
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

It's just a dress, mistress!

"Do not spare him," Axel said over the phone in the middle of a conference. Although he had previously postponed the conference, he was disinterested in it and spoke in a somewhat low voice that day because he had no other option.

"In light of the report from this week and the tragic passing of one of our clients, may he rest in peace. We have come to the conclusion that the estate at Ocean View has successfully incorporated new ideas. There are more people applying for yearly and monthly payments. But, boss, we need to add more guidelines. One of our workers, Miss Vivian, stated that she discovered this when she went to inspect an apartment that a tenant had left behind. I am able to demonstrate." As he spoke, a big flat-screen TV came into view when he touched the remote control.

"This is how the tenants left the place cluttered and disorganized. It was reported that the majority of the facilities were pilfered and damaged. As long as they do not buy it, boss, we have to enact strict laws. And if they end up intentionally destroying things, they must do so themselves," he said, to which the rest of the employees applauded.

"That was a good one, Mr. Kent," he muttered before whispering something to Vera, who cleared her throat, drawing everyone's attention as they chatted among themselves.

"Our boss stated that each employee should bring a separate report, and he wants the company to provide one every week."


Axel was not in a good mood; he was so angry throughout the conference that employees and others were terrified. He told his PA only, and she was the one to convey to them what he had in mind, never saying a word. He was not impressed, even though the report was outstanding and impressive. That one call from his clan was enough to make him angry. Stealing things they never worked for was something he had always detested.

"Vera, I will take my leave. If anyone wants to see me, please do so on my behalf," he said, and she bowed slightly, smiling. She trailed him all the way to the ground floor, where his bodyguards retrieved Vera's briefcase.

"If there is anything relevant, I will let you know, boss," she stated, and he did not respond. He got into his car and left the company's line of sight. "Take me to the storehouse," he muttered, wearing his nose mask. 

It took them a short while to arrive at his storehouse, and nobody could have predicted that it was a warehouse brimming with contraband. He walked out without waiting for his bodyguard to open the door and made a quick move to the entrance, with his guards following. Other men guarding the area, as well as workers inside, noticed him and bowed in respect.

"Boss!" Finn, one of the employees, emerged. He led him to a room where he saw one of the workers tied up. With his head turned toward the ground, his two legs dangled from the ceiling. His face was covered in blood, and his cries of desperation echoed throughout the space.

He motioned for his tools, which he called "play tools," and received them.

"It is my turn to play." He spoke coldly, grabbed a baseball bat, and struck him on the leg. 

His screaming terrified the other employees in the room. Axel heard his bones break as he hit him all over, from his pelvis to his ribcage.

"Did you not agree that stealing is unacceptable?" He asked the man who was fainting, whimpering in agony, and fighting to keep his eyes open.

"Please, boss, I am sorry; I swear I was sent. I didn't mean it; please forgive me." Axel wished to hear more than just his sobbing in a whisper.

"You should know me well enough that I won't forgive you." Saying that, he reached for a boxing glove, put it on, and placed the dying man in it.

"It has been a while since I worked out. Let me see if I can still box." He said this while punching himself in the back and abdomen. The other workers found the scene to be agonizing. He cried out until his exhaustion and helplessness filled the room. His throat ached so much that he was unable to cry out.

"Finish him, Craig. Torture him until he dies." Telling the man behind him, he said. Craig was known as the man who derived joy from people's pain. He took the glove from Alex, grinning, because his favorite game was inflicting pain on people.

Axel left him there to do as he pleased, as he had been waiting for just such an opportunity. Back in the car, his thoughts were drawn to the pair of silver-blue eyes. Despite his efforts, his mind continued to defy him. Her shy personality and those innocent big eyes. Since he did not know how to make her his, he chose to have her serve as his maid so he could see her face every day and give her more excuses to be bashful.

His driver looked through the rearview mirror, wondering what would make his boss smile. He had never seen him smile since starting to work for him. Axel did not wait for his door to open when the car pulled up to the grand entrance; instead, he entered the mansion and left his briefcase for his bodyguard to handle.

