
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 21 - Let the Games Begin!

Aunt Holly's POV:

~ Morning ~

Me: What?! They relocated? To where!?

Joe: We are not sure ma'am but as soon as we find a lead, we will make sure to inform you.

Me: Good to hear. You are dismissed. Please carry on with the operation.

Joe and Zayn: Right!

Joe and Zayn left.

Me: Nabia...

End of Aunt Holly's POV

After having a wonderful rest, we all woke up to the smell of breakfast. Aunt Amy was in the kitchen and Uncle Ace was already digging in.

Us: (happy) Morning!

Ace and Amy: Morning kids!

Amy: Did you all sleep well?

Me: Yes we did! Right guys?

Them: Yes!

Amy: Breakfast is ready so please sit down.

Us: Okay!

We all sat down together at the table, this feeling reminded me of our breakfast time at home. I wonder how are Mum and Dad keeping up.

Amy then gave us our plates for us to dig in - which we all gobbled down our food.

Amy: Be careful kids!

Ace: Yeah you could choke!

Us: Sorry hehe.

We all laughed. Cianco's expression turned into a sad one. We all could notice it.

Amy: What's wrong Cianco? Was the food bad?

Cianco: (alarmed) Oh no aunt, it is just... this reminds me of our breakfast time at home. It was always like this every morning - joyful, vibrant, and full of energy. I don't mean to sound sentimental but seeing how joyful we are all right now, I miss my parents. 

We all sympathized with Cianco, in which we got together in a group hug.

Me: Don't worry Cianco. Soon, we will be reunited with Mum and Dad! Just be patient, okay?

Cianco: (cheered up) Okay.

Me: Thank you so much Aunt for the yummy breakfast, you remind us of our Mum.

Amy: Oh really? 

Me: Yeah, I mean she always whipped up storms in the kitchen. The result? Perfection!

Amy: Oh my, I am so honored. Thank you so much!

Me: You are welcome.

Amy: Speaking of your mum, what is her name?

Me: Branca. Branca Laranca.

Amy: Hmm. And your dad's?

Me: Alex Laranca. Do you know them?

Amy: Yeah... they are very hardworking right?

Me: Yeah.

Amy: I know them because in the community, your parents are always commended for their good personality and having such disciplined children. I now understand why they commend them.

Me: Oh? You do?

Amy: Yeah - you guys are very close and supportive of each other. You never look down on anyone, which is to be commended, so keep it up, okay?

Biance, David, Cianco, and I were shocked but encouraged by what she said. That truly meant a lot.

Biance, David, Cianco, and I: Thank you so much Aunt, we promise!

Me: And your kids too Aunt Amy - John and Becca are the cutest, disciplined sibling duo we have ever met with.

John and Becca were shocked by what I said.

John: (unsure) Really?

Me: Really! It's either the siblings fight with each other or are rivals. You though, are an outstanding pair of siblings. We are glad we met you all. So, please keep up the great as well, okay?

John and Becca were beaming with happiness.

Amy: You are very kind Nabi.

Me: No - it is the truth. (looking at John and Becca) So you promise?

John and Becca: Thank you so much! We promise!

Me: (smiling) I am happy.

While we were still enjoying the moment, John asked about Aunt Holly.

John: So how are things looking?

Me: Oh, in terms of Aunt Holly?

John: Yeah. We have relocated. Do you think she will be able to find us here?

Before I could respond, we heard familiar voices talking to the people passing by. We all kept silent to hear what the men were asking the people about. I decided to get closer to the door to hear properly. 

Ah. Why didn't I remember? 

Aunt Holly is a very persistent person. She will not stop until she gets what she wants.

I then whispered to Amy and the rest of the current situation we were having and told them to whisper so that the men may not discover us.

Me: It's Zayn and Joe.

David: Zayn and Mr. Joker?

Me: (laughing lightly) Thanks for the morning laughter, Dave. Yes, it is Zayn and Joe. They are asking the people about us.

Amy: What are their responses?

Me: They have nothing to inform them about as they do not know about our whereabouts. 

David: Good thing we left at night. What would have happened to us?

