
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 24 - I'm An Expert!

~ Next morning ~

I decided to make breakfast for the family today. Since everyone was still asleep, I continued drafting my plan to push Aunt Holly away. So I whispered to myself:

Which approachable person or family can I approach to help with this plan?

Will they agree?

Will they need any payment on their side?

After writing a small note of what I was going to do, I then quietly left the house.

I wanted to ask the owner for some help but---


The owner said to David that time:

~ Flashback ~

Man: I am an expert on pulling pranks!

David: We see - you are the best! Can you teach me?

Man: With pleasure! When can we start?

David: Anytime.

~ End of flashback ~

He is the perfect person to ask!

I walked to the owner's office and knocked.

Man: Come in!

I walked in.

Man: Nabia! How can I help?

Me: Morning sir. I wanted to ask for a funny, weird favor.

Man: (unsure) Okay.

Me: May you please tell me, seeing the different people you have in your camp, which person or family would you say is the naughtiest, yet trustworthy?

Man: Mmm, I never thought of it before, but I think it would be the Rein Family.

Me: Mmm?

Man: Oh sorry, my bad. Let me take you to them.

Me: Thank you so much, sir.

Man: Speaking of which, tell me Nabia, what's your motive for all this?

Me: I want to pull a little prank on two men who are working for my Aunt.

Man: Why didn't you say so?! I know the best person.

Me: Who?

Man: Me!

Me: Oh? I mean I didn't want to take you away from your work.

Man: Not at all, I have disguises in my closet. Do you need some?

Me: Not at all, thank you, sir.

Man: Okay then, with regards to everything, leave it all to me.

Me: Oh?

Man: Yeah, from your prank description, I know exactly what to do.

Me: Okay sir, I will leave it to you!

I then left and went back home. When I opened the door, I was greeted by everyone.

Them: Morning!

Me: Morning guys! How did you sleep?

David: We all slept well thanks and yourself?

Me: I slept well too thanks.

Amy: We saw your note, thanks for informing us.

Me: You are welcome Aunt Amy.

David: So how did it go?

Me: It surprisingly went well.

David: Okay, that's great to hear. You made progress huh?

Me: Huge, strong progress. Speaking of which, you will not believe who volunteered in phase 1 of the prank plan.

Them: (happy) Who?

Me: Drum rolls, please!

Cianco and Becca clapped their hands on their thighs.

Me: The Owner of the Camp!

Everyone was at a loss for words.

Amy: The Owner...

Everyone: (shocked) OF THE CAMP!?!?!?

Me: Yes, don't you remember Dave?

David: What?

Me: What did he say when we asked to relocate? Think back.

David: Mmm...

~ David's flashback ~

Man: I am an expert on pulling pranks!

David: We see - you are the best! Can you teach me?

Man: With pleasure! When can we start?

David: Anytime.

~ End of David's flashback ~

David: Oh yeah! He did say that he was an expert - you indeed went to the right person!

Me: Yeah.

Ace: So when are we supposed to temporarily leave?

I will check up with him by going back to the office.

Ace: Okay.

John: This plan sounds funny.

Me: Yeah, and it will all be recorded.

Becca: Nabi?

Me: Yeah?

Becca: If I may ask, what would have happened that day when we did not open the door for Zayn and Joe if they did force their way in?

Me: They would have been banned by that time as I would have used the panic button.

Becca: Woah...

Me: I know right? Technology.

We heard a knock on the door.

Were Zayn, Joe, and Aunt Holly already here?

Man: It's me.

Us: Phew!

I opened the door for him.

Man: Okay, I am ready.

Me: Okay, we will leave then.

We all left and I told Amy, Ace, Becca, and Cianco to go to the office while John, Biance, Dave, and I hid close to the house to capture the action.

Amy, Ace, and the kids left. The four of us hid under a few bushes.

~ Minutes later ~

John: Here they come!

Me: Perfect! Thanks, John.

Let's capture this moment!

Aunt Holly's POV

Me: Where exactly is their house?

Zayn: Right here ma'am.

Me: Great work men!

As Zayn knocked on the door, the owner, disguised as an old man, opened the door.

(Nabia: We could hear what they were saying from afar)

Old man: How can I help you, young man?

Zayn: (shocked) Um, weren't a young girl and a family staying here?

Old man: What are you talking about? I am confused.

Didn't they say Nabia and the family live here? Where are they?

Me: Sorry sir, I guess we knocked on the wrong house. Sorry about that. Please enjoy your day.

Old man: You too. (closes door)

Me: Where. Are. Nabia. And. Her. Family?

Zayn: I am so sorry ma'am, I guess they moved again?

I was annoyed.

Me: Let's just go.

This is starting to get tiring.

End of Aunt Holly's POV

After they left, we went back to the house and we all burst out laughing.

Me: That was... so... hilarious!

David: I know right?

John: That took the cake!

As for Biance, she was on the ground, laughing out loud.

The owner came out of his disguise.

Us: Thank you very much, sir!

Man: Anytime kids. Well, I am going back to the office. I will call your family back.

Me: Thank you, sir.

Oh man, this was the funniest prank I have ever made...

I'm an expert!

With the help of the owner of course hehe...