"Go get Lana," he said to Jane the moment he saw her. Contrarily, Lana gripped her stomach tightly. She had a small lunch and was very hungry. She discovered the servant's kitchen to be locked as she passed it. Although there were maids inside, they were busy making something, and no one was allowed to enter until they were finished.

She had not seen Gwen in a while, and she knew she was having a bad time with Fiona. When she heard the sound of a car, she opened her window and saw Axel emerge with a mask on his face; she could tell he was frowning behind it.

"Oh no," she whispered, clutching her rumbling stomach. She was aware that Ace would punish her without cause, and her hunger had left her without strength. Soon after, a knock interrupted her thoughts.

"Lana, go see the master; he is back." Jane yelled through the door and walked away. Lana wanted to cry at that point, so she gathered her strength and went up the stairs to the upper floor. They were not allowed to use the elevator unless told to. Upon reaching the final step, she took a moment to gather herself before walking down the spacious hallway to his room. She had been at the mansion for days, but it still amazed her so much that she would have taken beautiful pictures of herself there if she had a phone.

She stopped at his golden door and knocked three times; thankfully, he answered, giving her butterflies in her stomach. Hold on, butterflies? She brushed it off and walked in slowly, wearing a pathetic expression.

"Welcome back, master." She slightly lowered her head, her right hand encircling her stomach and her other hand clutching her necklace, as she would whenever she felt anxious. Axel did not give her a glance at first, but as soon as he sensed a pause in their conversation, he raised his head to meet hers.

"Why are you still standing there? Come take off my clothes," he said, and she looked puzzled. A warm flush was creeping up her cheeks. She walked slowly behind him and stood, thinking back to what she should have done first.

"Am I only taking off your jacket?" she asked, her voice becoming hoarse. He could feel her trembling and breathing heavily; he knew something was not right with her, but he did not seem to care. 

"Do you want to see me naked?" he asked, and she quickly shook her head.

"No!" she gasped, burying her face in the ground, and her blushing was clearly visible given her vanilla complexion. This man murdered people in front of her, took away her freedom, and made her his maid. She was supposed to be afraid or angry at him, but he still had the power to make her forget all of that.

"Then do as instructed." When Lana removed his coat, she felt awkward. She was a fairly tall lady, but he towered over her because of his height, giving the impression that she was short. She held his jacket gently and placed it in a laundry basket

"Why are you standing there? "Take off my top as well," he muttered, but his deep voice echoed in her ears. She stood there, staring at him incredulously, trying to figure out whether or not this was a trap and whether or not he was sincere. She finished by helping to take off his shirt after he had unbuttoned it.

"Good lord!" she exclaimed internally as she saw his strong physicality, which was not overly muscular but perfect. He had perfect skin, and even though she had not touched it, one could tell it was smooth. She was standing behind him, staring at his flawlessly sculpted back.

"Now I understand why Kate refuses to leave this position," she whispered again.

"Enjoying the view? What did I tell you about staring?" His voice brought her back to reality. 

"I am so sorry," she whispered softly, her voice slightly deeper than usual, possibly due to her hunger. She felt embarrassed by the loud noises coming from her stomach.

"You have not eaten since then?" he asked, approaching his closet. 

"I ate, but it was not enough," she complained, holding the laundry basket. As soon as she heard him unbuckle his pants, she turned away to avoid looking. Her stomach danced strangely, and her cheeks flushed.

"Oh God, I want to leave," she murmured under her breath. Lana assumed that he had done the same to Kate, which is why she was so enamored with him, and she questioned why he was acting so brazenly. 

"Take it to the laundry and wash it," he instructed, and she heard the door close. The sound of the shower's water running reached her ears as she turned and took a deep breath upon realizing he was gone. She sighed heavily, reaching for the pants and storing them in her basket.

"I am fucking tired." Gwen groaned while ironing Fiona's clothes. Fiona, who had been in the mansion for no other reason than to give her directions and do the most insignificant tasks,. She asked her to fetch tulips from the garden in the late morning, which she did, but she also demanded roses in exchange.