Me: Indeed, for if we left immediately, it would have raised suspicion as to our relocation after arriving in the camp recently.

I peeked through the window to see their progress in finding information on us.

They were getting discouraged. Until their eyes caught up with our house. I quickly left the window and told everyone to hide while I hid behind the door.

David: You are going to get caught by hiding behind the door Nabi!

Me: I know but we will not be opening the door for them.

David: What if they force their way inside?

Me: Don't worry, I planned this yesterday.

David: Okay - what did you plan Nabia?

Everyone anticipated hearing the plan I made while still in their hiding spots.

Me: One of the rules of this camp says that if you knock at a person's door and there is no one at the door, you are not allowed to force your way through a person's privacy, whether you know the person or not.

David: Okay... so what is the plan?

Me: The plan is to remain silent once they reach our door. And if they try to force their way into our house...

Them: What will happen???

I smirked at them before I could share the rest of the information to them. I then pulled a panic button out of my pocket.

John: Is that...

Amy: A panic button?

Me: Yeah.

David: Where did you get that from?

Me: When you and Biance left the office, I asked him for a panic button for us to keep in case of anything.

David: And he gave it to you just like that?

Me: Yeah. Sorry, I never told you. The thing was, if I did tell you guys on the spot who knows what would have happened?

Everyone put thought into what I just said. A few seconds later, they all nodded.

Amy and Ace: Smart plan!

Me: Thanks!

David: Now that we have the panic button as our protection, what happens then?

Me: Just wait and see Dave!

What is taking them so long?

After a few seconds, we heard a knock on the door - it was Zayn and Joe!

Our hearts began to beat fast, especially mine.

But there was nothing to worry about - we were already on the winning side.

They knocked on the door again. They then started talking, and we decided to listen to their conversation:

Zayn: (annoyed) What's taking the people living in this house so long to open the door?

Joe: Zayn! We can't say that! What if there are people who can hear us?

I looked at John and he knew what to do:

Record their conversation.

Zayn: I feel like breaking through this door!

Joe: That would be against the camp's law Zayn! If we did that, we would get thrown into prison! Then when that happens, we would have ruined Holly's reputation! Do you understand?

Zayn: (sighs) Yes, I do.

Joe: Good. Now that no one has come to the door, we can leave.

Zayn: Wait!

Joe: What?

Zayn: Before we leave, let's leave the letter Holly gave us.

Joe: In an empty house? That would be ris---

Zayn: Please. Trust me on this.

Joe then shoved the letter under the door. I couldn't pick it up or else it could have raised suspicions.

They then left afterward. I quickly peeked through the window once more to check if they left before I could announce that the coast was clear for everyone.

They were gone.

I then stopped whispering and went back to speaking normally.

Me: Okay guys. You can come out, the coast is officially clear.

David: Okay sis, once more - great plan!

Me: Thanks, Dave.

Amy: So... what does the letter say?

Me: Not sure, but it seems like it is directed to me.

David: Okay, what does it say?

I picked it up from the floor, nicely ripped the envelope open, and read the letter to everyone:

To Nabia

You are a genius to outsmart me twice. You know what? This is only the beginning. Expect to hear from me from now on.

You may ask what I mean by this statement.

Girl, the game you decided to play with me is very dangerous. So pick your cards well.

Until you help me with the information I need on that chemical element, you still owe me.

I heard you and the family relocated. 

I will still find you!

Please think carefully about the level of the game you are about to play with me.

We can do it the easy way... or the hard way. The choice is yours!

Looking forward to your response.

From you-know-who

I was speechless. Everyone else was.

Biance: Wow... what a letter!

Me: I know right?

I already knew what to say. I was anticipating this letter.

Me: May I please have a pen?

Amy: You already know what to write as a response?

Me: Yes Aunt!

A simple no-response was the trick.

I sealed it back, went out, and took it to the post box. I then went back inside the house.

David: Woah... no response? 

Me: Yes Dave, it has been proven that no response is the best way to put down a person seeking a person's reaction.

David: True - that was smart of you.

Biance: So what will happen next?

Me: We will see how Aunt Holly reacts to the no-response first.

Let the games begin Aunt! Let the games begin...