
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 15 - A City?!

We walked back into the house, seeing Amy and Becca seated on the couch, looking at us.

Amy: What was that, Nabia?! Is that how you speak with your aunt?

Me: I'm sorry - well no but she kept on pushing our buttons. That was not my intention.

Amy: What happened if she couldn't handle her anger?

Me: Some of us are also trying to deal with painful flashbacks.

Amy: But that does that give you the right to talk to her however you want?

Becca: But mom, Aunt Holly started it.

Amy: Not now Becca!

John: Mom, please calm down and try to listen to Nabi's viewpoint.

Amy: What viewpoint? Nabia's to---

Biance: Just stop. right. there.

Biance, who was standing in the kitchen, had a serious expression on her face.

Biance: I understand Aunt Holly is kind and everything but it is the thing of not giving a listening ear - at least to just understand why a person did what they did or said what they said that makes a situation worse all the time.

Amy, who stopped talking, looked at Biance, serious, yet curious to know the meaning behind Biance's statement.

Amy: Biance,

Biance: For years, no one tried to listen to us, or at least try to understand us. Well, only our mum understood us.

You see, there used to be this saying back then:

"Adults are always right."

Our opinions as youngsters never mattered to older ones, so whatever event happened, no matter how many eyewitnesses we brought with us, it was never taken into consideration. Right now, it feels like we are back in that era again.

John: Yes Mom.

Amy: Oh - Nabi, I'm so so---

Me: It's alright, no problem. (low voice) Besides I'm immune to pain.

David: Did you say anything?

Me: No, nothing at all.

Amy came up to me and hugged me.

Amy: I am truly sorry about the words I said - I know you are feeling pain, especially for the things she did in the past and I was ignorant to what she said, blinding it all, so I am very, very sorry Nabi.

Me: It's okay, that's all in the past now.

Amy: Feel free to call me Aunty Amy okay?

Me: (small smile) Okay Aunt Amy.

Amy: Okay.


Aunt Holly went out of the house and looked at us.

Aunt Holly: I'll be heading out.

Amy: Oh? Out? Where to?

Aunt Holly: Just east to where we are right now but I'll be back in a jiff.

Amy: Okay, be safe!

Aunt Holly: I will, thank you so much, Amy, I hope some kids can learn from your example.


Me: We totally will aunt.

Aunt Holly: (gasps) An-Anyway, I will be on my way!

Becca and Cianco: Bye Aunt Holly!

Aunt Holly: Bye Bec! Bye, Cianco!

David, John Biance, and I: Bye Aunt Holly.

Aunt Holly: Bye Dave, John, B, and Nabi.

She closed the door and left. John, David, and I knew what to do - follow her around.

Me: Dave and I will be heading out too.

Amy: Okay, will you be close?

Me: Can't say but I'm sure we will be relatively close.

John: I'm coming with you two.

David: Okay.

Biance: And me too, right Nabi?

Me: Of course you can! Wanna come Bec, Cianco?

Becca: No thanks, I will stay here.

Cianco: Same.

Me: Okay then, we will be on our way as well - see you just now!

Them: Okay! Be safe!

John: Thanks! We will!

We went out of the house and left. After a few steps though, Biance stunned us with the question she asked.

Biance: Following Aunt Hols huh?

Me: How did you know?

Biance: Figured, I mean your timing was no coincidence.

John: Ha...caught us. But promise us to not tell anyone, at least for the time being.

Biance: Okay... what's up?

John, David, and I: We don't trust Aunt Hols.

Biance: Um, like I do?!

Me: (shocked) You too?!

Biance: Of course! I just to play the part, you feel me?

David: Totally!

Biance: I am so happy we all agree on one thing! So, what's the plan?

John: We plan on catching up to Aunt Holly and following her around, see what plan she is up to, and then strategize on how to get out of this island.

Biance: Love it! Shall we start?

John: Of course!

We all started to walk slowly, trying to find Aunt Holly, and after a while we finally found her.

We hid behind some trees and bushes, trying to make sure that Aunt Holly didn't see us.

After a while though, we were shocked at what we were looking at.

Us: There is a huge city on the eastern side of this island?!

Aunt Holly looked behind herself, checking if there was no one following her.

Luckily, we closed our mouths in time, who knew what would have happened if we all bumped into her?

We continued to follow her until she went into the busy marketplace - that was when we lost her.

David: Is this what the East looks like?!

John: It's awesome right?!

Me: Boys, I know it's all cool but we need to---

Who was I kidding? I was talking to myself. I laughed seeing John wearing a Hidden Leaf headband (Naruto/Boruto reference) with Biance alongside him.

Me: (laughing) I didn't know the East love Naruto/Boruto too!

David: Cool! Even Shounen is found here too! I wonder if they have OP.

*OP = One Piece

Me: Me too hehe...but we have to remember our motive for being here, okay?

John and Biance: We know.

David came walking from the shop towards me, while John and Biance went back to the shop to return the headband, in which afterward, they came walking to where David and I were standing.

John: Okay, any clue on where we think Aunt Holly might be?

Me: I saw here entering the last shop at the end (pointing at the shop I saw Aunt Holly enter)

David: Okay then, let's go.

