
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

performing duties.

Startled, she shook her head and looked in the direction of the voice. She noticed him standing next to his bathroom door. She immediately jumped out of bed and cleaned everything up.

"I am sorry, master; I can't remember how I landed on your bed." She gave a quiet pout. She felt a tremble through her hands and body, and hunger struck like a wave again. She clenched her stomach even more, staring at the floor with teary eyes.

Her mouth began to fill with saliva as she felt her chest begin to burn once more. She swallowed it quickly and tried not to show any emotion. 

Next, she observed him move to the side of his room and take hold of a phone that she was unaware was there. Her gaze swept over him once more; his shoulder-length, ruffled, medium-length raven black hair gave him an air of increased attractiveness. She laughed at herself, blushing at his appearance, despite the hunger.

With his back to her, he spoke softly into the phone. Although his shirt was still on, she was able to observe the flawless shape of his back muscles, which seemed as though they would protrude from it. He dropped the phone and turned to face her, and she immediately returned her gaze to the floor.

He brushed by her and picked up a black coat. He took out a gun from where he kept it and put it in his pocket, all the while ignoring Lana. 

"Go have your breakfast now, and make sure you return to the room afterward." Lana was perplexed by his cold tone. Yes, he speaks coldly, but this one was even more deadly. She attempted to reply, biting her lower lip, but he abruptly left the room by slamming the door.

"Why is he angry?" she whispered, kissing her teeth and holding her stomach. As she walked out of the room, the maids who were passing by gave her pitying looks. Gwen saw her from a distance and hurried over to give her a shoulder rub so she could walk normally.

"Jane told me to fetch you," she said, and Lana nodded, not wanting to drain her energy by asking any more questions. Jane was the only person in the dining area, and she noticed this by following her to the servants' quarters. Jane had a subtle smile on her mature face.

When Lana's gaze strayed to one of the dinner tables, she noticed food there. The sight of them made her mouth water, which intensified the growl in her stomach.

"You must be extremely hungry, but since the boss gave the order, you have to eat even though this is not the right time to eat." She was shocked to hear what Jane had to say. 

"All this for me?" she asked, turning her gaze to Gwen this time. With a smile, Gwen nodded her head. She went to the table, pulled out a chair, and got to work without having to give the order twice. The two women did not move as they observed her finish the entire meal in her mouth. 

Lana was more concerned with getting her stomach settled than with food stains on her dress or the table. Gwen laughed at her friend, realizing that her friend, hungry or not, is a foodie. She ate the food intended for three people out of sheer hunger. When she was finished, she drank the entire bottle of water. Holding her slightly swollen stomach, she let out a loud belch while laughing at herself.

"I am glad you enjoyed the food, Lana; now it is time for you girls to clean up before the others arrive." With renewed energy after Jane's conversation with them, Lana cleared the table after eating, and Gwen assisted her in carrying it to the kitchen to be cleaned.

After a while, Gwen returned and gave Lana a very strong hug. Having just eaten, Lana felt constricted. "What is this, Gwen?" she gasped as Gwen slipped out of her embrace. 

"I am sorry, Lana; you went through this because of me. How can I repay you?" Lana was slightly enraged by her pitiful pout. She dislikes having the things that transpired between them all brought up again. 

"I told you before that this had happened. And this is the correct thing to do. I don't regret it at all, even though I keep getting into more trouble, so do not worry." Gwen's eyes widened with curiosity as she said that. 

"What exactly do you mean? What kind of trouble do you get into?" she inquired. Lana pinned her mouth shut, believing she had said too much. She hates being pitied and does not want Gwen to care too much about her. 

"Do not worry, Gwen; I am fine." She dismissed it with a laugh, but Gwen did not buy it. Lana thought she had not seen their room in a long time as she entered. She grinned as she fell onto her bed, although it was not as soft as his. The idea of it caused her to flush.

"How has Fiona been treating you?" Lana interjected, knowing that Fiona would not let Gwen go lightly. Ever since their meeting, Fiona has harbored animosity toward Gwen, and since she was unable to win her over, Lana chose to use Gwen as a means of revenge. Lana sympathized primarily with Gwen, as the naive young lady was unaware that her actions were the cause of everything.

"She is unpredictable. But I believe her rage towards me has grown. She continued to insult and hit me as usual, and she directed her rage at me whenever things were not going well for her." 

They were silent for some time, and Lana saw that Gwen was lost in thought. "Lana, I think you should be more careful." She spoke up, her gaze fixed on Lana's.

"What are you saying? Why should I be careful, Gwen?" She questioned, noting that she had heard similar remarks before. Since Gavin kidnapped her, all she has heard is to be careful.

"I am not sure; I am just saying because I overheard Miss Fiona and that girl Kate calling each other by name, and then your name was mentioned. I have a bad feeling they are going to do something cunning." 

She knew those two had always been on her case and that Kate would not give up until she regained her position, so it was not shocking to her in any case. She recalled being informed that she was responsible for the deaths of two maids because she was afraid she would lose her job. This realization sent shivers down her spine. But would she be killed when it was her turn? 

Axel had forgiven her several times, and based on what she had done, it was enough to lock her up or torture her to death. Then a memory appeared in her mind. She murmured, her eyes widening, "Was not he the famous business tycoon?" 

