
Chapter 3: Look Who's Talking

Third Person's P.O.V.

*At the School, 30 minutes after the fall"

"In this chaos, no one's going to survive. No one will help us, even the government and military are probably peeing their pants. No one will live. No-one." A boy murmured, sitting on the corner, fear colonizing his whole heart and mind. A girl walked in front of her, having a positive and bright aura with her. The man looked at him with confusion on his face.

"We know that this is almost the end of the world, but we must take action. We aren't given Flairs for nothing. It was given for a purpose, and that is to end these monsters and defend our beloved Earth. Who's with me?" A girl said, gaining the attention of everyone.


As the boy continued to shout, a man who was standing near a wall, behind the crowd in the Faculty Room, walked outside of the Room, thinking solely of one person. The man was wearing a white long sleeve paired with black oversized trousers. He was also wearing black rubber shoes with white socks, as well as a bracelet on his left hand.

The man walked to where Torii was earlier, staring blankly on the ground as tears began to form in his eyes. After a few seconds of total stillness, he sighed.

"Torii, I know that I have betrayed you, and I really understand if you would never forgive me. But if you do forgive me, would you still be beside me, like you ever did? Would you still listen to all my problems? Would you still help me with my homework and projects? Would you still be the soft type that you only show when we are together?" The man said.

Afterward, silence again won around the area. He wiped his tears with his hand and took his phone. A notification was seen the moment he opened it, which made him more emotional. Tears again started to fall from his eyes.

"I'm such a diva right now. I know this sounds really cringy, but I'm sorry. I'm really, really sorry. I truly regret that I said those words to you and left you all alone when you are at your worst when I should be the one who's giving you love and caring. With all I've done, I would be shameless if I show my face to you. I don't think that I can ever see you again. Goodbye. I'm sorry." He said, turning his back as he walked away.

"Killing yourself will only make matters worse, Klyde." A mysterious voice said, which made the man named Klyde stop.

He looked at every side, and when he saw nothing, he became more confused. When he was occupied finding where the voice came from, a man suddenly appeared at the back of him, exactly where Klyde left Torii earlier. When Klyde saw him, he was in great surprise. He looked at him as if he found his long-lost dog. He was at loss for words, for the man who appeared was Torii.

Complete silence was heard the moment after Torii talked. Torii just looked t him with no expressions on the outside, and Klyde on the other hand was extremely shocked when he saw Torii, making him quiet, not knowing what he will do.

"So we'll be here looking at each other for like a day?" Torii said, which made Klyde let out a little giggle. Klyde sighed, and then looked at Torii.

"Torii. I-I'm really, really sorry. To all I have done, and to all the things I've said to you. This sounds really ridiculous but... can you... forgive me?" Klyde said, looking at Torii in the eyes.

Silence won around the whole area -- how many more times, author? -- for a few seconds, when Torii went towards Klyde. When he was near him, he hugged him, making Klyde's tears, for the third time, fall again.

"I'll get you out in this hell. Right now." Torii whispered to Klyde's ear, which made Klyde ask him why. Torii replied nothing. Then, Torii let go of Klyde and then walked past him.

All of a sudden, Torii vanished into thin air, making Klyde look for him. Perplexed, he looked at Torii everywhere else. As he was busy finding Torii, a boy and a girl came out of a tree that was planted at least 7 meters away from Klyde.

Klyde looked at the both of them, expressions running wild deep inside him. Before he could talk, the girl ran towards him with a brisk pace, and not even a second later, Klyde was already at the ground, and the girl was looking at him with her belittling eyes.

The man walked to the both of them, and when he saw Klyde on the ground, he laughed loudly, as if the funniest clown was telling him a joke. The girl laughed as well, as tears of literal joy began to form in their eyes. Klyde, on the other hand, didn't do anything and let them laugh the world out of them.

A few seconds later and their laughter was now gone. The man leaned near towards Klyde's face, smiling maniacally. Klyde looked away, avoiding eye contact with the man. The girl walked near him as well and then smiled as maniac as the boy.

"Hey Klyde, look at me." The man said. Klyde, obligingly, looked at the man's face that was only a few inches near his. "Have I not told you to not be friends with that person, Torii? Did I not tell you? Or your brain is so ignorant that it can't even take a few words? Huh? Or do you want to have "the special treatment" again? You piece of garbage!"

Sweat began to fall from Klyde's face. The man stood normally again, and the girl looked at his eyes. The man tilted his head slightly sidewards. The girl let out a smirk, and then stretched her arms and feet. The girl approached Klyde with a raise of her left eyebrow and a smile.

"Get ready to be crippled, weakling." Both the boy and the girl said. The girl lifted he arms and clenched her fist, and soon lt out a punch. Literally a millisecond later and the fist of the girl was already a hundred micrometers near Klyde's face.

She smiled awkwardly and then looked at the boy as if this was all her plan. "Stop scaring him, babe. Beat him near death already. I want to see his face beaten. BAHAHAHA." The man laughed.

The girl nodded and laughed nervously, yet when she tried to pull her fist, a man appeared in front of her, beside Klyde. The man was holding the girl's arm, and when the girl struggled to pull her arm, he placed more strength in his arm more.

"Trash huh? Look who's talking."

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