Biance: We can't.

David: Huh? Why not?

Biance: She left us at home and we followed her to this point. Don't we need disguises???

Me: Smart thinking B! (thumbs up)

Biance: Thanks sis! (winks)

John: Nice plan B, but why don't we hide behind the shop? There's only one window, that way, we will be able to hear what Aunt Holly's talking about.

Biance: Smart J!

Me: Yeah, let's do this thing!

We quickly hid behind the shop and the conversation Aunt Holly was having with the man inside the shop sounded serious.

Little did we know...that what we heard, would change our lives, either for better or for worse:

Man: Who do you live with, in your house that you need help getting a plane?

Holly: I live by myself.

Man: Oh, didn't you say you had your sister-in-law's ki---

Holly: Enough about that. I am the only one escaping.

(What? She's the only one escaping??? She said we were in this together!)

Man: Okay, good choice. This island is not safe and no matter how many times people here are warned, they refuse to listen.

Holly: Yeah, some are just ignorant, huh?

Man: Yeah.

Holly: If you don't mind me asking, why is this island marked off as dangerous and a time-ticking bomb?

(Time ticking bomb?!)

Man: (sighs) Because dangerous chemicals have been found on this island?

Holly: Chemicals like?

Man: Uranium. High amounts of uranium have been found on this island. Especially on the side you living on, since it was the biggest mining area before it got shut down for that reason. Don't you want to leave that place?

Holly: No, it's got many memories---

Man: Are you willing to put your health on the line for that house?

Holly: Yes I am, what harm can Uranium do to your body?

Man: Research it.

Holly: Okay, anyway, thanks for your help.

Man: Anytime.

John: We have to run - fast!

Biance, David and I: Right!

We ran as fast as we could, making sure that Aunt Holly did not see us.

After a long time, we started to see Aunt Holly's house, that was then when we all started to slow down and walk slowly.

Biance: Uranium? What is that?

Me: Uranium is a very dangerous chemical you don't want to mess up with.

John: That sounds serious, what do you mean?

David: Like what the man said, if we stay here any longer, we could suffer from internal burns, if not cancer.

John and Biance were horrified by what Dave and I were explaining to them.

John: So...what's the outcome if a person gets too exposed to the radiation?

Me: You can't see uranium, nor can you smell it. It's a devious chemical element but the final outcome is death - endgame.

Biance: So, what are we doing here? Let's pack up and go!

Me: Not yet B. We still have to wait on Aunt Holly to hear what she has to say, then from then, we can make a move.

David: Great plan.

John: Agreed. So B, do not tell Becca or Mum and Dad about this, okay?

Biance: Understood.

We all walked back into the house, being greeted by Amy and Becca, who changed their clothes and seemed to be deeply thinking about something.

Me: Hey everyone, we are back!

Amy: Oh hey kids! Glad you are all home safe!

Becca: Welcome home!

Cianco: How was the fresh air?

John: It was good thanks.

Cianco: Great to hear bro.

Then we all threw ourselves on the couch.

A few moments later, Aunt Holly came back.

David, Biance, John, and I: Welcome back aunt!

Holly: Why, thank you, kids!

Amy, Cianco, and Becca: Welcome back!

Aunt Holly: Oh my, thank you so much Amy, Cianco, and Bec for such a warm welcome!

Becca and Cianco: Hehe...

Amy: Did you manage to do the things you wanted to do?

Aunt Holly: Oh yes I did, which is also something I wanted us to discuss.

Amy: Okay, I will go wake Ace up.

Aunt Holly: Okay.

Ace, who got woken up from his nap because of an important discussion, then came out of the room.

Ace: Oh, hey everyone.

Us: Good evening Ace.

Aunt Holly: Sorry to wake you up, there was just something important I had to address.

Ace: No it's okay, no problem.

Aunt Holly: Thank you.

Aunt Holly's expression looked serious, like the way it was this morning.

Aunt Holly: Does anyone know what Uranium is?

Ace: No clue. Amy?

Amy: Clueless too. Kids?

Becca: Beats me.

Cianco: Same.

Biance: All I know is that it's a dangerous chemical.

John: Yeah, it is a very dangerous chemical that can do a lot of harm.

Aunt Holly: (hyped up) Where did you learn it from?

Biance and John: Physics and Chemistry?

Aunt Holly: Anything else?

David: Uranium can radiate from far.

Aunt Holly: Give me more!

Me: Why are you soo hyped up?

Aunt Holly: (shocked) Because it's interesting? Back to the point, what about Uranium?

Me: That's just about it.

Aunt Holly: You're joking right? I know you and David are doing Physics and Chemistry and I know that especially you Nabi, are excellent in chemistry and physics, so share!

Me: (happy) Thanks for remembering such details aunt.

Aunt Holly: Start sharing. NOW!

Me: (sad) No please anymore?

Aunt Holly: Will you stop?!

Me: I just asked if there's no "please" anymore to your request - that's all I asked.

Aunt Holly: Nevermind, forget it. I'm going to bed.

She walked away and closed the door to her room shut, leaving all of us confused.

Cianco and Becca: What was that?