
Land of Survival

What happens when a group of teenage siblings find themselves on a random island after a plane crash? Will help be found? What Challenges will they face? Read along as a group of siblings, Nabia, David, Biance and Cianco have to work together to survive!

T_Bianca_Masuku · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 1 - Weekend Away Here We Come!

Nabia: Guys, we will be late if we don't leave now!

Biance: I'm all done sis! Are you both done Dave and Cianco?

David: I'm all set!

Cianco: (hands folded) Mmm...I feel like I'm forgetting something.

Nabia, Biance and David: (sighs)

Hi - I am Nabia and this is my story :)

You see, David and I are 20 years of age but he is oldest because he was born in March, while I was born in July. There is our little sis Biance - she is two years younger, meaning that she is 18 years of age and of course, how can we forget the last born of the family - Cianco. He is literally 16 years of age. Cute right?

Biance and Cianco were on school holiday for a full month, so I decided, why not take a weekend away to Mauritius? Our parents took us to the airport and we said our final goodbyes... don't get me wrong, but this wasn't a forever good bye - we were just going on a weekend away.

Mum: (giving us tight hugs) Oh kids, we are going to miss you terribly! (sad tone)

David: Don't worry about us mum - we will all be good kids! (winks)

Mum: (unsure) okay...if you say so.

Dad: (firm voice) David, Bianco, Busi and Nabia - take care of yourselves, okay? Don't forget to call us once you land.

Us: (in unison) Right!

"Flight 235 will be leaving in 5 minutes."

Cianco: Well - this is it. See you on Monday mum and dad! (walking away)

Nabia (me) and Biance: (hugging tightly) Bye mum and dad, we love you and see you on Monday! Mwah!

We all waved at our parents one last time - in which they returned the wave back. We then all walked away, going into our airline.

David and Cianco: Woo!

Mum: (smirks) Some things never change.

As we entered into the airline, we realized...


Biance and I looked at each other, trying to comprehend the situation without overreacting.

Cianco: Cool! Seems like we are the only ones in!

Biance: (shocked) Guys, did you see that there is no pilot?

David: Really?

Cianco: This is bound to get exciting!

Me: Oh yeah... I heard about it - the self automated airline. It's an airline that practically drives itself without needing a human pilot...it's practically an automated pilot.

Cianco: Cool!

AI Pilot: Please take your seats. This airline is about to depart to Mauritius. Please do note that due to a few people travelling to Mauritius at this time, prices have been reduced, which is why you are the only ones travelling as a group. Feel free to serve yourselves some snacks at the back. Please enjoy the flight!

I was seated with Biance - we are known as the twins of different ages because we think and feel the same way! Awesome right?

 Me: Phew! At least the automated pilot answered one of our concerns.

Biance: (sigh of relief) Me too.

Me: Let's see what Mauritius has to to offer.

David: Indeed!

We all fell asleep peacefully.