
LANCELOT (Fire Breather Series)

in a world where both Elementals and Humans existed. Demons have long hindered the rise of a true Elemental god king. The Night family have produced heirs who have been continually killed and prevented from uniting the Elemental Kingdoms and saving them from extinction. This story portrays the rise of the first True god King of the Night family, He is going to challenge Hades in hell and the gods in the god realm. He is going to reign supreme...

Nicholas_Morgan234 · Fantasy
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92 Chs

Chapter 4: Capture

Chapter 4: Capture!!!

Dice, Lancelot, and his sister Cherry all trudged hurriedly through the tunnels in a bid to escape any approaching air nation soldier.

As they hurried through the tunnels, they could hear strong wind currents which seemed to follow them as they moved.


Initially, they didn't take it seriously, but later on, they grew weary, as they all noticed that it was perfectly following their every movement.

"That sound seems to be following us," Cherry said with a perplexed expression.

"That's the wind tracer spell, that is the signature spell of Lord Paige Kalliester, he must have been on to us"

Lancelot sensed fear rising within Cherry, he

moved towards her and patted her shoulders gently;

"We'll be alright, Young Lord Dice will protect us, Lancelot said as he tried to encourage his sister and instill courage in her.

Dice looked stunned as he heard that and he thought to himself, 'Protect who? , Or you would protect me, my powers are blocked can't you see'

Dice just looked towards Lancelot and looked away without uttering a statement.

As they got near the exit, they could see air nation soldiers patrolling the gate of the blood nation city.

Countless blood nation slaves were massacred and were scattered all over almost like a macabre-ish display of strength.

The slaves were killed because the air nation had thought that Dice orchestrated the death of the air nation soldiers and as a form of revenge, harmless and countless blood nation

citizens that were held captive, were brought out and terminated without being given a chance to defend themselves.

Dice looked so sad while staring at the scene, he felt powerless and useless as he slouched his shoulders and sank his head in hurt.

Lancelot spread his hands to stop the other two, he then pantomimed a 'keep quiet' signal.

The wind current that had been following them continued to move forward until it eventually stopped at the entrance of the tunnel before dissipating.

This seemed to suggest that, this is likely where they ought to be at this time.

All the soldiers outside the tunnel watched carefully expecting someone to exit the tunnel, but no one did.

Lord Paige had been floating around, controll ing the wind tracer spell, he then floated down out of frustration and shouted

"Where are those savages, and that bastard of the blood nation land" the shout caused the air around him to form a slightly strong whirlwind, which rolled around and dissipated a bit later.

Then He turned to the soldiers in front of him, he brought a few soldiers to hunt the 'savages' out of his entire squad which was all still in the blood nation city, searching to find any person living there.

Lord Paige Kalliester then pointed to two of his soldiers, "You, and you, go down this tunnel and kill whatever you find there" after saying that, he floated up again to watch the scene like a movie.

The soldiers nodded in response and said;

"Yes my Lord" in unison.

The two then walked into the tunnel to search for anything that has a life.

One of Lancelot's special abilities is the ability to conceal especially in the dark, but it doesnt last for a long time so he plans the timing well befOre applying it, otherwise, the skill will drain him, as his level is not high enough to

accommodate that enormous use of power.

Cherry was calm, due to her knowledge of the concealment skill.

Dice on the other hand was about to give up, When Cherry held his hand and calmed him, suddenly the two soldiers approached where they stood and passed by them without seeing them.

This stunned Dice so much that he wondered and muttered to himself 'am I a ghost?'.

He soon let go of his puzzling expression as they got nearer to the entrance of the tunnel the soldiers noticed movements but since they could not see anyone, they were on guard.

Lancelot removed the concealment from himself but kept it on his sister and Dice in a bid to protect them, so he moved away from their direction to cover for them, but they would not leave unless Lancelot was with them

As the soldiers noticed Lancelot, they started throwing wind lashes at him.

A wind lash is a powerful use of the wind element. it transforms the wind into a powerful force that can cut through almost anything.

It moves with such force like a speeding vehicle and slashes like a sword on any material. Only material with equal strength can resist it.

As the wind slashes approached Lancelot at terrifying speed, he formed a fire barrier around him which flared up as the wind impacted it but maintains its original composure afterward.

This continued for a while and Lancelot stood, firmly balanced as he planned on how to attack the Air nation soldiers.

He then released three orange flames, but those were quickly quenched under the intense force of the wind slashes.

As he continued to probe, Lord Paige Kalliester noticed this, and out of fury, he raised both his hands and released a powerful wind storm.

This storm tore through Lancelot's defense and threw him like a round ball several meters away, causing him to collide with a wall and finally pass out.

Immediately the concealment he used on both Dice and Cherry dissipated.

The two Air nation soldiers who had entered the tunnel initially were returning when they noticed the silhouette of both Cherry and Dice, they immediately created a wind barrier around them to prevent them from escaping.

Lord Paige Kalliester floated down from where he was and he stared at Cherry longingly.

Cherry was a beautiful young girl, I g years of age, her body was fully developed and she had an enticing look that could send any man to desire her non-stop.

Lancelot had always protected her from being raped because of this but unfortunately, he couldn't last a minute against lord Paige


"Send her to my chambers, she will be of some use to me this night," Lord Paige spoke and he licked his lips,

Then he turned to where Dice and Lancelot we're.

"Throw this idiot and that one in the dungeon," he said, pointing to both Dice and then Lancelot respectively.

"Should we seal these two?" One of the soldiers asked, pointing to both Lancelot and his sister.

"No, don't bother, they are both useless"

Lancelot remained unconscious as they dragged his body off to a dungeon in the Blood nation city.

Dice was led to follow as a soldier was constantly hitting him from behind, while

Cherry was taken to the tent where Lord Paige

Kalliester was to spend the night,