She used to watch him whenever he was doing an interview on television. His name eluded her; all she knew was that he was the most stunning billionaire she had ever laid eyes on. 

"He was the one; how could I be so dumb and stupid not to remember his face?" She whispered as she made her way to the bathroom. She removed her dress, brushed her teeth, and then had a bath. Even though she rarely gives her hair much thought, she was still shocked by how healthy it seemed. As per her usual style, she secured it in a high bun and proceeded to take off another maid dress. She recalled Axel telling her to return to his room when she was finished.

"Okay, Gwen, I have heard your warning and will be leaving. See you later." She gave her the usual small hug, which Gwen treasured, and exited the room, heading for Axel's.

As she entered, she noticed his door had been slightly opened. Her mind raced with ideas about whether or not Axel was still present. Taking a deep breath, she went into the room to discover Kate there.

"What are you doing in here, Kate?" she asked with a frown. Kate approached her slowly, grinning, while holding onto her cleaning supplies. Lana observed that her uniform was rather short, ending just above her mid-thigh. Kate's auburn hair cascaded down her back in bouncy waves, giving her ample evidence that she was a stunning woman. 

Her skin was immaculate and radiant, and her brown-doe eyes took on a slight contour. 

"To perform my duties, Lana," she said, holding a small rag. Lana sensed that she was here for more than just that. As his personal maid, cleaning his room was one of her punishments, but despite being told not to, Kate could not stop visiting.

"But this is my duty, Kate; I was told to clean his room, and I assumed you were also told. Why are you being stubborn, coming into his room in the name of doing duties you are not supposed to do?" Lana asked calmly, looking at Kate, who was now fuming in anger.

"Yes, you may temporarily replace me, but that does not stop me from cleaning his room. And perform other duties as well." In the final sentence, she lowered her voice and at last caught Lana's attention.

"What do you mean by 'other duties?'" she asked.

"Well, since you are so curious, Lana, I will tell you. I was his maid before you moved into this mansion. In addition to doing what he asked, like making his bath, cleaning his room, and occasionally doing his laundry, I also gave him massages, and you know what else?" Lana became slightly agitated as she spoke, and she licked her lower lip.

"What do you mean with the other thing? Can you describe things in detail?"

"Yes, curious cat, stop acting. You don't know what I am saying, but since you persist, I also give in to his manly needs, Lana. Although I came here as a virgin before becoming his maid, I am proud to have given him mine." Before realizing it, she laughed while continuing to perplex Lana. 

"You mean you engaged in sexual activity with him? Isn't that gross?" She scrunched up her face at the thought. How could a master have sex with his maid? Couldn't he get a girlfriend or some lady?

"Wow, you must be so innocent to call sex gross. I cannot keep saying things like this to you, even though I have not finished what I was doing, so stop being a hindrance." 

Lana considered what she had said as she turned to walk into what she assumed to be his closet. Yes, she knew very little about sex—she just knew that it was something couples did—but she had no idea how it was done or why it was considered pleasurable by some.

She had overheard it from other maids as they talked about their lives and men. It kind of annoyed her to think about Kate making physical contact with Axel.

"Why am I thinking of this? It is none of my business," she whispered, making his bed despite the fact that Kate had already done so. She was clueless about Kate's activities inside. Her gaze landed on the table where she had previously touched his sketchbook, only to find it missing.

She came out with a little smile on her face and walked out of the room like nothing had happened between them. Lana walked to his large window and opened the curtains. She smiled as she took in the view of the surrounding area. She noticed a stable where horses were kept.

"He had horses?" She whispered; she had never ridden one, but she had long to ride one of them. She noticed a young man caressing a black horse; he wore a hat with a full cowboy-like outfit. She wondered how many things Axel had; she hadn't explored the mansion, and she vowed to do it after he left for work.

"We caught him, boss; he is an impostor; he faked himself to be one of us; and according to his tattoo, we found out he was from the Colombian mafia."

Kaivin, one of his best men in his mafia, said this with a smile on his face. Axel wasn't impressed; he had expected things like that from them. Axel had a different personality in different places and times. In his business as a CEO, his personality screamed strictness and coldness, but in his mafia business, his personality screamed heartlessness, coldness, and deadlyness. He doesn't give chances to those who he knows don't need them.

"Kill him and send his dead body to his boss. Axel Morales isn't a man to be toyed with. I am ready to play you in your own games." He mumbled in his deep voice, which doesn't sound attractive but rather scary.

"Yes boss! I guess it's time, boss."

He grabbed his coat and shoved his gun into his pocket. One of his men grabbed his bag and then followed him as he walked towards his car outside, with his driver waiting for him.

"Take me to the mansion." 

Getting to his mansion in 20 minutes, he left the car without his bodyguard opening the door for him. He wasn't in a good mood, learning his brother was coming, and someone impersonating being a member of his mafia was caught. The maids and the guards in the mansion froze as they saw him. Although handsome, he appeared scary, but the maids who saw him approaching with his bodyguards ran back to where they were coming from.

He finally got to his room, and surprisingly, his mood brightened a bit as he saw her.