"Oh no," she gasped as she realized her clothes had been burned by the iron. She was sweating profusely, and her hand was shaking. Fiona informed her that this was one of her best dresses. She knew Fiona was cold-blooded and would hurt her without hesitation, so she felt her eyes welling with hot tears. 

"Gwen, you are here?" Lana called as she entered the large room, where she saw Gwen holding a dress.

"I am dead, Lana. Gosh, this will be the end of me," she cried, confusing Lana. She let go of the basket she was carrying and put her hand on Gwen's shoulder.

"What happened, Gwen?" She asked calmly, but Gwen had completely lost it. She started to cry and shudder horribly. Lana noticed this wasn't just the fear of Fiona; it was more like a trauma because of the way she was shaking; she hadn't seen her that way before.

"I burned her dress. Lana, I burned her dress. I am not sure what to do; she is going to kill me." She sobbed and gripped the dress more tightly. Lana grabbed it and fought the urge to exclaim, which would only make her panic worse.

"Geez! Relax, Gwen, take a deep breath, she won't kill you." LanLana gave a soft sigh. She let her cry on her shoulder as she gave her a hug. However, Kate showed up with a sneer plastered on her bitter face.

"You must be Gwen, Miss Fiona requested her lavender-colored dress. She told you to come with it right away." Without glancing at them again, she said that and walked away. Gwen looked at Lana, her mouth trembling, holding her hands together and smiling slightly.

"This is the exact cloth she requested, Lana." 

"Then tell her what you did; if you do not tell her what happened and she finds out later, she will be even angrier than this. I will accompany you. Come on." In her response, Lana forgot that she was hungry and that she needed to wash her clothes. 

She gave Gwen support as they made their way to the location of Fiona's room. Standing by the door, Lana gave her encouragement and knocked before she went inside. 

When she got there, she fell to her knees and burst into tears. Fiona got out of bed and turned to face Kate, looking bewildered in her bathrobe.

"I swear, Miss Fiona, it was an accident. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to do it." She sobbed while holding the dress in her hands. Fiona directed Kate to take the dress from her, which she did and gave to Fiona.

Fiona studied the dress, noticing the burned area. She threw the clothes on her bed in a fit of rage, snatching Gwen by the hair and throwing her to the ground.

"Bitch! You ruined my dress; how dare you? What have I done to deserve this?" She said this as she was slapping Gwen, who begged her to stop. 

"Miss Fiona, release her! It is just an accident!" She stopped hitting her when Lana yelled from outside and banged on her door. She gave Kate the order to open the door, revealing an irate Lana. 

"Well, look who we have here—the nose poker, savior of all kinds. And how does that relate to you?" Fiona asked as she approached her slowly. Her iris was darker, and her eyes were slightly redder. 

"She made a mistake; she apologized, so why can't you forgive her? Aside from that, as the master's sister, I know you must have a large wardrobe. Please miss Fiona; pardon her; she won't repeat such mistakes again." Lana pleaded, her eyes drawn to Gwen, who was sobbing on the bare floor.

"Wow! I love your speech there; it was so heroic. But you cannot convince me, maid; I do not care if you are my brother's maid; I will do whatever I want with you, and no one dares to stop me." She spoke while digging her nails into Lana's chin.

"Miss Fiona, please let her go; she is sorry; it was just a mistake. We are maids, not robots. We are humans with different statuses, but we are still humans. Please consider and forgive her." She said it sternly, looking straight into her eyes, and took Fiona's hand off her chin.

"Let us go, Gwen; it is fine," she said, helping her to her feet. She bowed to Fiona, ignoring their glares, which left her stunned, and they walked away.

"Inform Jane and the other maids in charge of food that no food should be given to Lana. And if anyone dares to do that behind my back, that person will pay with his or her life," she told Kate, making her smile before leaving the room.

"Lana, no one dares speak back to me, not even Jane. I will give you reasons to regret your decision to stand against me."

Fiona beefing with a maid? come on, you're better than this

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