
Chapter 4: Duh?

Third Person's P.O.V.

"Trash huh? Look who's talking." Said Torii, raising his left eyebrow as he smirked.

"Look who's here. If it isn't the son of the drug addict. If I kick your ass down, would you cry to your mama? Oh wait, you don't have one right?" The man laughed, and so did the other woman.

Torii, who was offended only looked at the man with a cold glare. If looks could kill, then the man probably was now torn into a billion pieces. The man did not notice Torii's glare at him as he was so busy laughing wryly.

Then, Torii glanced at Klyde who was looking far away at his left. The moment that Torii looked at Klyde, he knew something was not right. That something was fishy. Immediately, his eyes turned black and his body shivered.

"Oh? Got the guts to fight us? Know your place, you filthy fool. My ability enhances my hearing on that of a God. I can hear literally everything to the point where I can predict every attack. My babe right here has the ability to double the impact on every attack she wants." Said the man, making Torii shiver. "Already pissing yourself? As I tho--"

Before the man could even finish his speech, Torii interrupted him by walking towards him. The man looked at him with a belittling manner as he let out a smirk. When the girl was about to walk and defend the man, the man stopped him by looking at her.

"Aren't you quite bold? Well, let me give you a beating first, and then Klyde next." Said the man as he let out an arrogant smirk.

"Sure." Torii nonchalantly replied.

"You son of a--" Before the man could finish his curse, Torii made an L using two of his fingers ad then placed it at his forehead, all while leaving his tongue hanging outside his mouth with a small smile whilst raising one of his eyebrows.

The girl looked at Torii, both with hate and shock on her face, -- what a weak girl -- leaving a small but pink blush on her face.

All of a sudden, Torii disappeared, leaving no trace behind. The woman ran hurriedly, finding where Torii "hid". The man just chuckled as if he was fighting an ant. Torii looked at them with his hostile eyes. The man activated his Flair, enhancing his hearing to that of a pinnacle being.

As soon as Torii knew that he activated his Flair, he rushed near the man. However, since the man's Flair was strong compared to his concealment abilities, the man, without further ado, jumped backward. Torii, however, predicted that all of these will happen.

Silence won around the entire area for about 3 seconds, but then the man heard something again. However, before the man could even react, Torii appeared at his left. When the man was about to move, Torii let out a small but cocky grin. Torii whistled directly on the man's ear, but it was no ordinary whistle.

The whistle that Torii inflicted on the man was so loud, that the man's ears were bleeding. The man fell to his knees as he covered his ears and shook his head. The woman ran towards the man and assisted him by helping him stand properly.

"Ugh, siete! So what if my ears bleed? Since your attack was loud, the monsters will come here. Pissing your pants again?" The man said as he laughed.

"Oh really? How come the monsters aren't noticing anything?" Torii said with a wry voice.

"Ah!!" The man shouted. "You oaf. What did you do to my ear?! And how come the monsters aren't attacking us?" He asked angrily.

"Well, I just used my Flair, that's all," Torii said as he let out a small grin. "Can I ask now? How come all of you are so bad at acting?"

"A-acting?" Klyde stuttered, looking at Torii. A sweat broke and fell on his face. The man looked at the girl that was beside her, widening his eyes.

"What a foolish thing to do. I for a fact know that you suck at acting. And by suck I mean, SUCK. S. U. C. K." Torii rolled his eyes. Klyde looked at him with an awkward smile, and then grinned evilly.

"I knew you'd figure it out somehow, but I didn't know you would figure my plan this soon. As expected, my friend." Klyde said, making a dark and evil expression on his face.

Klyde stood up and walked towards the man who was injured by the one and only Torii. While he was walking, Torii glared at him as if Klyde killed his family. When Klyde saw him looking at him like that, he laughed deeply.

"Friend my face. Stop dilly-dallying and get straight to the point." Said Torii.

"Woah, cold as always eh? Fine." Klyde chuckled. "Well, since this world has been in chaos for like half an hour already, I plan to make a new world. A world where everyone is free. Free to do anything, and anything means anything. And on top of that freely." Klyde explained.

"Well, since this world is already messed up, how about building a new world right? The former world was already crushed anyway, why bother rebuilding it the same way? There are countless things that destroyed the world, so the best thing to do is to let the monsters first destroy it and eradicate the monsters. Then, I'll gather everyone who had survived, and since they survived, they are either strong or witty. I need that strength and intelligence to renovate the whole world. Tell me Torii, are you interested?" Asked Klyde, reaching his right hand towards Torii while smiling.

'He does have a point about the humans destroying the world.' Torii thought to himself as he examined Klyde's speech thoroughly.

"No." The moment Klyde heard Torii's answer, an explosion occurred right where Torii was standing. The man laughed as he looked at the smoke the explosion generated with a maniacal look. On the other hand, the girl was in great astonishment., for she didn't know that Klyde would be this fast to react.

"Serves you right." The man said as he laughed.

"Serves who right?" Torii said, which made all three of them be shocked. As the smoke disappeared, Torii was different. Torii was fully covered in wood. When he knew that the explosion was done, the wood that was covering him disappeared.

"H-how in the world can you not die after that explosion?" Asked the man as he stuttered. All except Klyde was at awe on what the two of them saw.

"I'm the main character. Duh?"

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