
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Per time Maid

Lana gasped at his request, wondering if he was serious or just a way to get her in trouble. Draco saw the surprise on her face and could not help but admire her beauty. If she had been his maid instead of Axel's, he would have let her go and started dating her. 

"Please, Mr. Draco, I don't need you to get me into trouble. If I ran away, Mr. Axel could find me anywhere." Lana replied, plucking some of the roses.

"That is why I am his brother. I can take you where he will not find you," he smiled, his gaze fixed on her.

"So, how are you going to get me out of here? This place is heavily guarded, and I am sure you met the guards when you arrived." 

"Don't worry, Lana; I have a way out, and they will not bother to ask why you are leaving. Lana, I am sure this is the call to your freedom you have always desired. I believe you have a family that wants to see you again. So don't pass up the opportunity because you are afraid of my dumb brother." He smiled, pleased that Lana was succumbing to the thoughts.

"Okay, I am on it; I really want to see my family, and it is kind of sick being here." She paused, her thoughts turning to Gwen; she simply could not leave Gwen here, and Gwen was her only friend at the mansion. And leaving her alone after promising to be there for her, just like Gwen promised Lana.

But what can she do? This is an opportunity for her to reconnect with her family. She finally had the idea to tell Gwen so that they could escape together, but she had nowhere to go. Her family had literally sold her for money, and returning to the same family would only make matters worse. 

"Okay, when the right time comes, we will do it," he said, and Lana nodded, trying to hide her happiness as Draco admired her smile and the small dimple on her cheeks.

"Hmm, I will be going inside for now. Thanks for informing me." She said something and then left without hearing his response. Was she truly going to trust him? And why was he offering to let her leave? Still, Axel had not returned, so she took advantage of the opportunity to wander around the hall, where there are numerous framed paintings on the walls. 

Most of them seemed depressing, which piqued her interest. She walked past the paintings, touching them one by one. She saw one painting of two couples holding a little girl and crying, with a dark hew around them and blood trails coming out of their eyes.

"Oh my gosh!" she exclaimed, startled, and turned around to see Fiona approaching her with anger on her face.

"Miss Fiona." Lana tried to explain why she was there, and Fiona slapped her hard across the face twice. Lana's lips had burst, and her cheeks were red. What exactly did she do this time?

"Who granted you permission to come here? Why did you come here, and how dare you?!" Lana could not understand her rage-filled screams. Although she was supposed to be angry after Fiona slapped her without reason, she could feel pain in her eyes. 

"This hall is sacred, and no one is supposed to come here. Who gave you the guts to come here? I suppose because my brother made you his maid and gave you the courage to do whatever you wanted?" 

"I am sorry, Miss Fiona. I did not know. I thought..." Lana had no idea that this hall was off-limits to maids in the mansion, and only Jane was permitted to enter.

"I am calling Jane; she is supposed to tell you the fucking house rules." 

Lana pleaded for her own and Jane's sake. She did not want the poor lady to suffer for the sins she had committed. Although Jane had told her and Gwen that they were not permitted to enter certain halls, she may not have paid attention when Jane described the specific halls.

"Please, Miss Fiona, do not tell the master; Jane had nothing to do with this, and she is innocent. Please, I will do anything you ask of me; do not just tell him." She said so, and Fiona smiled at the idea.

"I have a maid who can handle that for me. But, since you offered, let me tell you what to do: whenever my brother is not present, you will enter my room, and when you arrive, I will tell you what to do; now get out!" She half yelled, and Lana dashed out of the hall, hand on her chest.

"Oh, Lana, do you see what your curiosity has done? You only got yourself in more trouble." She frowned, attempting not to cry. A few minutes later, Fiona summoned her to her room, where she found Gwen standing there, puzzled by what had happened.

"Gwen, I would gladly tell you that you have an opportunity to rest, so please leave my sight." She spoke rudely and smirked at Lana. She was pleased with what she had planned for her. She took a close look at Lana and noticed how beautiful she was, which made her even angrier.

Gwen gave Lana a quick glance before leaving the room. Lana took a deep breath and closed her eyes, ready for whatever Fiona had in mind for her.

"Open your eyes, bitch," she spat out in disgust, which she promptly did. 

"Since my maid has left for her day off, I want you to go to the kitchen and prepare a nice and delicious meal for me while making sure no one helps you." 

"May I have the name of the meal?" Lana was an excellent cook, but she had no idea what Fiona liked or disliked.

"Prepare whatever you want for me, as long as it is delicious and edible. And there is no poison involved, am I clear?" 

"Yes, Miss Fiona."

"Now leave my sight, take your miserable self to the kitchen, and give me food." Lana wanted to roll her eyes, but doing so would only get her into more trouble. She quickly exited the room and headed for the kitchen.

She entered and noticed other maids who were working. She ignored them, frowning, and went to the head kitchen maid.

"Please, Miss Fiona has asked me to prepare a meal for her, and since you are the head kitchen maid, I would like you to allow me to use the food items." She said, and the lady named Emma looked at her from head to toe, judging her in her mind.

"Are you not Master Axel's maid? Why are you working in the kitchen, if I may ask?" she asked.

"It is a long story, but Fiona was angry with me, and in order to avoid further trouble with her and the master, I had to do what she asked. So, please allow me to use the kitchen items to cook." She pleaded, and Emma inhaled deeply before nodding curtly.

"Thank you." 

She followed Emma as she pulled out kitchen supplies such as pots, knives, chopping boards, and other cooking tools. She went to the large smart refrigerator and took out some food items Lana wanted to examine.

She had in mind lasagna and meatloaf. She remembered Hilda telling her to make lasagna for her as her favorite dish because she makes it so tasty.

"What do you intend to cook?" Emma inquired.

"Lasagna and meatloaf," she replied, and Emma left without saying anything. Lana could care less; all she wanted to do was finish the food and give it to Fiona.

It took her 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish. According to her, she prepares this particular food, which requires more cooking time than she previously did.

She served the food perfectly and kept it on a tray. She wiped sweat from her brow with a clean cloth and gladly delivered the food to Fiona's, who was scrolling through her phone.

"Your food is ready," she mumbled, dropping it on a large stool as Fiona had instructed. She stood beside Fiona, who gave her a glare.

"Where is the wine? I do not eat food without wine." She spat like a spoiled little brat, and Lana wanted to yell at her to get it herself. What type of wine addiction does she have? She wondered, then returned to the room with the unopened bottle of wine and a wine glass.

"Pour it into the glass," she instructed, and she did. She opened her meal with satisfaction, and Lana could tell it smelled good despite Fiona's neutral reaction.

She took a bite of the lasagna and ate it slowly, then continued eating it until she had almost finished more than half of it, drank her water and wine, and dropped the spoon, wiping her lips with a clean white napkin. "Not bad," she muttered, and Lana attempted to remove the food from the stool, but Fiona stopped her by slapping her hands away.

"I never asked you to take away the food." She paused, ran to her window, looked through it, and then turned to Lana.

"Get out! My brother has returned," she said, and Lana rushed out of the room, preferring to be with Axel. Fiona was a nuisance, a spoiled adult who behaved primarily like a child.

She was deep in thought and did not realize it until she hit something hard.

"Awww!" she groaned, clutching her nose. She removed her hands and noticed that her nose was bleeding. Looking up, she noticed Axel looking at her with his usual frowning expression on that handsome face.

"Welcome back, master," she said quietly, her hand still on her nose, as she noticed his bodyguards behind him, ready to pounce on her at any moment.

"Follow me!" he ordered, walking past her, and like the obedient puppy, she had no idea what he had in mind.