

Feeling the lingering pain in his heart, he knew the pain was real but he didn't know why he was feeling it. Holding his hand near his heart he could feel it beating normally and the pain was no longer there. Thinking it was nothing, he stopped worrying about it and at the same time, knocking was heard on the door. Luke got out of bed and opened the door to see Sylvia standing there with neatly folded clothes.

"these are the clothes prepared for you and your brother, once your done getting ready please go to the main hall," She said and handed over the clothes to Luke, then left. Luke closed the door and then took one set of the clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath, as for the other set he set it down on to the bed.

A couple of minutes later, he had gotten out of the bathroom with the new clothes on and at the same time Adrian woke up.

"Woah Luke!, you look so cool in those clothes," Adrian complimented.

"Thanks, your clothes are there so quickly go take a shower and get changed. Then go to the main hall, I'll be going first," Luke explained and then left while Adrian took the clothes and went into the bathroom.

As Luke's walking down the hall he couldn't help but remember the dream he had. It felt weird and so real that when he woke up he had a bit of a hard time distinguishing between the dream and reality. He soon stopped thinking about it once he got to the main hall, as the guards identified him, they allowed him to enter and the doors of the main hall parted ways and he walked in.

When he walked in he noticed the fairy queen was busy talking to a couple of people but quickly stopped when she noticed Luke.

"Your here, please sit down and we'll wait for your brother to come before talking," She said and Luke nodded and sat down.

After sitting down, Luke looked at the other four people more closely. The person sitting the closest to Serenity was a man who looked to be in his thirties. His hair was golden blonde and his eyes were green while his ears were like an elf's ear just like in the stories and movies that he's seen. Upon seeing three elves before him he didn't know how to feel, only that it didn't seem real.

As for the other three, there were two girls and one boy. The boy was handsome, maybe even one of the most handsome man he's ever seen. The boy had long light blue hair that almost seemed white, it was also very long which added to his handsomeness. He also seemed like the gentle type but what he noticed the most was the white silk sheet that covered his eyes and the white clothes that made him especially fragile. It made Luke feel like wanting to protect him but after looking at the people beside him he felt it was unnecessary.

As for the other two girls, they looked alike, only that their hair colors were different. One had long light blue hair and the other had short golden blonde hair. They both seemed to be the exact opposite as well, the light blue-haired one was elegant and graceful while the golden blonde-haired girl seemed very cold, as if not caring about anything.

Luke after looking at them felt quite small and weak. One felt powerful and the other three had their charms, he felt out of place.

After waiting a while, Adrian finally came, once he came and sat down, Serenity started talking.

"Alright, first, let's introduce each other. This man here is the elf King, Elthana Remus, and these three are his children, Theo, Elaine, and Mary Elthana," She said as she pointed to each one that she introduced. Luke and Adrian greeted them but only Theo and Elaine smiled at them and nodded while The elf king and Mary had only nodded at them as a sign of greeting.

"And these two are Luke and Adrian who will be helping us," She continued but just seconds after the elf king spoke.

"It'll be good if we can talk some more and tell you two more things, but you two will have to learn as you go because we can not waste time," The king took a breath and continued.

"I know you two feel pressured but please do know that we'll help you two as best as we can, my children will also be helping you,"

"Um but you haven't told us how we can help," Adrian mentioned.

"The way you two can help is to get strong, once that happens, I'll tell you two your goal later. You two will also have to go to our kingdom and stay there for the time being," He replied. Seeing that there was no more questions, he started chanting something.

Once he was done chanting, something appeared.

"This is a portal, we can get to our kingdom faster this way," He said and gestured to the floating blue circle. Both Luke and Adrian where stunned once again, they couldn't help but be amazed when they saw him doing magic.

"Is it safe?" Luke asked after remembering their experience yesterday and once Adrian heard that question he shuddered, remembering he almost fell to death. He hid behind his brother this time, not daring to go near another portal.

Theo, who saw this scene, laughed at Luke and Adrian's reaction. Elaine and Mary were a bit surprised to see him laugh so wholeheartedly, even King Remus was also surprised. When Theo saw that the attention was on him, he apologized and stopped laughing. Only Adrian and Luke were confused, what was so funny that made him laugh?

"Ahem, don't worry it is very safe," King Remus said and went into the portal and disappeared, Theo then followed and so did Mary. Elaine looked at them and said, "Be careful," She smiled and went through the portal.

Before Adrian and Luke went through the portal, Adrian stopped Luke and looked at Serenity.

"Will we meet you again?" He asked and Serenity smiled and said, "We will but I think it might be a long time before we can meet again," With that said Adrian and Luke went through the portal.

As they got to the other side, what they saw was only trees that surrounded the area, besides that there was only dirt everywhere. They also saw two other people besides the elf king and his children. The two people looked quite old, about in their seventies. Luke and Adrian where confused, why were they here?

They both looked at the elf king for an answer but the elf king only said, "Let the training begin!"