one, only trees, and grass that was so wide, as far as the eye could see. He was in the middle of the forest.

Then Vald walked a little while groping all over his body. He wore the standard equipment of a cloth shirt and leather pants and only had a very cheap-looking sword.

'Shouldn't I be out of this game by now?'

Vald still vividly remembered the warning of the global server shutdown by NewGods. That night, after completing the last Quest-Raid, he and other random Players formed three Party groups to complete dozens of other Quest-Extras.

Vald and the other Players were still having fun in the Land of Warriors until morning. However, when Vald logged out, he reappeared in this place.

'If indeed the game developer wants to close the server shouldn't this game be playable anymore?'

This POV really felt so real, unlike when he was playing a game using VR, even now Vald could smell the dampness from this forest.

After walking quite a distance, Vald started to see lots of glowing mushrooms popping up and this nostalgic atmosphere quickly returned to his mind.

"Training forest!" he muttered. "That's right, there's no mistake."

The Training forest is the initial tutorial area that must be completed by Players when they log in for the first time. This forest always had a time of night and after this, there would be many low-level Magic Beasts waiting for it.

<Log: Welcome to the Land of Warriors.>

Notification from the system has been entered. Making him even more sure that he really is still logged in in the game. Vald moved his hand in the air in an 'I' shape, but the System-Window didn't appear at all. For now, Vald could only read the message that appeared in the corner of his eyes.

<Log: Entering the Training forest area.>

<Log: Boss tutorial will appear.>

<Log: Quest – Survive from Boss tutorial attack.>

"So I only need to hold out for a few minutes?" muttered Vald. 'I already know that the ruler of this Area is a Boss tutorial. These notifications are really annoying!'

It took him a while to get used to ignoring her. Vald then looked at his longsword,

"The Boss tutorial shouldn't be defeated with this makeshift equipment." Vald was silent for a moment. 'But what if it turns out to be possible?'

He remembered Belchorg the destroyer, a Boss monster he had fought in a more distant Area in a Dungeon.

'The type of attack shouldn't be much different because game developers often use the same data to create Boss monsters guarding other Areas.'

<Log: Someone has an eye on you.>

"Hah? Attention? What kind of notification is this?" muttered Vald.

When a large light nearby started to appear, Vald ran and hid behind the large trees. The night made it a little difficult to see around him.

The Boss tutorial had appeared in the middle of the forest. A fat Magic beast that was the color of human skin was extremely pale. He wore ropes and tied leather strips as armor on his body and wielded a mace the size of twice an adult human.

'It really smells bad!'

Vald quickly covered both of his noses. He was surprised how VR games could feel this real. A gust of cold wind passed through him, making him even more tense.


Unfortunately, the gust of wind seemed to carry Vald's body odor, so the Boss tutorial quickly ran towards where he was hiding and raised his giant mace. Vald submitted quickly, but half of the trees protecting him were destroyed in an instant.

'It was close…' Vald lowered his head while forcibly covering his mouth.

Vald then ran and hid behind other large trees. He only needs to hold on for a few minutes and the Boss tutorial will leave by itself.

<Log: Quest – Survive from Boss tutorial attack.>

But of course, it won't be that easy. He needed to think of another strategy to deal with this monster.

<Log: Someone became curious about your actions.>

The Boss tutorial quickly caught hold of Vald's position and dashed towards him. Vald immediately stood up jumped to the side and then disappeared once more into the night.

When the Boss tutorial turned around, Vald saw a single sword tied to his waist. Although he had not yet acquired the Skill appraisal, he knew enough that all the Drop items from Boss monsters were precious. Vald immediately racked his brain rapidly.

In previous game versions, Players couldn't do anything other than what the game developers had set them up for, but if at this point he can smell, that means maybe he can do other things like snatch other people's things.

'What could it be?' he thought doubtfully.

Vald swallowed hard, but what if he was wrong. One strike can kill him instantly. Moreover, earlier he could not find the button to open the Windows-System.

'What if I die?' Vald tried to push this thought away, but this wish kept coming back.

The Boss tutorial again found where he was standing and quickly ambushed him. This time Boss tutorial hugged him together with the tree trunk where Vald was hiding, and instantly the tree trunk shattered so easily.

Vald who lowered his head quickly almost lost a part of his body from the shoulders to the top of the head. Wasting no time, Vald spun around and snatched the sword strapped to the Boss tutorial waist. He cut the rope that bound the sword and reached for it.

The Boss monster was angry and threw the tree trunk he was holding. And because Vald was caught off guard, the attack hit him so hard that he was sent flying several meters away, but was still able to stand.

Vald's vision became a little blurry, so he decided to run again and hide in the dark. It took a few minutes for his vision to return to normal. He winced slightly, the pain was real.

<Log: Someone laughed at your predicament.>

'Bastard! What notification is this!? I feel like I'm being watched!' he thought.

The Boss tutorial was getting impatient, he looked in all directions to find his prey. And when the wind started to blow, he immediately charged in the direction where Vald was.


<Log: Quest – Survive from Boss tutorial attack.>


Land of Warriors is released every Monday-Friday.

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Hello... Restadi here. Unlike the first release, at the end of the Quest you will be treated to something different. Curious? Just wait.

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