
LANA ( the mafia leader's maid)

She heard nothing more than "Make sure you come back as fast as possible, Lana," before heading out of the house. She was so eager to see what the outside world had to offer that she ran outside with excitement. After collecting her package from the delivery man, she saw a little cat, which caught her attention. “Don’t run, cute little kitten.” She followed the cat with a giggle until she lost sight of it. Turning around, she saw someone holding a stick and biting into a cigarette. He hit her right away. “Let me go! Let me go!” she screamed as she found herself in a very dark locomotive vehicle, which she assumed was a van. In addition to the cries of those inside the van with her, it was incredibly dark. Lana experienced trauma because her family was murdered before her. Lana was kept concealed from the outside world unless she was due to receive something, and her safety was questioned. He is a ruthless, powerful devil in human form known as Axel Morales. He literally has the entire world under his control and can do and undo whatever he wants. People regard him as an angel, a wonderful person, a very wealthy businessman, and a CEO. Even with his good reputation, he is not someone to mess with. Lana had been kidnapped by his men and was brought to him. Although she was expected to be killed in the same way that he had murdered others who posed a threat to him or attempted to escape from him. But something about her makes him want to be closer to her, which he despised. Lana was still in the hands of this man, and her uncle was still looking for her because he was so fixated on keeping her in his domain or killing her to get her wealth. Will her uncle take her away from Morales' protection, or will she be able to stay safe and peaceful?

Ruth_Omoregie · Urban
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

I want her Axel.

Axel observed the middle-aged man, who was still shouting at him. He grinned wickedly as he reclined in his office massage chair.

"You are an evil man, Axel; you are a murderer, a fucking bastard!" He screamed loudly and banged on the Axel's table. Axel, who listened to him with indifference, pulled out a cigarette box, selected a stick, and gave him the rest of the pack.

"I can buy my own cigarette, Axel; besides, I don't smoke." He scowled in response. Axel, who never smiles, started to smile, which only made the man more perplexed.

"Too bad."

"Mr. Gray, all due respect, you are 100% correct about most of what you mentioned about me. I'm cruel; I do drugs, kill people, and crave blood—but I don't kidnap people. They are presented to me just for the purpose of purchase." The man became even more perplexed as he grinned.

"What you just said is completely nonsensical. How could all of this make you feel so proud? People such as yourself belong behind bars, never to be allowed to leave."

Ace kept flashing that evil smile on his face. Whistling as a code signal, he took his phone and called a few of his men. 

Late in the evening, it was. Following the charges Gray leveled against Axel, Gray was headed to the police station when two men arrived and instantly murdered him.

They staged his death to appear accidental. When they realized he had died there and silently managed to damage his car while he was inside, they drove off.


As Axel received the news, he smirked to himself. He grabbed his briefcase, undid his necktie slightly, and gave his secretary the task of contacting his bodyguards. As the men emerged from the building, one of them grabbed his briefcase.

"Mr. Morales, Mr. Morales," called Vera as she chased after him, increasing the volume of her heels so that everybody could hear them. He scowled, realizing that the way she addressed him had drawn the attention of the other workers.

"Vera, what is it? Do you have to call me that way?" Vera winced a little at his sharp question, but she quickly covered it up with a confident look.

"We heard that Mr. Gray had an accident and died there. He is among our financiers." He mocked her statement, acting as though it wasn't his concern.

"so unfortunate." With a grumble, he left the building. Vera frowned at his frigid reply and turned to the employees, who were busy discussing what had occurred.

"Mind your businesses and go home!" she cried angrily as she returned to the elevator. 

Unfortunately, Gray was among the people Axel's memory remembered—the times he had killed those who knew his secret and were threatening it. 

He thought about those gray eyes out of the blue and his thoughts went back. He groaned, his mind filled with images of Lana.

He despised being the one thinking about a lady, even if it was only a maid. He was the kind of guy who was used to having ladies stare at him. However, there was something special about her that drew him in.

"Why don't you have her to yourself and fuck as much as you want? She is such an ethereal beauty." He heard his thoughts within him.

"what is wrong with me?" He let out a growl and violently struck the side of his head.


He noticed Kate racing to greet him and bowing with a cheeky smile as soon as he got out of his car. Occasionally, he would ponder whether she was high or experiencing mental distress. Grabbing his briefcase from one of his guys, she remarked, "Welcome back, master." She then waited for him to pass by her before trailing him.

"Open the door!" Kate was lost in her own thoughts when one of his bodyguards, Silas, spoke to her.

"Oh sorry!" She gave a small laugh, pulled open the door, and gestured for Axel to enter. Without worrying if Kate would catch it or not, he removed his suit jacket and threw it at her.

"Go take it and the other clothes to the laundry room. Likewise with the clothing in the laundry basket. I would like you to do it directly, and I would also like Jane to designate someone to make my dinner and bath." 

Kate's expression sank; she had no option but to comply. After grabbing the wash baskets, she walked out of his room and into the laundry room. Leaving the basket there, she told Jane what Axel had instructed. 

"Master," Jane called as she softly bowed her way into his room. Although she was perplexed when told that she had been assigned someone to do the work Kate generally does.

"What is it, Jane?" he inquired, glancing at the shy woman.

"Please, master, you requested that I send a maid to attend to you instead of Kate. Who do you want me to assign, master?" Observing the frown on his face, she asked.

"Jane, I assumed you knew your job better, and I'm paying you for it. Why don't you ask the girl you sent to bring my breakfast?" He queried while she formed the letter 'o' with her mouth after realizing something.

"I will do that, master." She turned from his room to Lana's with a smile on her face. She knocked before Gwen could respond. When she caught Lana staring into the mirror, she grabbed her wrist and pulled her from her room.

"Jane, why did you do that?" She scowled and massaged her wrist. 

"Follow me," she replied, and she left the servant quarters without waiting for Lana to say anything further. Lana was forced to go after her in order to find out what she was doing. Next, they found themselves in the enormous kitchen of the master suite.

"Please take this food to the master's bedroom. No questions, and when you arrive, always do as he says, regardless of his desire." handing her a tray of food, she remarked.

"Drop this food in the dining hall, and others will help set up the dinner table. When you're finished, go to the master's room and inform him." 

This did not amuse Lana. Why does it have to be her every time, she wondered. and questioned why fate did not always have her in her sights. 

"But Jane, why me? What has happened to Kate? Isn't it her duty? or why didn't you give this task to someone else?" She asked while cautiously handling the meal. All she wanted was to get away from Axel and his sister after finding out about their wicked deeds in order to avoid becoming the next victim.

"Lana, I told you no questions, and that was his instruction, not mine. Now proceed and carry out my instructions," she replied, waving her toward the dining hall.

Lana sighed, her heart pounding harder, fearing what she could have to deal with from him. She went to Axel's room after setting the food on the dining table, which other maids were setting up with additional drinks and food. Her lungs constricted, and her whole body shook. They were doing her no favors at all.

She worked up the nerve to knock, and she succeeded. She heard him say, "Come in." She gingerly opened the door and went inside without making a noise with her sandals.

"Master, the dining table is ready. I left your lunch over there." Angling her gaze downward, she spoke. Instead of answering, he muttered something that she missed.

"Why don't you prepare my bath." She trembled at how coldly he spoke. She didn't know what he liked in that case, which is why she was perplexed at the time.

"Haven't you prepared a bath before?" He questioned her, observing her finger playing and her expression of silence. His gaze shifted to her neck, seeing a necklace encircling it. 

"Master, I know what it is. It's simply that I'm not sure how you prefer your bath to be prepared." She held her necklace pendant and bit her lower lip.

"Then do it the way you know how to." He remarked this while unbuttoning his shirt. She turned to face him and saw him acting in such a way. She was compelled to flush. She hurried to a door and opened it, assuming it led to the bathroom—which was instead his closet.

When she noticed his clothes arranged inside, she gasped. It resembled a store selling clothing and accessories. She shut it after blushing embarrassingly and moved to the other door, which she had not previously noticed. 

Upon realizing it was his restroom, she grinned. It was enormous and magnificent. Gold and black made up the majority of the exquisite design. It had an enormous bathtub and a separate shower. Her eyes landed on the water closet, two sinks, cabinets, and the enormous wall mirror on the opposite side of the bathroom.

She had only ever seen these bathrooms in movies; she had never seen them in real life. She made her way to the bathtub and activated the faucet there. She put the preparation skills Hilda had taught her to use.

"I have prepared it master." She continued to fidget with her jewelry, unsure of how he would react to her actions.

"Leave! and wait outside the room," he cut abruptly, watching as she fled the room. Her response struck him as really adorable and innocent. He frowned at himself when he realized what he had just thought about.


When Lana noticed him leaving his room, he had changed into a new outfit. His shoulders were covered with his black, wavy locks. She was compelled to adore it. His appearance kept making her wonder if he was a magnificent creature in human form or just a human.

"Follow me!" he demanded, not even glancing at her as she hurried forward. He walked quickly, and she felt overwhelmed by his towering stature as she tried to keep up with him. When they arrived at the dining table, Fiona was already seated and staring at her phone.

"i have waited so long Axel." With a moan, she took up her silverware and hurriedly uncovered her meal.

Fiona's intense stare met hers, and she wondered, "Axel is his name?" 

"Who is she? and what brings her here? Isn't Kate supposed to be here, right?" She asked, her gaze fixed on her, with bitterness. Lana started to feel so uneasy that she yearned to get away. She was really hungry after seeing the food on the table. 

"Kate is busy," he said in a quick whisper. Lana stood there observing them eat, and there was a brief pause as they both started to eat. They were making the moaning noises that indicate she was hungry, therefore her stomach was not helping.

"I need a new personal maid, Axel," she sulked as she sipped champagne. 

"What happened to the one you owned? Do not claim that you killed her." When Lana heard that, she froze. She observed Fiona as she grinned and looked at her expressionlessly.

"I don't need a thief as a maid; she is a thief. I want her to be my maid since I need a new one." She pointed at Lana, who shook her head fearfully at the moment.